Pokemon HeartGold Journal

Do you want me to take out the Kanto Gym Leaders in classic order?

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Well I guess I'll just tell you what happened then.

Jasmine sent out Magnamite

I sent out Quilava
Quilava used Fire Blast and Magnimite died.

Jasmine sentout Steelix
Quilava used Fire Blast
Steelix used Rock Throw
Quilava missed with Fire Blast and was then killed by Rock Throw
Then I sent out Alakazam and just wasted Steelix and her other Magnimite with Focus Blast. Too easy.

My Teams Stats and recent events
Quilava Lv-27 Flame Wheel Leer Smokescreen Fire Blast
Kamek Lv-27 Psybeam Charge Beam Astonish Mean Look
Steve Lv-27 Poison Sting Shadow Sneak Scary Face Night Shade
Alakazam Lv-29 Miracle Eye Psybeam Focus Blast Reflect Psybeam
O.Osbourne Lv-27 Fly Confuse Ray Air Cutter Bite
Tessie Lv-27 Confuse Ray Ice Shard Water Pulse Body Slam

Recent Activity
Beat Jasmine
O.Osbourne evolved into Crobat
Got TM Iron Tail
Got TM Charge Beam, taught to Kamek
Got TM Fire Blast at Goldenrod Dept. Store, taught to Quilava
Got TM Hyper Beam at Goldenrod Dept. Store, not sure who to teach to.
47 days since my last update. And we have a Czar fight. Should be fun.

Rival Czar Battle #4
Czar starts with Golbat
Czar's Golbat Lv-30 Air Cutter Bite Confuse Ray Astonish
I threw out Steve because I forgot he started with Golbat
Steve Lv31 Poison Sting Shadow Sneak Scary Face Sucker Punch

Steve used Sucker Punch
Golbat ued Air Cutter
Steve used Sucker Punch
Golbat used Air Cutter
A Critical!
Steve died :(

I sent out O.Osbourne
O.Osbourne Lv30 Fly Confuse Ray Air Cutter Bite
O.Osbourne fkew high
Golbat missed
O.Osbourne used Fly
Golbat fainted
O.Osbourne grew to level 31.

Czar sent out Magnemite
Czar's Magnemite Lv28 Thunder Wave Spark Supersonic Sonicboom

I sent out Quilava
Quilava Lv30 Flame Wheel Leer Smokescreen Fire Blast
Quilava used Fire Blast and Magnemite turns into a smoldering heep.

Czar threw out his Starter
Czar's Meganium Lv32 Poison Powder Reflect Synthesis Petal Dance
Czar's Quilava Lv32 Flame Wheel Quick Attack Smokescreen Swift
Czar's Feraligatr Lv32 Water Gun Ice Fang Crunch Thrash

I switched to Kamek
Kamek Lv33 Psybeam Astonish Charge Beam Mean Look

Kamek used Charge Beam
Kamek's SP. Att rose
Feraligatr used Crunch
I switched to Tessie
Feraligatr used Crunch
I healed Kamek
Feraligatr used Thrash
Feraligatr used Thrash
Tessie used Body Slam
Feraligatr became Parlayzed
Feraligatr became Confused due to Fatigue
I used a Lemonade
Feraligatr hit itself
Tessie used Body Slam
Feraligatr hit itself again
Tessie used Ice Shard
Feraligatr just hung on.
Feraligatr used Thrash
Tessie used Ice Shard and Feraligatr fainted

Czar used Haunter
Czar's Haunter Lv30 Shadow Ball Confuse Ray Mean Look Curse
I re-sent Kamek
Kamek used Psybeam
Haunter used Shadow Ball
Kamek hung on with 1 HP. No Focus Sash
Kamek used Psybeam
Haunter Fainted
Kamek is better then Gastly family! For now...
Czar threw out Sneasel
I threw out Quilava
Czar's Sneasel Lv32 Faint Attack Quick Attack Icy Wind Fury Swipes. A poor Sneasel.
Sneasel used Faint Attack
Quilava missed.
Sneasel KOd Quilava. So much for it being poor!
I sent out Alakazam
Alakazam Lv31 Miracle Eye Recover Focus Blast Psybeam
Alakazam used Focus Blast and missed
Sneasel KOd Alakazam. What?!
I threw out Tessie
Sneasel used Faint Attack
Tessie used Body Slam
Czar: No way...
Don't know why I put that in there but I did.
Sneasel used Faint Attack
Tessie Used Body Slam, got another Critical, and KOd Sneasel.

