MPL Community Picture of the Day: Week 64

Week 64! We’re trying something new this week! Fire Emblem is the theme this week, so if you have any new or old images from Awakening, Fates, any of the FE Virtual Console games, or Fire Emblem characters in Smash, send them in! Use the “Weekly Theme” image category when submitting your image!


Although Sakurai has retired his Pictures of the Day for Super Smash Bros, Mario Party Legacy are proud to deliver a community driven series where YOU submit your images for everyone to see! We’re updating EVERY DAY OF THE WEEK! (Please click this to listen to the above in the Announcer’s [not really] voice.)

Want to submit your own image? Use the submission tool at the bottom of this page (before the comments!) to send in your Miiverse posts! You might be able to make it as one of our pictures of the day!

The rules of the CPOTD are in Week 1’s post. Please refer to there if you forget, or are new to the submission process. Check out this image for instructions on uploading to Imgur. And if you want to post Smash 3DS images but you DON’T have a New 3DS, just go to Games and More -> Vault -> Album, choose your image, then select Send -> Post to Miiverse.

Don’t forget, we’ll be making a new post every week! Use the quick navigation tab down the bottom there to go back to previous weeks! If you need a quick reminder of our Disqus rules, please check this page.



Monday, February 22


Bye, Felicia!


Submitted by: SuperZamebzi

Game: Fire Emblem Fates



Tuesday, February 23


Find your own path~


Submitted by: DJ

Game: Fire Emblem Awakening



Wednesday, February 24


Nice knowing you, ruffian.


Submitted by: MQJinx

Game: Fire Emblem Fates



Thursday, February 25


Right on the tip!


Submitted by: Bossblitz

Game: Super Smash Bros. for 3DS



Friday, February 26


After all it is called FIRE Emblem.


Submitted by: Fluttershy64

Game: Fire Emblem Fates



Saturday, February 27



Marth: “My humble thanks to both of you for coming here. It only seemed like yesterday when I said that you would find yourself in this world with me one day; though I hadn’t considered that day to be so soon!”

Corrin (M): “It is an honor to be here, Marth. After hearing you and the others describe this world and the friendships you all have made, I felt as if I had to come here. It must have been fate that our paths crossed again.”

Corrin (F): “Marth, if you don’t mind me asking, what is this world exactly? It doesn’t seem to be quite like the Outrealms back home.”

Marth: “But of course. This is the world of Smash, where champions from many different worlds congregate and celebrate friendship and skill through battle. Our journey together spans many different localities from our champions’ home worlds, as well as a few others.”



Marth: “You might be wondering how multiple worlds can coexist in such a place; to be honest, I cannot explain it myself, but I would say that it is not dissimilar to how the Outrealms work.”

Corrin (M): “Alright. As for where we are, I believe you mentioned that this location is known as the ‘Castle Siege’…?”

Corrin (F): “Are you sure it’s safe to be up here on the balcony? That is a war raging below us, isn’t it?”

Marth: “The battle down below will not impact on our safety, I can guarantee that. Now I should forewarn you that this location is known to suddenly change – something to keep in mind if you find yourself battling here in the future. Wait, here it comes…”



Corrin (F): “Wow, I was not prepared for that rumbling. Huh? We’re inside now?”

Marth: “That is correct. If you turn over to your left, you can see a General and his Royal Guard standing in cold anticipation for an advance party.”

Corrin (M): “This reminds me a little bit of the interior of the Nohrian castles. I fear the time when I have to return to them…”

Corrin (F): “Oh Corrin, part of me really wonders what prompted you to choose Hoshido. I think I can understand your motivations, but you effectively decided to abandon the family that raised you for all your life, for a family you only really met for a few days…”



Corrin (M): “Trust me, I still feel guilt over my choice. But my path is clear from here on. As much as I could question your own decisions, I know you had experience the same doubts as I did, but likewise chose to forge ahead with your heart regardless. Neither of us wanted to have to turn our backs on any of our family. In that way we are really similar.”

