Pokemon HeartGold Journal

Do you want me to take out the Kanto Gym Leaders in classic order?

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Now I'm starting a playtrough of HeartGold. And since I hae nothing else better to do, I decided I'll let you guys know what I'm doing.

I'll have a list of the Pokemon I have and their moveset. Make fun of me all you want, I'll take it since I iz ttly maturer then u.

Moves: Tackle, Leer
Wouldn't you know it I fight the Rival right after I'm done updating this journal? I'll call him Czar for obvious reasons.

After Rival Battle-
Cyndaquil Lv7-Almost Lv8
Tackle, Leer, Smokescreen

Then after all that I go to Route 30 and catch myself the 2nd member of my team Guess Who?
Spinarak Lv2
Poison Sting, String Shot

I'm just going to call him Steve and you're not going to like him. Then he'll win an epic battle, become famous and gets a freakin' Facebook fan page made after him. That's my prediction for Steve.
Now that I'm almost done Sprout Tower, I guess I'll go over my Team's stats again. I caught a Zubat as well.

Zubat Lv8
Leech Life, Supersonic

Cyndaquil Lv8
Tackle Leer Smokescreen

Steve Lv6
Poison Sting, String Shot, Scary Face

I'm sorta deveating from my normal Heartgold team which is typically by now Cyndaquil Mareep and Spinarak. And granted I should be giving most of my Level-Ups to Cyndaquil who'll actually be useful for the Gym Battle or Steve because he's not going to be seeing any real action in the Gym Battle, but oh well.
My team after finishing Sprout Tower

Zubat Lv-9
Leech Life, Supersonic, Astonish

Cyndaquil is the same as last post

Steve Lv-8
Poison Sting, String Shot, Scary Face, Constrict. Why does a Pokemon need 3 moves just to reduce speed? I don't know!

Now for Falkner. I typicly have Mareep by now and that's really recommended, but I'll be different.

Leader Falkner sent out Pidgey
Falkner's Pidgey Lv9 Tackle Sand-Attack
I sent out Cyndaquil
My Cyndaquil Lv10 Tackle Leer Smokescreen Ember

Cyndaquil used Ember
Pidgey missed

Cyndaquil used Ember
Pidgey fanted
Cyndaquil Leveled Up!

Falkner sent out Pidgeotto
Falkner's Pidgeotto Lv13 Tackle Roost Gust

I switched to Zubat
My Zubat Lv9 Leech Life, Supersonic, Astonish

Pidgeotto used Tackle
Zubat used Supersonic
Pidgeotto is confused!

Pidgeotto hit itself
Zubat Leeched Life

Pidgeotto used Tackle
Zubat used Leech Life

Pidgeotto hit itself
Zubat used Leech Life a got a critical!

Pidgeotto hit itself again
Zubat used Supersonic because I thought the Confused status would wear off.

Now it wears off!
Pidgeotto Tackled
Zubat fainted

I threw out Steve and hoped for Roost

But no, Pidgeotto uses Gust
Steve faints! NOOOOO!

Cyndaquil went back out again.

Now it uses Roost!
Cyndaquil used Ember

It used Roost again?!
Well then we use Ember again.

It used Roost again?!
So we did the same thing. This is going on like a freakin' tennis match.

Pidgeotto finally did something else! It used Tackle.
Cyndaquil did the same thing. Meaning Ember again.

I used a Potion
Pidgeotto did Tackle and got a Critical hit
Cyndaquil hung on with 1 HP

So I used another potion and then another potion
Pidgeotto Tackled twice

Pidgeotto Missed with Tackle!
Cyndaquil used Ember

Pidgeotto fainted!

My pokemon after Falkner

Zubat's the same

Cyndaquil Lv12 Tackle Leer Smokescreen Ember

Steve's the same
Got the Pokemon egg at Azelea Town before heading out.

My team halfway through Union Cave

Leech Life, Supersonic, Astonish

Tackle, Leer, Quick Attack, Ember

Poison Sting, Leech Life, Scary Face, Constrict

I know what the 4th member of my team is already, I'll be using one of my favorites from Platinum, and for that matter any Pokemon game. But what will it be?
I actually had the Togepi egg hatch while still in Union Cave. Heh heh.

Anyway after clearing SLOWPOKE Well...