Team After Czar Battle 4

Kamek Unchanged from data previously mentioned
Steve Unchanged from data previously mentioned
Alakazam Unchanged from data previously mentioned
O.Osbourne Lv31 with same moves
Tessie Unchanged from data previously mentioned
Quilava Unchanged from data previously mentioned
If anyone has Nicknames for Alakazam and Quilava, please feel free to post, but keep it appriopriete.

Recent Activity:
Defeated Clair, not my imtention, but that's what happened.
Passed the test at the Dragon's Den
Got a call to go back to New Bark Town.
Got the Exp. Share from Mr. Pokemon

Pokemon Stats
Tessie Lv34 Confuse Ray Ice Beam Surf Body Slam
O.Osbourne Lv35 Fly Confuse Ray Cross Poison Bite
Alakazam Lv34 Miracle Eye Recover Focus Blast Psybeam
Kamek Lv37 Psybeam Shadow Ball (finally got rid of Astonish) Charge Beam Mean Look
Steve Lv35 Poison Sting Shadow Sneak Scary Face Sucker Punch
Quilava Lv35 Lava Plume (got rid of Flame Wheel) Swift (got rid of Leer) Smokescreen Fire Blast
Now for the fight with Ho-Oh! I'm not going to be un-epic like Espeon and catch it with a Master Ball unless ABSOLUTELY nessecary.

Ho-Oh is Fire/Flying Type Lv45 Ability: Pressure, Moves: Extrasensory, Sacred Fire, Sunny Day, Fire Blast

I start with Typhlosion who is Fire Type  Lv36 Ability: Blaze, Moves: Lava Plume, Swift, Smokescreen, Fire Blast

Ho-Oh used Sacred Fire
Typhlosion used Swift
Ho-Oh used Sacred Fire
Typhlosion used Smokescreen
I used Hyper Potion
Ho-Oh used Sunny Day
I don't have any X Sp. Def...
Ho-Oh used Extrasensory
Typhlosion used Smokescreen
Ho-Oh used Sunny Day?
Typhlosion keeps Smokescreen spamming.
Ho-oh missed with Extrasensory
Guess what I did.
Ho-oh missed with Sacred Fire
Ho-oh used Sunny Day
Ho-oh missed with Sacred Fire
Typhlosion used Lava Plume and barely did more then Swift
Ho-oh used Sunny Day while the sun is still out.
Typhlosion used Fire Blast
Ho-oh hit with Extrasensory
Typhlosion flinched
Another Hyper Potion
Ho-oh missed with it's last Sacred Fire
Ho-oh missed with Extrasensory
Typhlosion hit with Lava Plume
It's knocked to Yellow Health, so I try an Ultra Ball, but it failed
Ho-oh hit me with some attack I didn't see because my dog's antics distractd me
Another Hyper Potion
Ho-oh strikes with Fire Blast and KOs about half of my HP.
Ho-oh used Sunny Day
Typhlosion tried Fire Blast but failed
Ho-oh hits with Extrasensory and knocks me down to Red Health
Typhlosion does the same with Fire Blast
I used yet another Hyper Potion.
Ho-oh misses with Extrasensory, which I think is the only move it has energy to use now.
2nd Ultra Ball get 2 shakes
Ho-oh hits with Fire Blast. So I was wrong.
Ho-oh barely avoids knocking me out with Extrasensory.
Typhlosion hits with Swift
Good thing I bought those Items!
Ho-oh missed with Extrasensory
I threw a Great Ball. I completely failed.
Ho-oh missed. (D'oh it missed!)
Another Great Ball, with not so great results.
Ho-oh missed with Fire Blast
An Ultra Ball gets 1 shake
Ho-oh hits with Fire Blast. It still has Fire Blast PP?
A Great Ball. It fails.
Ho-oh missed
I threw a Luxury Ball and it gets one Shake.
Ho-oh misses
Another Luxury Ball fails
Ho-oh has Fire Blast miss
I use a Ultra Ball and it completely fails
So does Ho-oh
Ho-oh fails again
Typhlosion uses Swift and BARELY aviods knocking out Ho-oh.
I threw a Great Ball and 1 shake
Ho-oh missed with Extrasensory. I'm getting worried it'll start using Struggle.
An Ultra Ball! A fail!
Ho-oh missed
Last Ultra Ball. Not the Last Fail.
Ho-oh missed.
I'm tempted to try the Master Ball, but I threw a Great Ball. It failed
Ho-oh got a hit? I mean Ho-oh got a hit.
Great Ball fail.
Ho-oh knocks out Typhlosion with Extrasensory
I threw out Steve
Steve is Bug/Poison Type Level36 Ability Swarm, Moves: Poison Sting Shadow Sneak, Scary Face, Sucker Punch. Steve's holding a
Quick Claw, and the odd thing is everytime I use a move that goes first the Quick Claw activates, but it stays dormanwith every other move.
I used a Luxury Ball which failed
Ho-oh gets 3 Extrasensory hits in a row and KOs Steve.
I threwout Tessie. Tessie's Water/Ice Type, Level35 with the Moves Confuse Ray, Ice Beam, Surf, Body Slam. Ability Water Absorb.
I caved in and threw a Great Ball with no luck
How is Ho-ohgetting so many Luck Hacks? It's the 4th time in a row it hit with Extrasensory!
Great Ball gets a shake
Ho-oh's Extrasensory streak ends.
Last Great Ball fails.
Ho-oh with another hit.
Last Luxury Ball gets 1 shake.
Ho-oh misses, still not using Struggle.
I caught the Level70 Ho-oh in SoulSilver without the Master Ball. FYI.
Ho-oh hits with Exrasensory and KOs Tessie.
I threw out Alakazam, who is Psychic Type, Level35 with the Ability Inner Focus and Moves Miracle Eye, Recover, Focus Blast, and Shadow Ball. Got rid of Psybeam.
Alakazam used Shadow Ball and KOd Ho-oh.
After all that, I kill Ho-oh. You get another shot after beating the Champion, so that's what I'll do.

