Pokemon HeartGold Journal

Do you want me to take out the Kanto Gym Leaders in classic order?

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Now for the Sabrina fight. She's a Psychic-Type master, and better then Will that's for sure.
She starts with Espeon Lv53 Calm Mind Shadow Ball Psychic Skill Swap
Strategy: Use a Physical move before it just starts Calm Mind raping with Psychic.
For that role, I need a netural-ish Pokemon. Gimard! Lv50 Blast Burn Shadow Claw Flamethrower Lava Plume
Espeon used Calm Mind
Gimard used Shadow Claw
Espeon used Psychic
Gimard used Shadow Claw
Sabrina used Full Restore
Gimard missed with Blast Burn
Espeon killed Gimard with Shadow Ball
Yoshi Lv49 Same moves as before
Espeon used Calm Mind
Yoshi missed
Espeon is Calm Minding
Yoshi used Hydro Pump and barely did a thing.
Espeon used Psychic and raped Yoshi
Kamek Lv50
Espeon used Shadow Ball
Kamek died
Kumatora Lv50
Kumatora used Shadow Ball
Espeon used Psychic and killed Kumatora
Steve's time to shine
Steve killed Espeon with Sucker Punch
Mrs. Mime is next Lv53 Mimic Light Screen Psychic Skill Swap
Strategy: Get rid of it with a Physical move. It's got crap Physical Defense and you don't want it laying down Light Screen
Steve used Sucker Punch
Mrs. Mime raped Steve with Psychic
I'm throwing out Ozzy, but only to Revive Kamek
Mrs. Mime failed with Mimic
Ozzy flew up
Mrs. Mime failed
Ozzy failed
Mrs. Mime used Psychic
Ozzy lived
Ozzy KOd Mrs. Mime with Cross Poison
And her last Pokemon is big bad Cookieboy17 Lv55 Psychic Reflect Skill Swap Energy Ball (I'll teach that to my Alakazam in Platinum)
I switched back to Kamek
Cookieboy17 used Reflect
Kamek used Shadow Ball
Sitrus Berry took effect
Cookieboy17 used Psychic
Kamek KOd it with Dark Pulse
Kamek grows to level 51
So everyone is at least level 50 besides Yoshi
Blaine's Team
He starts with Magcargo Lv54 Overheat Sunny Day Smog and Rock Slide
Strategy: Water-type moves
I used Yoshi
Surf puts down Magcargo
Magmar is next Lv54 Thunderpunch Confuse Ray Sunny Day Overheat
Strategy: Put it down with Surf
Magmar used Confuse Ray
Yoshi hit itself
Magmar used Sunny Day
Yoshi hit itself
Magmar missed
Yoshi used Hydro Pump
Magmar used Overheat
Yoshi died
Both Magcargo and Magmar are holding White Herbs
I switched to Kamek
Kamek killed Magmar with Shadow Ball
Rapidash is last Lv59! with Overheat Flare Blitz Bounce and Quick Attack
EDIT: Rapidash KOd Kamek with Flare Blitz, then I sent out Alakazam who used Psychic, then Rapidash KOd Alakazam with Flare Blitz, which also knocked out Rapidash. IRONY!
Time to fight Aegis, I mean Blue at Viridian Gym!
He starts with Exeggutor Lv55 Psychic Hypnosis Trick Room and Leaf Storm
Strategy: Use Bug-type moves.
I start with O.Osbourne Lv51 with same movse as usual
Ozzy used Fly
Exeggutor KOd Ozzy with Psychic
I sent out Yoshi
Yoshi KOd Exeggutor with Ice Beam
Blue sends out Machamp Lv56 Stone Edge Dynamicpunch Thunderpunch and Eathquake (I remember him having an Alakazam in G/S/C)
I switched to Kamek
Kamek used Psychic
Machamp used Stone Edge
Kamek used Magical Leaf
Machamp KOd Kamek with Thunderpunch
Sent out Kumatora
Kumatora finished it off with Psychic
Rhydon is next Lv58 Earthquake Stone Edge Thunder Fang and Megahorn
I switched back to Yoshi
Yoshi took it out with Surf
Blue sent out Arcanine Lv58 Extremespeed Roar Flare Blitz and Dragon Pulse
Arcanine used Flare Blitz
Yoshi used Hydro Pump
Blue healed Arcanine
Yoshi used Hydro Pump
Arcanine took out Yoshi with Flaer Blitz
I sent in Steve
Blue used a Full Restore
Steve used Sucker Punch
Arcanine KOd Steve with Flare Blitz
Kumatora took it out with Psychic
Blue switches to Gyarados Lv52 Waterfall Ice Fang Dragon Dance Return
Kumatora used Psychic
Gyarados used Dragon Dance
Kumatora killed it with Psychic
Kumatora leveled Up
Last is Pidgeot Lv60 Whirlwind Mirror Move Return Air Slash
Kumatora used Psychic
Pidgeot's Berry kicked in
Pidgeot used Return
Kumatora used Psychic
Pidgeot KO'd Kumatora with Return
My fate rides wtih Gimard
Blue heals Pidgeot
Gimard used Lava Plume
gimard used Lava Plime
Pidgeot used Return
Gimard KOd Pidgeot with Lava Plume