Zubat(I have a nickname for him) Lv-14
Leech Life, Supersonic, Astonish, Bite

Quilava Lv-14
Tackle, Leer, Smokescreen,Ember (still have no idea why I didn't replace Tackle with Quick Attack)

Steve Lv-14
Poison Sting, Leech Life, Scary Face, Constrict (Constrict is going to be replaced with Night Shade)

Recent Activity
Got TwistedSpoon from Tuscany
Togepi hatched
Cleared Union Cave
Defeated Proton
Cyndaquil Evolved
Cleared SLOWPOKE Well
Remember when I said I thought the Rival back in Cherrygrove and then I said I named him Czar for obvious reasons? Well now, he's back!

Rival Czar (or whoever you named him)
If you started with Cyndaquil at the beginning, this fight is easy if you picked up Mareep. But I didn't.

Rival Czar's Gastly
Lv-14 Lick, Spite, Mean Look, Curse

I sent out Zubat
Zubat Lv-15 Leech Life, Supersonic, Astonish, Bite
All my Pokemon are at least Level 15.

Gastly used Mean Look
Zubat can't escape

Zubat used Bite

Gastly used Curse
Gastly commited Suicide! Ha-ha

Zubat grew to level 16

Zubat used Bite, but there wasn't any target...

Czar's Starter Pokemon
Bayleef Lv-18 PoisonPowder Reflect Synthesis RazorLeaf (if you chose Totodile)
Quilava Lv-18 Tackle Leer SmokeScreen Ember (if you chose Chikorita)
Croconaw Lv-18 WaterGun Rage Bite ScaryFace (if you chose Cyndaquil)

Czar sent out Croconaw
I sent out Steve

Steve's Stats Lv-15 PoisonSting LeechLife ScaryFace NightShade

Croconaw used Scary Face
Steve's speed dropped. Ok...

Steve used Night Shade

Croconaw did Scary Face again.
Steve's Speed dropped

Steve used Night Shade

Croconaw did Scary Face
Steve's yadda yadda yadda you already know

Steve used Night Shade

Croconaw finally used something else Water Gun

Steve used Night Shade
Croconaw fainted
Steve grew to Level 16

Czar sent out Zubat
Czar's Zubat has the same moves as my Zubat. His is Level 16.

Zubat did Supersonic
Steve was confused and hit himself

I used a Super Potion
Zubat used Bite

Zubat used Bite

Steve used Night Shade

Zubat's Bite Damage < Steve's Night Shade Damage

Zubat used Bite
A Critical Hit!

Steve used Night Shade

I healed again. I was expecting to use more Super Potions this fight. I lucked out!

Zubat used Bite
Another Critical!

Zubat used Bite
Another Critical?!

Steve KOd himself.

I sent out Quilava

Quilava Lv-16 it Leveled Up Twice defeating Bugsy's Scyther.
Same moves as before

Quilava used Tackle
Zubat fainted

Czar was defeated!

Recent Actvity
Defeated Czar
Defeated Bugsy
Got through Ilex Forest

Now there's more to this update.

Recenter Activity
Made it to Goldenrod
Got the Bicycle
Caught Abra
Abra Evolved
Kadabra was traded into Alakazam

Now my team

O.Osbourne (Zubat)
Lv-16 LeechLife, SuperSonic, Astonish, Bite

Lv-17 Tackle, Leer, Smokescreen, Ember

Lv-17 PoisonSting, LeechLife, ScaryFace, NightShade

Lv-16 Teleport, Confusion, Focus Blast (bought via Goldenrod Dept. Store.)
Now for Whitney fight. I know I missed the fight with Bugsy but oh well.

Whitney sent out Clefairy
Whitney's Clefairy Lv-17 Encore Mimic Doubleslap Metronome

I sent out O.Osbourne
My O.Osbourne Lv-18 Wing Attack Supersonic Astonish (not much help here) Bite

O.Osbourne used Wing Attack

Cute Charm infatuated O.Osbourne

Clefairy used Doubleslap

I switched out to Alakazam
Alakazam Lv-17 Teleport Confusion FocusBlast

Clefairy used Mimic

Alakazam used Confusion
A Critical Hit!

Clefairy fainted

Whitney sent out Miltank
Whitney's Miltank Lv-19 Stomp Attract Milk Drink Rollout

I switched to Quilava
Quilava Lv-18 Tackle Leer Smokescreen Ember

Miltank used Stomp

Quilava just tried spamming Smokescreen as much as it could.