The rest of my Team:
Kamek Lv37 Ghost Type, Ability: Levitate Moves: Psybeam Shadow Ball Charge Beam and Mean Look.
O.Osbourne Lv35 Poison/Flying Type Ability: Inner Focus Moves: Fly, Confuse Ray, Cross Poison, Bite

Yeah... so Recent Activity includes:
Watching Czar exit Ecruteak Dance Theater after apparently being wiped out
Got the Master Ball.
And above is my failed attempt of Catching Ho-oh.
Both my Team AND my DSi are rested, and ready to take down Czar again!

Your Rival claims he'll crush you, but since FIVE of his team isn't fully evovled, I don't see that as a possiblity.
Czar starts with Sneasel Lv36 Dark/Ice Type. Ability: Inner Focus Moves: Quick Attack Faint Atack Icy Wind
I start With Alakazam Lv37 Psychic Type Ability Inner Focus Moves: Calm Mind Recover Focus Blast Shadow Ball
Alakazam hits with Focus Blast
Down goes Sneasel!
Steve grew to Lv38.
Haunter is next on Czar's team which is Poison/Ghost type Lv37 Ability Levitate Moves Curse Mean Look Confuse Ray Shadow Ball
I switched to Kamek who's Lv38 Ghost Type Ability Levitate Moves Psybeam Shadow Ball Charge Beam Mean Look
Haunter used Shadow Ball
Kamek uses Shadow Ball
Haunter falls. Kamek lives with 2 HP.
Czar uses his starter, Either Meganium Lv40 Grass Type Ability Overgrow Moves: Reflect Petal Dance PoisonPowder Synthesis,
Feraligatr Lv40 Water Type Ability Torrent Moves Waterfall Slash Ice Fang Crunch, or Tyhplosion Lv40 Fire Type Ability Blaze Moves Lava Plume and Swift. I have to deal with Feraliagtr, and I don' hav an Electric Type, so I used Tessie
Tessie's Lv37 Water/Ice Type Ability Water Absorb Moves Ice Beam Surf Body Slam Dragon Pulse
Feraligatr used Crunch
Tessie used Dragon Pulse.