Oh my god that was irritating. 16 badges down, but I'm not done just yet. There's still 3 more things to do before this Journal can be closed. The Tag Battle, the Johto Gym rematches, and the fight on Mt. Silver.
First of two updates to this journal today.
Clair/Lance Tag Battle
Clair has a Dragonair Lv52 Thunder Wave Thunderbolt Dragon Rush and Flamethrower
Kingdra Lv56 Ice Beam Yawn Dragonbreath Hydro Pump
Dragonite Lv60 Protect Thunder Dragonbreath Hyper Beam
Lance has Gyarados Lv68 Thunder Wave Dragon Dance Ice Fang and Waterfall
Charizard Lv68 Dragon Claw Air Slash Flamethrower Hyper Beam
and Dragonite Lv75! Safeguard Fire Punch Hyper Beam Draco Meteor
Your Rival will have Feraligatr Lv60, Meganium Lv60, or Typhlosion Lv60 depending on your starter, Gengar Lv56 and Crobat Lv58

The other one will be the first three or four Johto Gym Rematches
After you get your 16th Pokemon, you can fight the Johto Gym leaders again. So let's do it!
Round #1: Falkner: To unlock him, talk to him on the 4th floor of the Celadon Dept. Store after beating Fushcia Gym. Then call him on Saturday Morning after getting 16 badges.
Falkner starts with Staraptor Lv50 U-Turn Close Combat Brave Bird Attract Note: It's holding a Sitrus Berry
I started with Ozzy Lv51 Fly Confuse Ray Cross Poison Poison Fang
Ozzy used Cross Poison
Staraptor was poisoned
Staraptor retailiated wih Brave Bird
Staraptor missed with Brave Bird
Ozzy KOd Staraptor with Fly
Honchkrow is next Lv54 Thunder Wave Dark Pulse Night Slash Sucker Punch
I'm going to Yoshi Lv53 Ice Beam Surf Body Slam Hydro Pump
Honchkrow used Night Slash
Yoshi killed it with Ice Beam
Pelipper is next Lv48 Surf Ice Beam Hidden Power Tailwind
I went to Steve Lv50 Poison Jab Psychic Agility Sucker Punch
Pelipper used Surf
Steve used Poison Jab
Steve used Sucker Punch
Pelipper used Surf
Steve KOd Pelipper with Sucker Punch
Steve finally levels up
Next is Noctowl Lv52 Air Slash Shadow Ball Featherdance Roost This is the Pokemon that gave me the most trouble when I practiced this fight.
Switched to Yoshi
Yoshi used Ice Beam
Noctowl used Air Slash
Falkner full restored
Yoshi used Ice Beam
Yoshi KOd it with Body Slam
Next is Swellow Lv52 Protect Double Team Facade and Endeavor. Note: This thing is holding a Flame Orb. If this burns Swellow it'll activate it's Guts ability and make Facade godly.
Swellow used Double Team
Yoshi took it out with Ice Beam
Last is Pidgeot Lv56 Double Team Roost Swagger Return
I just realized these last two Pokemon can't hurt Kamek at all. So I'll throw him out.
Kamek used Psychic
That stupid Double Team
Kamek used Psychic
Pidgeot used Swagger
Kamek hit itself
Pidgeot used Roost
Kamek hit itself
Pidgiot is being a n00b
Kamek used Psychic
Pdgeot used Roost
Kamek used Psychic
Pidgeot is a n00b
Kamek ussed Psychic, butit missed
Pidgeot used Roost
Magical Leaf doesn't miss, but I want a Sp. Modifer first
I use a few X Specials that I always write off as useless
Kamek used Magical Leaf, ooh... didn't do much.
Kamek hit itself
Pidgeot used Roost
Kamek used Dark Pulse
Pidgeot raised Kamek's Attack
Kamek killed itself out of stupidity
Pidgeot used Roost
Pidgeot used Return
Yoshi missed
Used the Hyper Potion
Pidgeot used Return
Swagger used on Yoshi
Yoshi missed with Ice BEam
Pidgeot used Return
Yoshi hit itself
Another Hyper potion
two Returns
Hyper potion
Return from pidgeot
Another Return
Yoshi used Ice Beam and killed Pidgeot