Miltank used Stomp
Quilava fainted

I sent out O.Osbourne

Miltank used Stomp

Zubat used Supersonic

Miltank healed off confused status with Lum Berry

Miltank used Rollout
O.Osbourne fainted

I threw out Steve
Steve Lv-17 PoisonSting LeechLife ScaryFace NightShade

Miltank used Rollout

Steve used Poison Sting

Miltank used Rollout

I sent out Alakazam

Alakazam used Focus Blast

Miltank used Rollout, but missed

Alakazam used Focus Blast
Miltank Fainted
Alakazam grew to Level 18
Alakazam learned Disable

I won!
That makes 3 badges, once Whitney stops crying.
I tried to get Morty to come back to Ecruteak Gym so i could battle him, but guess who I run into first...

Rival Czar fight #3
Rival Czar's Gastly: Lv-20 Lick, ConfuseRay, MeanLook, Curse. Virtually unchanged from the first fight.

I sent out O.Osbourne
O.Osbourne: Lv-19 WingAttack, Supersonic, Astonish, Bite

Gastly used Confuse Ray
O.Osbourne's confused and hit himself.

Gastly used Mean Look
Now O.Osbourne is stuck in the fight.
O.Osbourne hit himself again.

Gastly used Curse
O.Osbourne is cursed

O.Osbourne used Bite
Gastly fainted

Czar sent out Magnemite
Czar's Magnemite: Lv-18 (weakest Pokemon) ThunderShock, Supersonic, Sonicboom, Thunder Wave

I sent out Quilava
Quilava: Lv-19 Same moves as before

Quilava used Ember
Magnemite fainted

Czar threw out Croconaw
Czar's Starter
Bayleef Lv-22 PoisonPowder, Reflect, Synthesis, Magical Leaf (If you started with Totodile)
Quilava Lv-22 Flame Wheel, Quick Attack, Smokescreen, Ember (If you started with Chikorita)
Croconaw Lv-22 Water Gun, Ice Fang, Bite, Scary Face (If you started with Cyndaquil)

I sent out Steve
Steve Lv-20 Poison Sting, Shadow Sneak, Scary Face, Night Shade

Steve used Shadow Sneak
Croconaw used Scary Face

Croconaw used Scary Face
Steve used Night Shade

Night Shade Damage > Shadow Sneak Damage

Croconaw used Ice Fang
Steve used Night Shade

Croconaw used Scary Face
Steve used Night Shade
Croconaw fainted
Steve grew to Level 21

Czar sent out Zubat
Zubat Lv20 Same moves as my Zubat

I sent out Alakazam
Alakazam Lv20 Teleport Confusion Focus Blast Disable

Alakazam used Confusion
Zubat fainted

I won.

Recent Activity
Got to Ecturteak
Defeated Czar
Now the fight with Morty!
My usual team by now: Ariados, Quilava, Flaffy, Farfetch'd (yes I'm serious Farfecth'd), Sudowoodo
Morty sent out Gastly
Morty's Gastly Lv-21 Lick, Spite, MeanLook, Curse. Not a good Gastly to be honest.

I sent out Quilava
Quilava Lv22 Flame Wheel, Leer, Smokescreen, Ember

Gastly used Mean Look
Quilava can't escape

Quilava used Ember

Gastly used Lick

Quilava used Ember
Gastly fainted

Morty sent out Gengar
Morty's Gengar Lv-25 Hypnosis, ShadowBall, MeanLook, SuckerPunch. An alright Gengar. More threating in this game then the original Gold and Silver at least

I sent out... O.Osbourne who evolved into Golbat recently
O.Osbourne Lv-22 Wing Attack, Confuse Ray, Astonish, Bite

Gengar used Shadow Ball
Golbat's Sp.Def fell

O.Osbourne used Confuse Ray
Gengar was confused

Gengar was confused but used Shadow Ball
Golbat fainted

I sent out Steve who also evolved recently
Steve Lv-22 Poison Sting, Shadow Sneak, Scary Face, Night Shade

Steve used Shadow Sneak
Gengar is confused but used Shadowball anyway and got a critical
Steve fainted

I sent out Alakazam
Alakazam Lv22 Miracle Eye, Confusion, Focus Blast, Disable

Alakazam used Disable but missed
Gengar hit himself

Alakazam used Confusion
Gengar fainted

Alakazam grew to level 23

Morty sent out Haunter
Morty's 1st Haunter Lv21 Hypnosis, Dream Eater, Curse, Nightmare. A terrible Haunter.