Czar withdrew Feraligatr and sent out Magneton
Magneton is Electric/Steel Type Lv37 Abiity is Magnet Pull Moves are Spark, Thunder Wave Supersonic and Magnet Bomb
Tessie used Body Slam
I swapped to Typhlosion.
My Typhlosion is Lv38 Fire Type Ability is -gasp- Blaze. Moves are Lava Plume, Shadow Claw, Strength, and Fire Blast
Magneton used Spark
Typhlosion is Paralyzed
Magneton failed with Supersonic
Typhlosion used Lava Plume
Magneton falls.
Czar goes back to Feraligatr.
I swithed to Tessie
Feraligatr used Crunch
Tessie used Body Slam
Both Pokemon continually move spam
Feraligatr used Crunch
Tessie's Defense dropped
Tessie used Body Slam
Feraligatr is Paralyzed
I used a Hyper Potion
Feraligatr gets a Critical Hit with Slash
Tessie used Body Slam
Feraligatr used Waterfall and healed Tessie
Tessie used Dragon Pulse
Feraligatr went down
Czar used Golbat. Golbat is Lv38 Poison/Flying with Bite Confuse Ray and Air Cutter, with the ability Inner Focus.
I sent out O.Osbourne which is Poison/Flying type, also Level38 with Fly, Confuse Ray, Cross Poison, Bite.
O.Osbourne Flew Up
Golbat missed with Confuse Ray
O.Osbourne used Fly
Golbat used Confuse Ray
O.Osbourne hit itself
Golbat missed with Air Cutter
O.Osbourne hit itself
Golbat used Air Cutter
O.Osbourne hit itself AGAIN!
Golbat used Air Cutter
O.Osbourne used Confuse Ray
Golbat's confused and hit itself
Apparently the Zubat family has a s&*%load of problems with Confused conditon
O.Osbourne FLew Up
Golbat missed
O.Osbourne used Fly
Golbat KOd itself. Now I know what suicide looks like.
Czar's Final Pokemon is Kadabra Psychic Type Lv37 with Reflect Disable and Psybeam
I went to Steve Bug/Poison Type Lv38 with the Ability Swarm and Moves Poison Sting Shadow Sneak Agility and Sucker Punch
Steve used Sucker Punch
Kadabra falls.
Steve grew to Level 39.

Czar was defeated.

And I get a randm Golbat encounter RIGHT at the exit to Victory Road.
Pikachu said:
I used the Master Ball to capture Ho-oh. Right at the start of the battle. :p
Well I think there are more valuable Pokemon to used the Master Ball on. Like Latios or Raikou. Ho-oh you have a re-match after the League. Which starts now!

Will, the Phykick type master. Starts with Xatu #1.
Xatu#1 is Level 40, Phykick/Flying Type Ability Synchronize, Moves Me First U-Turn Confuse Ray Psychic
I start with Tessie Lv38 Water/Ice Type Ability Water Absorb, Moves Ice Beam Surf Body Slam, Dragon Pulse
Xatu used Me First and attacked w/Ice Beam
Tessie used Ice Beam
Xatu falls.
Will sent out Jynx Ice/Phykick type Ability Oblivious Moves Doubleslap, Lovely Kiss, Ice Punch, Psychic
I sent out Typhlosion Lv39 Ability Blaze Moves Lava Plume Shadow Claw Strength Fire Blast.
Both Pokemon out there are the same gender, so this can get really wrong really fast.
Jynx uses Phykick
Typhlosion Sp.Def falls
Jynx gets killed by Fire Blast
Slowbro's next Lv41 Water/Phykick Type Curse Amnesia Water Pulse Psychic with the ability Own Tempo
Alakazam is next for me Phykick Type Lv39 Calm Mind Recover Focus Blast Shadow Ball
Alakazam uses Calm Mind
SlowBro uses Curse, makes sense since Alakazam is such an AMAZING Physical Attacker.
More Calm Mind Stacking
More Curse Stacking
Alakazam used Shadow Ball
Slowbro isn't surviving the Calm Mind Stacks
Xatu#2 is next for Will. Lv42 Phykick/Flying Type Ability Early Bird & Moves are Aerial Ace Confuse Ray Ominus Wind and dun-dun-da-da! Phykick.
Alakazam just destroys everything with the Calm Mind stacks
Last is Exeggutor. Grass/Phykick Lv41 Chlorophyll for an ability. Moves Reflect Hypnosis Egg Bomb and dun-dun-da-da! Phykick.
Hmm... I wonder what Pokemon moved first and what attack I used to kill Exeggutor? Might it be Alakazam and Shadow Ball?
Alakazam Leveled Up. And what a fitting end. Alakazam learne Phykick after beating a quote unquote "Phykick Master".