Next is Bugsy. To rematch him, you can find him in Viridian Forest on Thursdays after you've beaten Lance. Then call him on Thursday afternoon
He starts with Scizor Lv56 Swords Dance Superpower Bullet Punch X-Scissor
I'll just sweep his team with Gimard.
Gimard used Lava Plume and killed Scizor
Yanmega's next Lv52 Detect Ancientpower Bug Buzz Air Slash
Gimard used Lava Plume and killed it
Heracross is next Lv54 Counter Megahorn Stone Edge Close Combat
Gimard used Lava Plume and burned Heracross
Gimard got killed by Stone Edge
Well... I'll guess he's going for Pinsir Lv55 Rock Tomb Guillotene X-Scissor Megahorn
I'll go to Ozzy
Pinsir missed wtih Rock Tomb
Ozzy used Fly
Rock Tomb almost kills Ozzy
Pinsir kills Ozzy with X-Scissor
Kumatora kills it with Psychic
Shedninja Lv48 Shadow Sneak X-Scissor Swagger and Toxic Note: It only has 1 HP, but it takes a Super-Effective hit, burn or poison damage to kill it
Kumatora used Shadow Ball and killed it
Vespiquen is last Lv52 Protect Attack Order Defend Order and Confuse Ray It's got a Sitrus Berry
Kumatora used Psychic
The berry kicks in
Vespiquen used Attack Order
Kumatora died
Vespiquen used Protect
Yoshi killed it with Hydro Pump

So no Whitney fight like I planned, but that'll be FUN.
Now it's time for Whitney rematch. To unlock this, talk to her in the Goldenrod Dept. Store anyday from 12 to 4 PM EST after beating the Champ.

Whitney was trouble before, now she's even more trouble. She starts with Girafarig Lv52 Normal/Psychic type Moves are Calm Mind Baton Pass Shadow Ball and Psychic.
I started with Steve Lv51
Yeah pointless Quick Claw when I'm using Sucker Punch
Girafarig used Calm MInd
Steve used Sucker Punch
Girafari used Psychic to kill Steve
I went to Gimard
Gimard killed it with Flamethrower
Bibarel is next. Lv54 Double Team Charge Beam Ice Beam and Surf
I switched to Kamek
Kamek used Magical Leaf
Bibarel used Double Team
Magical Leaf doesn't kill it.
Bibarel used Surf
Whitney healed
Magical Leaf
Kamek used the Drug Joke attack
Bibarel used Surf
Kamek killed Bibarel with dark Pulse
Clefable is next Lv52 Calm Mind Blizzard Thunder and FIre Blast, all powerful moves, but all inaccurate ones.
I sent Kumatora
Kumatora missed
Blizzard hits
Kumatora used focus Blast
Clefable missed
Kumatora "Killed" it with Psychic
Lickilicky! Lv50 Wring Out Flamethorwer Ice Beam Thundrbolt
Kumatora's CalmMinding
Lickilicky used Wring Out
Thunderbolt hits
I healed Kumatora
Lickilicky used Ice Beam and froze Kumatora
I defrosted Kumatora
Lickilicky used Flame Thrower
More Calm Mind Stacks
Another Flamethrower
Kumatora missed
Flamethrower works to burn Kumatora
I Full Restored Kumatora
Ice Beam from Lickilicky
Kumatoar used Psychic and killed Lickilicky
Big Bad Miltank Lv58 Body Slam Attract Sleep Talk Rest Note: It's holding a Lum Berry so it'll wake up immidetly after using Rest
Kumatora killed it with Focus Blast
Kumatora leveled Up
Last is Delcatty Lv54 Fake Out Calm Mind Assist Baton Pass Note: It's ability Normalize mill make it get STAB with any Moves it uses. I think.
Delcatty used Fake Out
Inner Focus prevents flinching
Kumatora takes it out with Psychic

Now for this next fight aginst Morty, I have a special Guest. Since I'm tired of Steve failing so much, I put him away and withdrew the Snorlax I caught
Snorlax Lv50 Block Rollout Crunch Giga Impact
I replaced Rollout with Earthquake

