Although Sakurai has retired his Pictures of the Day for Super Smash Bros, Mario Party Legacy are proud to deliver a community driven series where YOU submit your images for everyone to see! We’re updating EVERY DAY OF THE WEEK! (Please read that in the Announcer’s voice.)
The rules of the CPOTD are in Week 1’s post. Please refer to there if you forget, or are new to the submission process.
Don’t forget, we’ll be making a new post every week! Use the quick navigation tab down the bottom there to go back to previous weeks!
Monday, December 15
This has been something I wondered about for a while. It turns out you actually can fit 7 characters into one Final Smash, such as Duck Hunt’s.[kkstarratings id=8]
Submitted by: Kirbylover490
Game: Super Smash Bros. for Wii U
Tuesday, December 16
Why would the original give up his Angel Ring, huh?[kkstarratings id=9]
Submitted by: 8B1T
Game: Super Smash Bros. for Wii U
Wednesday, December 17
We are one. We are many. We are the Marios.
Oops, lost a few.[kkstarratings id=10]
Submitted by: Joseph Deitemeyer
Game: Super Mario 3D World
Thursday, December 18
Here’s a “1985” secret from New Super Mario Bros 2. This is in the Gold Classics Pack in Pack 6. Remember, this is your “golden” opportunity to get as rich as Wario![kkstarratings id=11]
Submitted by: Bowser498
Game: New Super Mario Bros. 2
Friday, December 19
See kids? This is what happens when you don’t look both ways, and visit drug stores…[kkstarratings id=12]
Submitted by: Mother4Ever
Game: Super Smash Bros. for Wii U
Saturday, December 20
Hold up a sec, guys! I think we’re doing this wrong…
I think we’re closer this time, but still wrong. Very, VERY wrong.[kkstarratings id=13]
Submitted by: Luigiguy567
Game: Super Smash Bros. for Wii U
Sunday, December 21
I thought a Blue Shell item in SSB4 was painful enough. Now there’s THIS. That “8” over there is going to drive me crazy![kkstarratings id=14]
Submitted by: TwoDreamy Luigi
Game: Super Smash Bros. for Wii U
Feel free to make any suggestions to us, including having themed CPOTDs like the Smash Community on Miiverse are holding right now!
Please submit here! Thanks! If the page reloads, your submission should be in the box, but I’m happy to check for you – just ask.