Now for Koga
Koga's First Pokemon is Ariados Bug/Poison Lv40 Poison Jab Baton Pass Spider Web and Giga Drain. And Insomnia prevents it from being put to sleep.
My First Pokemon is Kamek Ghost Type L39 Psybeam Shadow Ball Charge Beam Mean Look w/Levitate
Kamek used Psybeam
Ariados used Poison Jab
Kmek used Psybeam
Ariados used Poison Jab
Koga full restored
Kamek used Psybeam
Kamek Criticaled with Psybeam
Ariados fell
Koga sent out Muk. Poison Type Lv42 with a Sticky Hold as an ability I think... Gunk Shot Toxic Minimize and Screech
I could just send out Alakazam and waste it with Phykick, bu I went to my Own Ariados, Steve.
Steve's Poison/Bug Lv39 Poison Sting Shadow Sneak Agility Sucker Punch
Quik Claw
Steve used Agility
Muk used Gunk Shot. Did more then I'd prefer.
Steve failed with Sucker Punch
Mukused Minimize! f***
Sucker Punch works
So does Gunk Shot
I swapped to Alakazam
Alakazam is killed by Gunk Shot
Muk heals w/Black Sludge
I sent out Tessie
Tessie used Ice Beam
Muk continues to Spam Minimize. This is just like SuperSkarmory's fight.
Ice Beam continues to succeed
Minimize... oh yeah and Black Sludge
A third hit w/Ice Beam
Gunk Shot poison Tessie
Tessie gets the Job done with Ice Beam
Crobat's next. Lv44 Poison/Flying Inner Focus and Moves Double Team Wing Attack Poison Fang
I went to Steve but switched to O.Osbourne my Crobat. Lv39 Poison/Flying Inner Focus Moves Fly Confuse Ray Cross Poison Poison Fang
K.Crobat Double Team Spams
O.Osbourne misses with Fly
Crobat uses Wing Attack
O.Osbourne gets ready for Fly
I Max Revive Alakazam
Can it STOP SPAMING and fight with honor?
Confuse Ray hits though, that'll show him.
It hits itself trying Double Team spamming. Sweet Justice
O.Osbourne used Fly
Wing Attack almost KOs O.Osbourne
Both Crobat's miss.
Crobat KOs Ozzy.
Alakazam goes out, hoping its Faster
Crobat is faster, but Psychic rapes everything like normal, so no worries!
Forretress Bug/Steel Lv43 with s*** for moves. Protect Explosion Swift and Toxic Spikes. I guess Toxic Spikes are ok.
Typhlosion comes out and incinerates Forretress.
Venomoth is last. Bug/Poison Lv41 Supersonic Gust Phykick Toxic
Venomoth uses Phykick.
n00b! Kamek isn't Gengar, Kamek's Pure Ghost.
Psybeam from Kamek
Gust from Venomoth
Venomoth use Toxic
Kamek used Shadow Ball
Venomoth used Phykick
Kamek uses Shadow Ball, and Venomoth BARELY lives. ARGH!
Back to Typhlosion
Koga Full Restores. Expected actually.
Toxic from Venomoth
Venomoth gets roasted from Fire Blast.
Koga goes down.

The rest of the Elite 4 will be next week.
Bruno and Karen fights!
Starting with Bruno. The Elite 4 member from Kanto is back.
Hitmontop Lv42 Fighting-Type, Ability Technician Moves Counter, Dig, Quick Attack, and Triple Kick
I start with Kamek, Lv39 with no changes from last time.
I started with Kamek for an obvious reason: Hitmontop has no moves that can harm Misdreavus! All are useless due to ability and type. So this should be a snap!
Kamek used Psybeam, which didn't do a lot of damage.
Hitmontop dug in the ground
Kamek used Charge Beam
Sp.Att boost.
Why does it continue to used Dig?
I'm just using Mean Look to keep in Hitmontop.
On the plus side for Bruno, Kamek is missing with attacks...
Shadow Ball from Kamek lowers Hitmontop's Sp.Def.
Fails on both sides
Psybeam finishes off Hitmontop
Hitmonlee is next Lv42 Fighting-Type Reckless Ability, Moves: Swagger (ARRGH!) Focus Energy Hi Jump Kick Blaze Kick. The only thing that can hit me is Blaze Kick. Which is interesting to see on Hitmonlee.
Hitmonlee used Swagger
Kamek hit itself.
Blaze Kick.
Psybeam hits, but no confusion.
I have no real healing items... Poor planning on my part.
Blaze Kick KOs Kamek
to Alakazam with his Phykick powers!
Alakazam rapes with Phykick.
Tessie Leveled Up.
Onix next. WHY on Johto does he have an Onix when Jasmine had a Steelix? I don't get it! Onix Lv43 with Sturdy as an ability, and Moves Dragon Breath Earthquake Sandstorm and Rock Slide. Rock Slide the one I'm really worried about since I sent Tessie.
Lv39 Ice/Water with no changes in Move Set
Onix used Rock Slide
How did I get Outsped by f***in' Onix?
Surf kills it anyway.
Hitmonchan is next, Lv42 Fighting with Iron Fist ability attacks Bullet Punch Ice Punch Thunder Punch Fire Punch.
Back to Alakazam
I'm hoping it doesn't use Bullet Punch
Alakazam used Phykick, and as expected it rapes. Last is Machamp.
Machamp Lv46 pure Fighting with Cross Chop Foresight Revenge Rock Slide.
Going to Ozzy.
Ozzy used Confuse Ray
Machamp hit itself
Ozzy took off.
Machamp hits with Rock Slide and breaks confusion. WHAT?!
Alakazam with Psychic raping it to death.