Corrin (F): “…I suppose you’re right. Perhaps we both accepted Marth’s invitation because we felt there must have been another way to go about this, and maybe the bonds we form here could make us realize what we could have done… But enough about us, let’s not disappoint Marth any more by rambling on about ourselves.”



Marth: “Oh, that isn’t a problem at all Corrin. We are all friends here, and talking about our past can certainly help us reflect on our future and see it in a more hopeful light. That is what drives us to fight, after all.
Back to this castle hall, you might find that in battle, the statues obstruct your attacks – that’s actually because these statues are destructible. It might be strategic to destroy those and bring down the platforms they hold, but be wary that your opponents can simply go for you instead.”



Corrin (M): “Oh! We’re moving somewhere else again – is this a lava cavern of some sort?”

Marth: “Indeed it is. The Castle Siege is meant to represent common themes in the worlds that we as the so called ‘Fire Emblem’ collective originate from. As generic as they are, it does capture the essence of the environs that we have journeyed through in our quests for emancipation and peace.”

Corrin (F): “Wow, that was quite a poetic description, don’t you think?”

Corrin (M): *nods* “That sounds about right to me!”



Marth: “Well, we have returned to the castle balcony. This tour of the Castle Siege has ended! There is much more to discover, and the others are eager to see you again, so I will leave you in the capable hands of Ike. Please feel free to ask me for any assistance in the future – this world can be quite daunting at first, but we are all here for you.”

Corrin (F): “Thanks so much again Marth! We’ll see you soon.”

Corrin (M): “Take care on the way back! And look over here – Ike!”



Ike: “Corrin and Corrin. Good to see you both here. I take it Marth has given you the warm welcome, explained where you are, and why we’re all here?”

Corrin (M): *nods* “I guess you could put it that way, if somewhat more eloquently.”

Corrin (F): “Shh, Corrin, don’t be so rude! Sorry Ike, Corrin didn’t mean to offend you…”



Ike: “No offence taken. Now I should warn you that in this world of Smash, battles take on a far more frantic nature. It’s not brutal, but you will find that strength and quick tactical thinking tend to be more valuable than trying to plan everything out beforehand. I trust that you have been training?”

Corrin (F): “Absolutely. Both of us have a few tricks up our sleeves that haven’t been seen before, and we’re pretty excited to show everyone! Hey, Corrin! Work with me here please?”

Corrin (M): “Um, don’t you think we should make our way to wherever we were meant to go first, and then talk about our skills?”



Ike: “That reminds me – we’ll be passing through a ruined temple in the world of Hyrule, from ‘The Legend of Zelda’ – before we arrive at our destination, the ‘Coliseum’. I’m sure you’ve fought in a few arena battles yourselves to earn materials and items. Lucina and Robin will meet with you there to train and to discuss your battle strategy.”

Corrin (M): “I knew it! Well we’d better make haste!”

Corrin (F): “Hey, wait up! Don’t leave Ike behind!”

Ike: “Corrin, your female self is right. Actually, there’s a few other people I’d like you to meet en route, so don’t get too far ahead…”



Roy: “More Fire Emblem characters? Wow, that’s totally amazing! Look at how far we’ve come! They’re approaching – that’s Ike over there, and… wait, are they manaketes? Hey! Over here guys!”

Ike: “…so this is Roy, the Young Lion of Pherae. He was Marth’s closest friend back in the day when Marth first arrived in this world. Unfortunately events back at home meant Roy had to make an extended leave, but recently he surprised everyone and returned, better than ever. He’s our boy, that’s for sure.”

Roy: “Pleasure to meet you both. Let me guess… you both have the same name?”

Corrin (M): “Talk about a lucky guess! How did you know? Corrin.”

Corrin (F): “The pleasure is mine, Roy.”



Roy: “Ohhh… so I guess I wasn’t wrong when I thought you were manaketes – you can transform into dragons. That’s actually really cool! I’ll look forward to facing you on the battlefield one of these days! See you around!”

Corrin (F): “You too Roy! …wow, he certainly is full of life, isn’t he?”