Alakazam used Confusion
Haunter fainted

Morty sent out his second Haunter
Morty's 2nd Haunter Lv23 Curse, MeanLook, Sucker Punch, Night Shade. Again a terrible Haunter. Better then the first one though.

I re-sent Quilava

Haunter used Mean Look
Quilava can't escape, this reminds me of the anime fight with Morty.

Quilava used Ember

Haunter used Sucker Punch
Quilava used Flame Wheel

Morty used Hyper Potion
Quilava used Flame Wheel

Haunter used Night Shade
Quilava barely fainted

I sent Alakazam back out

Alakazam used Disable,
Haunter's Night Shade was disabled
Haunter can't use the disabled Night Shade!

Alakazam used Miracle Eye
Haunter was identified to be Haunter!

I revived Steve

Haunter used Sucker Punch, but failed

Haunter used Suker Punch
Alakazam used Confusion
Haunter fainted!

Alakazam grew to level 24
Alakazam tried learning Psykickbeam I replaced Disable with Psybeam

And that does it, only Alakazam had its level change.

Recent Activity
Zubat evolved
Spinarak evolved
Got HM Surf
Defeated Morty
I'm waiting till Friday to continue with playing Heartgold, because there's a special Pokemon I want for my team and if you can't already tell what it is since I said the Words "Friday" and "Pokemon", well then you've clearly need to go back and replay the game.
But here's a quick team update to hold you over till then.

Steve-Lv24 Same moves as last time
Quilava-Lv24 Same moves as last time
Alakazam-Lv25 Same moves as last time
O.Osbourne-Lv23 Same moves as last time

Recent Activity
Made it to Olivine
Got HM Strength
Got TM Shadow Claw
Got Magnet from Sunny, not going to be much use I'm afraid. But never got it in SoulSilver.
Lady and Gentlemen I'd like to introduce to you, the 5th member of my team, Tessie! Also known as Lapras.

Tessie-Lv20 Confuse Ray, Ice Shard, Water Pulse, Body Slam

The rest of my team is the same as last time, but later in the day I'll post the battle against Chuck.

Recent Activity
Caught Lapras (Tessie)
Caught Tentacool (HM Slave)
Got Mystic Water item
Got Poison Barb from Frieda
Going through Lighthouse
I've picked up my 6th Pokemon this morning.

Misdreavus (Kamek)
Lv-20 Spite Astonish Confuse Ray Mean Look

I've always said Misdreavus is better then Gengar, and I intend to prove it.

If you didn't get the Forest as a part of the Safari Zone, you can find Misdreavus at night at Cliff Cave, but it appears very rarely.
I spent all that time training, time to see if it pays off.
Battle Vs. Leader Chuck
Chuck sent out Primeape
Primeape-Lv29 Leer, DoubleTeam (n00b), Rock Slide, Focus Punch

I sent out Kamek (Misdreavus)
Kamek Lv24-Psybeam, Astonish, Confuse Ray, Mean Look,

Primeape used Double Team, like a n00b.
Kamek used Psybeam

Primeape used Rock Slide
Kamek used Psybeam

Primeape used Rock SLide
Kamek used Psybeam
Primeape fainted
Kamek grew to level 25

Chuck sent out Poilwrath
Chuck's Poliwrath Lv-31 Hypnosis, Body Slam (thought Mind Reader), Surf, Focus Punch

I sent out Tessie
Tessie Lv-27 Confuse Ray, Ice Shard, Water Pulse, Body Slam

Poliwrath used Hypnosis
Tessie fell asleep

Poliwrath used Focus Punch
Tessie fainted

I threw out O.Osbourne
O.Osbourne Lv-25 Wing Attack, Confuse Ray, Astonish, Bite

O.Osbourne used Wing Attack
Poliwrath used Body Slam? I guess my info was wrong.

O.Osbourne used Confuse Ray
Poliwrath used Surf

O.Osbourne used Wing Attack
Poliwrath used Surf

I threw out Alakazam
Alakazam Lv27 Miracle Eye, Confusion, Focus Blast, Psybeam

Alakazam used Psybeam
Poliwrath fainted

I won

My Team after Chuck

Kamek Lv-25 with same moves as mentioned earlier
Steve is the same
O.Osbourne is the same
Quilava is the same
Tessie is level 27 with the same moves
Alakazam is level 27 with the same moves
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