Now Karen's Team.
Karen starts with Umbreon Lv42. What's with Elite Fours and Lv42? Each member has at least one Lv42 Pokemon. Their just toying with me! My highest is 40. Umbreon is Pure Dark Type, Synchronize and moves Double Team Confuse Ray Faint Attack Payback
I start with Typhlosion Lv39 and nothing else important.
I used Lava Plume. Didn't do much...
Evasion n00bs FTL.
Lava Plume by me, Double Team by Umbreon.
Another LAva Plume
Umbreon is burned, and Synchronize has no effect since Tyhplosion is Fire Type.
Karen Full Restores
I used Strenght
Fire Blast criicals and Umbreon is back to Red Health. I'm just in awe that it hit!
Lava Plume KOs Umbreon.
Murkrow next, really pathetic. Lv44 Sucker Punch Faint Attack Whirlwind and Pluck
Which it just used
Tessie is what I threw out who KOs Murkrow with Ice Beam
VilePlume is next. Stunspore Acid Moonlight Petal Dance Lv42
I sent out Ozzy.
Ozzy flies up.
Vileplume misses
Ozzy hits
Vileplume misses with Stunspore
Ozzy KOs Vileplume
Houndoom next Lv47 Nasty Plot Crunch Flamethrower Dark Pulse
Ozzy's somewhat of a tank so I stick with him.
Ozzy uses Cross Poison
Ozzy gets Kod by Flamethrower.
Sorry Ozzy. You weren't a good enough Tank.
I send out Alakazam
I use Focus Blast. It worked!
Down goes Houndoom! Down goes Houndoom!
Tessie Levels up!
Last is Gengar. This is a pretty crappy Gengar LV45 Lick Spite Destiny Bond Focus Blast. You can sorta guess what I'm using.
Gengar uses Lick
Kamek uses Shadow Ball
I Max Potion Kamek.
Gengar uses Lick getting a Critical.
Gengar uses Destiny Bond?! Cheap!
Both Kamek and Gengar KO. What Gengar couldn't do it himself? Whatever. Misdreavus beat Gengar, that's what I set out to prove. Mission Accomplished.

Champion goes up tomorrow. I mean Saturday. FireRed goes up tomorrow.
Now it's time for Lance! The Flying type master! And that isn't a mistake on my part, He calls himself a Dragon Type master, but I call him a Flying type master because all of his team are part Flying Type.

This is going to be a challenge for me beacuse I have over 150,000 dollars, but no healing items (excluding Revives) and Pokemon 39-40s. Yeah I'm probably going to fail, if I live, then yay.

First Pokemon is Gyarados Lv 46 Flail WaterFall Dragon Pulse Ice Fang Water/Flying with Intimidate.
I started with Steve. Lv 39 Bug/Poison With Swarm ability Moves Poison Sting Shadow Sneak Agility Sucker Punch.
Gyarados used Water Fall
Steve used Poison Sting
Lance withdrew Gyarados and sent out Aerodactyl Lv48 Rock/Flying Aerial Ace Rock Slide Thunder Fang and Crunch
Steve failed with Sucker Punch
Steve used Shadow Sneak
Aerodactyl used Rock Slide
I sent ou Tessie Lv40 Surf Ice Beam Body Slam Dragon Pulse Water/Ice With Water Absorb
Aerodactyl used Rock Slide
Tessie Flinched
Tessie got KOd by Thunder Fang, and then everything else I sent out fell to Aerodactyl.