Corrin (M): “He does seem like a passionate fellow. I take it he doesn’t really act like this back in Lycia…?”

Ike: *shakes head* “Politics certainly dulls the spark of battle in many of us. I never liked it, and I doubt Marth does either. But Smash is where we can rekindle our spirit of fighting and friendship – and fighting for our friends.”



Robin (F): “Ike! About time you and your entourage showed up!”

Ike: “Oh, Robin, great timing! Let me introduce you to Corrin and Corrin, from the kingdoms of Hoshido and Nohr respectively.”

Corrin (M): “R-Robin? Forgive me for my blunt question, but I only recall meeting a male Robin when I was in my home world, and wore the exact style of robe that you are currently. Could it be that…?”

Robin (F): *laughs* “Don’t worry about it. The answer is in front of you if you take a look at the other Corrin. …I actually mean it, I swear I’m not trying to make a joke!”

Corrin (F): “…oohhh. I see what you’re getting at. Two Robins sharing similar backstories, but different genders… that’s interesting that both you and we have that in common.”



Robin (F): “Tell me about it. I’ve heard rumors about how the two of you are somehow spiritually related to me and the other Robin, which I find a little preposterous. It’s not like we share the same hair color, or personality, or role in our armies…”

Ike: “I don’t see how what other people think has to do with us, if you ask me. We’re all individuals, but share a common drive. And swords, I guess.”

Corrin (M): “We must be doing something right if we’ve all made it in Smash!”

Corrin (F): “That’s exactly right. Robin, we’ll catch up later – Ike’s promised us to get to the Coliseum in quick timing to meet the other Robin and Lucina, we can’t let them down now!”

Robin (F): “I understand. Take care, you three!”



Corrin (M): “Well, we’re finally here. Say, doesn’t this look really familiar…?”

Corrin (F): “I’d say it’s a lot grander – and brighter! – than what I’m used to, but yes, this feels like the arenas back home.”

Ike: “Wow, you two are fast. Well, I have a few things to sort out with Marth and the other champions – Robin and Lucina should be here in any moment. Actually, before I leave – that sword of yours. I’ve seen nothing like it before. Are those edges… moving?”



Corrin (M): “This is the Yato Blade, but it’s a form I’ve never used before personally. If you ask me though, it kind of feels… complete. The Yato I use back home is shaped more like a katana, while Corrin uses one that takes after a broadsword.”

Corrin (F): “The gems on the blade itself seem to correspond with what power it has inherited, so with all four gems it makes sense for it to be at its strongest. It’s still an intriguing design – flaming and with this… do they call it ‘chainsaw’ edge? – but it feels just like the Yato back home.”

Ike: “You might want to ask that question about the chainsaw edge to one of the champions from more modern ages – but thanks for telling me about the Yato. One day I might tell you about my trusty Ragnell. Oh! Here are our friends in the distance now. I’ll see you two around.”

Corrin (both): “Bye Ike!”

Corrin (M): “I guess it’s time to show our friends what we can do! You ready Corrin?”

Corrin (F): “Of course! Let’s do this!”


~To be continued~


Submitted by: 8B1T

Game: Super Smash Bros. for Wii U



Sunday, February 28



Lucina: “Corrin! You came! I’ve missed you both!”

Robin (M): *huff* “Sorry we’re running late. I trust that you have been enjoying your time here so far?”

Corrin (F): “It’s been really great so far. Everyone here has been so kind to us.”

Corrin (M): “It reminds me a lot of the time we provided our hospitality to both of you and to Marth and Ike. For that, we are thankful for everything you’ve done so far.”

Robin (M): “Your thanks is appreciated, but we’ve yet to contribute our part…”



Lucina: *ahem* “Anyway, we’ve brought you here to the Coliseum so we can train together. Being a manakete and a lord is most interesting, and I can’t wait to see what you can do on these battlefields!”

Robin (M): “I’m sure you know this already, but here victory often depends more on strength and battle smarts. Being more of a strategist myself, it can get quite hectic at times. Regardless, we should still strategize how you two will use your skills and abilities in battle…”

Lucina: “You mean, study up on how to exploit their style of combat to your advantage, right?”