Morty starts with Drifblim Lv52 Thunderbolt Shadow Ball Substitute Destiny Bond
I started with Snorlax
Drifblim used Thunderbolt
Snorlax used Crunch
Driblim's berry kicked in
Leftovers on Snorlax
Crap. Destiny Bond takes us both out
I think Sabeyle is next. Lv52 Fake out Ice Punch Sucker Punch Brick Break
I threwout Gimard
Sableye used Fake Out
Gimard used Lava Plume
Gengar #1 is next Lv57 Same moves as Drifblim
Oh no its not. It's the Second one Also Lv57 Hypnosis Confuse Ray Focus Blast and Shadow Ball
Gengar used Focus Blast
Gimard used Lava Plume
Gengar killed Gimard with Shadow Ball
Kumatora killed it with Psychic
Dusknoir Lv52 Substitute Pain Split Will-O-Wisp Payback
Kumatora used Shadow Ball
Dusknoir used Will-O-Wisp
Kumatora killed it with Shadow Ball
Next is Mismagius Lv54 Mean Look Perish SOng Astonish and Confuse Ray
To be concluded...
Why don't I just skip to the Red fight already? Oh yeah, I'm underleveled. Heh heh.

Well I've got 4 more rematches and 24 more Pokemon to kill, time for the first half, Chuck/Jasmine

Chuck starts with Medicham Lv54 Hi Jump Kick, Psycho Cut, Thunderpunch, Attract

I started with Gimard
Gimard used Flamethrower
Medicham's holding a Sitrus Berry
Medicham used Thunderpunch
Gimard used Shadow Claw
Medicham KOd Gimard with Psycho Cut
My Poison orriented Ozzy is next
Ozzy used Cross Poison
Chuck healed prior
Ozzy flew up
Medicham crashed while using Hi Jump Kick
Ozzy killed it with Fly
Ozzy grew to level 52
Breloom is next Lv54 Substitute Drain Punch Stone Edge and Focus Punch and holding a Toxic Orb
Ozzy used Poison Fang
Breloom missed with Stone Edge
Breloom became poisoned
Ozzy killed it with Cross Poison
Primeape Lv56 Swagger Close Combat Paybak and Thunderpunch
Sticking with Ozzy
Ozzy used Confuse Ray
Primeape hit itself
Primeape used Payback
Ozzy killed it with Fly
Hitmonlee Lv55 Fake Out Bulk Up Hi Jump Kick Blaze Kick
I switched to Kumatora
Hitmonlee used Fake Out
Inner Focus lets the Psychic Attack continue
Kumatora leveled up
Hitmonchan Lv52 Swagger Double Team Focus Punch Mach Punch
Since it can't hurt Mismagius, I'll go with that
Go Kamek.
Chuck withderw Hitmonchan
And sent out Poliwrath Lv60 Substitue Double Team Focus Punch Waterfall
Kamek used Shadow Ball
Poliwrath's Subsititue appeared and Sitrus Berry kicked in
Kamek used Magical Leaf
Poliwrath used Waterfall
Ouch Critical
Kamek died
I threw out Snorlax
Poliwrath tightened its focus
Snorlax made the Substitue dissappear
Poliwrath used Focus Punch to kill Snorlax
Go Ozzy
Ozzy killed it with Fly
Hitmonchan is back out
Ozzy used Poison Fang and got a Critical
Hitmonchan is badly poiosned
Ozzy killed it with Cross Poison
Ozzy leveled Up again

Now for Jasmine again. Her team is really defenseive to make up for her lack of levels
Metagross for example is level 52 Gravity Explosion Meteor Mash Bullet Punch
I sent in Gimard
Gimard used Flamethrower and killed Metagross
Gimard grew to level 52
Empoleon is next! Lv52 Hydro Pump Roar Blizzard and Aqua Jet
I switched to Snorlax
Empoleon used Hydro Pump
Snorlax used Earthquake
Another Critical? I'll take it.
Steelix. Ooh... Lv62 Iron Tail Stealth Rock Roar Stone Edge
I sent in Gimard
Gimard used Blast Burn and killed Steelix
Skarmory! Lv52 Steel Wing Night Slash Air Slash Spikes
Skarmory ued Night Slash
Gimard killed Skarmory with Lava Plume
Magnezone is Next Lv56 Zap Cannon Lock-On Mirror Coat Metal Sound
I used Snorlax
Snorlax killed it with Earthquake. not
Magnezone failed with Mirror Coat
Jasmine healed MAgnezone
Snorlax used Crunch
That damn thing just HAD to live with one HP
Magnezone used Lock-On
Snorlax killed it with Earthquake for sure
Snorlax leveled up
Bronzong is last level 50 Gravity Hypnosis Dream Eater Gyro Ball
Gimard used Flamethrower
Bronzong missed
Gimard killed it with Flamethrower
Gimard leveled up
Gimard wants to learn Double-Edge but went against it.
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