Hmm I failed becasue I had ZERO healing items no doubt. I gotta redo the Elite Four, so I'll do that again.
NOW It's time for Lance the FLYING type master. I've already KOd Aerodactyl and Gyarados, who's stats are already in the journal, so we'll start with Dragonite I assume it's one of his 2 Lv49s (Which is illegal you know!)
It is one of his two Lv49s Dragon/Flying type Inner Focus Ability Moves are Dragon Rush Thunder/Blizzard Thunder Wave Hyper Beam
I threw out Ozzy Lv41 Poison Fang Cross Poison Confuse Ray Fly
I'm just using Crobat to heal Tessie
Dragonite hits with Thunder.
Ozzy was fried!
Tessie Lv42 Ice Beam Surf Body Slam Dragon Pulse
Dragonite used Thunder Wave
Tessie used Ice Beam
Dragonite #1 fainted
He's sending out another Dragonite, This one is the other Lv49.
Dragonite missed with Dragon Rush, but Tessie's Paralyzed
Dragonite missed again
Tessie used Ice Beam
Dragonite #2 Fainted
And his last Dragonite Lv50 Dragon/Flying type (as if you expected anything else) Ability Inner Focus moves are Outrage Safeguard Fire Blast Hyper Beam
Dragonite used Outrage
Tessie was paralyzed
I used a full restore
Dragonite used Outrage
Dragonite was confused
I used a Hyper Potion
Dragonite hit itself
Dragonite used Outrage and snapped out of confusion
Tessie used Ice Beam
Dragonite #3 fainted
Tessie grew to Level 43
Tessie wanted to learn Safeguard, but decided against it.
Last is Charizard Lv48 Fire/Flying Ability is obviously Blaze Moves are Air Slash Shadow Claw Dragon Claw Fire Fang
I went to Typhlosion Lv41 Fire Type Blaze Ability Moves Lava Plume Fire Blast Strength Shadow Claw
Charizard used Air Slash
Typhlosion flinched
Charizard used Air Slash and criticaled
Typhlosion fainted
Steve is next Lv41 (All my team is Lv41 besides Alakazam and Tessie) Poison Sting Shadow Sneak Agility Sucker Punch
Like Ozzy, just used for healing Tessie.
I resent out Tessie
The stats of Kamek and Alakazam
Kamek Lv41 Psybeam Shadow Ball Perish Song Mean Look
Alakazam Lv42 Phykick Calm Mind Shadow Ball Focus Blast
Back to good ol' Tessie.
Charizard used Air Slash
(In the old games it would only use Flamethrower, now it's only using Air Slash)
Tessie used Surf
Charizard used Air Slash
Tessie KOd Charizard with Surf.
I won! Eat it Murphy's Law I Won!

Well that was exciting... I'll do the post-game during the summer. Why? 'Cause I'm doing the FireRed Journal still.
I did some things to prep for Kanto. Here's a list.

Evovled Kamek into Mismagius (Done by buying Dusk Stone at Pokeatholon after getting National Dex.)
Gave Alakazam nickname. I'll tell you what that is when I get in a Gym Battle, or any other important fight.
Got Strength off of Typhlosion (Still no nickname)
Took the S.S. (Aqua?) to Kanto.
Got Psychic TM, did I teach it to Kamek? Probably.
Leveled up my entire team to level 43.
Time for the Kanto half of the game!
I've decided to go through the Gym Leaders in Classic Order, that being: Brock, Misty, Lt. Surge, Erika, Janine, Sabrina, Blaine, & Blue!