Robin (M): “Please don’t say that Lucina… but that is true. But think of it as a learning experience for yourselves as well – and for us as well.”



Lucina: “Don’t mind Robin and his schemes. Now, if I remember correctly, you both possess a skill called Dragon Fang that allows you to morph parts of your body into draconian appendages for more damage. And of course being able to transform into a dragon with the help of a dragonstone.”

Corrin (M): “That’s right Lucina. To be honest, I’m not a fan of reverting to full dragon form unless I must, so I’ve limited myself to using it in a select few circumstances.”

Corrin (F): “On the other hand, we’re both quite comfortable with utilising Dragon Fang to the fullest – I dare say even more than what we’ve shown you back in our home world…”



Corrin (F): “You remember this…?”

Robin (M): “That was a close call! Hmm… that lance-like thrust I recall seeing when I traded blows with you both back in your world. Impressive range indeed – I don’t think I’ve seen anything quite like it.”

Corrin (M): “Much like Marth, you don’t want to be anywhere near the end point of our arm lance. This standard version should be our… I think you term it a ‘forward smash’?”

Corrin (F): “We also have the critical variation of this lance thrust, which we’ve discovered is also really useful on terrain! Here, let me show you…”



Lucina: “Wow…! I’m glad I didn’t get too close that time. Are you pinning the ground here?”

Corrin (M): “There’s a lot more to this move than just piercing the ground! From our anchored position, we can go into a flying kick forward or backward…”

Corrin (F): “…or just jump up to recover! Alternatively, we can wait for a short while and cancel the move out.”

Robin (M): “I don’t suppose you could use this when recovering up a wall as well. What a versatile move indeed.”



Corrin (F): “There’s one more unique property of the critical lance thrust. Corrin, if you don’t mind my demonstrating on you…?”

Corrin (M): “Ugh, always has to be me, doesn’t it… Ack! Hey, I wasn’t ready!”

Lucina: “D-Did you just pin Corrin in place? I hope you haven’t hurt him…!”

Robin (M): “Relax Lucina, you know that any injuries in this world are transient. Hmm… I dare say this move would be exceptionally useful in team battles when cornering a vulnerable opponent.”

Corrin (M): “C-Corrin… can you r-release me please…”



Corrin (M): “Ow… Anyway, the other part of Dragon Fang I trust you recall – the water shot from our jaw hand. That was used as our finisher back in our home world, but we’ve thought about how it could be used differently in a frantic battle. The answer? I’ll let Corrin show you.”

Corrin (F): “By charging it, of course! We can still fire a small shot, but don’t you think bigger is better?”

Robin (M): “Glad to see I’m not the only Fire Emblem representative with a projectile. Increases in size with charging… useful for zoning, hmm. Are there any other special properties with it?”

Lucina: “I would guess by it being water based, that it would deal some extra knockback…?”



Lucina: “Aah! Wait… I was… paralyzed?”

Corrin (F): “Oh gods, I’m so sorry!! I didn’t mean for that to hit you!”

Corrin (M): “Lucina! Are you okay? Curse the gods, we should have warned you…”

Lucina: “I-It’s fine, I’ve had worse. Wait, did I see you charge that jaw hand…?”

Robin (M): “A sound observation. It seems I’ve taught you well Lucina. As for that jaw hand – I dare say using it for offence was a wise decision.”



Corrin (F): “It’s really laggy even if we don’t charge this, but like you’d imagine from a draconic jaw, getting chomped will hurt. A lot.”

Corrin (M): “It’s quite a combination attack when the stunning water shot lands true – but only if we’re close enough. Any more distance and I’d rather pursue with the Yato.”

Robin (M): “Speaking of the Yato, that is a unique blade design. A very Eastern inspired hilt, the flaming display on its foible, and… a chainsaw edge…?”

Lucina: “Does the Yato grant you any special abilities when you wield it, Corrin? The Falchion can be used to heal, for example.”

Corrin (M): “Uhhh… I’m not sure about this form of the Yato to be honest. I know the Yato I usually use makes me swifter and hit harder, and Corrin’s…?”

Corrin (F): “…provides more defence and magical resistance. Nothing as exciting as self-regeneration though…”



Corrin (M): “Speaking of the Yato, there is one property of this ‘chainsaw’ edge that you describe that we only recently discovered – after all, this version of the Yato is as new to us as it is to you. Corrin, if you may be my demonstration…?”

Corrin (F): *sigh* “I guess I had it coming. Here we go… owowowow!!”

Lucina: “It can defend against frontal assaults when Corrin is readying a lance thrust?! By Naga…”

Robin (M): “Corrin, you never fail to surprise me.”



Corrin (F): “Did we mention that we could temporarily revert to dragon form? Corrin, if you don’t mind showing our friends?”

Lucina: “Is that… a counter move?”

Corrin (M): “It’s a bit different to most other ones as these water jets to either side of me will launch opponents upward. This isn’t the only move that uses our dragon form though. …um, Robin, why are you staring at me like that?”

Robin (M): “Such… mystical beauty…”



Corrin (M): “Hey! Were you trying to touch my dragon form just then? How… dare you…!”

Robin (M): “Ugh! What are you doing? Corrin?!”

Corrin (F): “Oh dear… I think Robin made Corrin… just a little bit angry.”

Lucina: “Hey, cut it out you two! We’re not fighting each other here!”



Robin (M): “Whoa! That was a brutal toss! Note to self: don’t… anger a dragon…”

Corrin (M): “Ugh… I’m sorry Robin. I let my rage take over me then…”

Robin (M): “Nonono, allow me to apologise for my rash actions.”

Lucina: “Alright you two, settle down. Wow… I’m at a loss for words, Corrin. I think you’ve shown me and Robin a lot of what we can expect from you on the battlefield. I guess you have a few more secrets, but I think we will appreciate your unique skills better by fighting alongside and against you in matches. Speaking of which… Marth’s just informed me that he wants all of us back at Castle Siege.”

Corrin (F): “Oh? Must be something special if he wants everyone to meet him. Let’s go!”



Marth: “You’ve all arrived. That was impressively swift! Now as to why I’ve called you all so quickly: I just realised that there are eight of us Fire Emblem warriors in total – the perfect number for a battle of grand scale. I was thinking that we split up into four teams of two, just to help the two Corrins become acquainted with how battles work in this world.”

Lucina: “There’s no better opportunity to build our friendship even further! …Corrin, would you mind being my teammate?”

Corrin (F): “Oh! Me? I’d be honored.”

Robin (M): “Guess I’ll pair up with you then Corrin. We avatars need to stick together and tip the scales in our favor!”

Corrin (M): *subdued laughter* “I-I guess so; let’s decide our game plan. Um, Marth, how about the others…?”



Ike: “You need not worry, Corrin. I’ve teamed up with Marth already, and as for Roy and Female Robin, well…”

Roy: “I appreciate the offer of teamwork, but please don’t make this another excuse to try and build up your Support Level with me, okay Robin?”

Robin (F): “Hey! We won’t work together effectively if we don’t at least get up to Support Level B, you know!”

Marth: *sigh* “It’s almost they are a bickering married couple…”

Roy: “I heard that Marth! I’ll take you out first for saying that!”

Ike: “You’ll have to go through me first! No one fights my friends and gets away with it!”

Corrin (M): “…does everyone always try and trash talk each other like this? Wouldn’t that hurt morale more than anything?”

Lucina: “Everyone’s like this before a battle. It’s all in good faith though. Now, prepare yourself!”



Marth: “I am most thankful to all of you for banding together behind our Sword of Light! Now let us dance! May the best team win!”

Corrin (F): “Let’s do this, everyone! …wait, are you guys attacking each other already?”

Robin (M): “The ties that bind us together, in battle and in friendship… Together we ride as one! For Fire Emblem!”




Submitted by: 8B1T

Game: Super Smash Bros. for Wii U



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