First is Brock, he starts with Graveler Lv51 Defense Curl Earthquake Rock Slide and Rollout
Strategy: Laugh at its terrible Sp. Def.
I start with the newly named Lapras: Yoshi! So happy! Lv44 Surf Ice Beam Body Slam Dragon Pulse
Yoshi puts it down with Surf
Ozzy grew to level 45
Tried learning Haze, but that's a terrible move, so no go on my team.
Next is Rhyhorn Lv51 Earthquake Horn Drill Scary Face Sandstorm
Strategy: Same as Graveler
Yoshi uses Surf (What you expected Body Slam?)
Next is Onix. WHY on Johto does he have an Onix when Jasmine had a Steelix? Were they partying and went like, oh they'll never figure out Jasmine had a Steelix. They're stupid they'l never figure it out. Well I Did! Lv54 Screech Iron Tail Rock Slide Sandstorm
Strategy: Same as Graveler and Rhyhorn
Why didn't he use Omastar or Kabutops?
Oh well, Surf kills it all the same.
Oh wait Onix uses Sandstorm first.
Next is Omastar Lv53 Protect (ARRGH!) Ancinetpower Spike Cannon (seriously?) and Brine
Strategy: Hit it with a good Grass-Type move and it'll go down pretty easily.
I went to the new and improved Kamek Lv45 Psychic Shadow Ball Magical Leaf (no drug jokes please) Mean Look
Kamek used Magical Leaf
Omastar used Brine
Kamek was hit by Sandstorm (You'd think since it has Levitate it wouldn't do anything)
Magical Leaf KOs Omastar
Lastly is Kabutops Lv52 Endure Aqua Jet Rock Slide Giga Drain
Strategy: Same as Omastar
It itches? Wtf does that mean? Oh well thats what Brock said.
Kabutops nearly KOd Kamek, but the Sandstorm does
Kamek gets in a Magical Leaf
Kumatora, my Alakazam Lv45 Psychic Shadow Ball Focus Blast Calm Mind
Kumatora KOd it with Focus Blast

Other Recent Activity
Caught Snorlax
Solved Power Plant Problem
Got Shadow Tag for Mismagius
Nicknamed Typhlosion "Gimard"
Czar found me in Mt. Moon, so if you put 2 and 2 together, you get a rival fight. (And 4)
He admitted I'm strong. My victory is sure.
He starts with Sneasel Lv46 Faint Attack Shadow Claw Ice Wind Quick Attack
Strategy: Hit with a Fighting-type move.
My first is Kumatora Lv47 Focus Blast Psychic Shadow Ball Calm Mind
Kumatora used Focus Blast
Sneasel fainted
Steve grew to Level 48
Next is Gengar, this ones better then the one Karen had. Lv48 Confuse Ray Curse Mean Look Shadow Ball
Strategy: Use a Normal Type with any non-Normal-Type or Fighting-Type move. Snorlax for example
I went with Kamek Lv47 Shadow Ball Magical Leaf Psychic Dark Pulse
Gengar used Mean Look
Kamek used Shadow Ball and KOd it
Still think Gengar's better?
Feraligatr is next
Czar's Starters: Meganium Lv50 Reflect Petal Dance Poison Powder Synthesis Feraligatr Lv50 Waterfall Ice Fang Slash Crunch Typhlosion Lv50 Lava Plume Swift Flame Wheel Quick Attack?!
Strategy: Feraligatr is the hardest, since it has good counters to its weaknesses. The others will go down with a good Super-Effective hit.
I'll take Ozzy Lv46 Cross Poison Fly Confuse Ray Poison Fang
Ozzy used Cross Poison
Feraligatr used Ice Fang and KOd Ozzy
The only Pokemon that resist Feraligatr's attacks are Steve and Yoshi
I went with Yoshi Lv47 Surf Ice Beam Dragon Pulse Body Slam
Feraligatr used Slash
Yoshi used Body Slam
Feraligatr used Slash
Yoshi used Body Slam
Czar withdrew Feraligatr and sent out Magneton Lv46 Discharge Thunder Wave Magnet Bomb Supersonic
Strategy: Use a good Ground-Type Move. If you don't have one of those, Fire or Physical moves work too.
Yoshi used Body Slam
Magneton used Discharge
Yoshi used Surf
Magnet Bomb KOs Yoshi
NO Yoshi!
Gimard Lv46 Lava Plume Shadow Claw Blast Burn Flamethrower
Gimard used Flamethrower and KOd it
Back to Feraligatr for Czar
Let's go with Steve Lv48 Poison Sting Psychic Agility Sucker Punch
Steve used Sucker Punch
Feraligatr used Waterfall
Steve used Sucker Punch
Feraligatr used Ice Fang
BOTH barely live
Feraligatr used Slash
Steve died
Gimard used Shadow Claw
Feraligatr died
Gimard leveled up
Golbat is next (Any guess why this isn't evolved?) Lv 47 Poison Fang Air Cutter Bite Confuse Ray
Strategy: Try to outspeed it and take it out before it uses Confuse Ray
Gimard used Blast Burn
Golbat died
He dares to use Alakazam?! Lv48 Psychic Reflect Recover Disable
Strateg: Use a Physical Attack of any kind. Except Fighting
Well I'll go with my Alakazam again
Kumatora used Shadow Ball
Alakazam had it's Sp. Def fall
Alakazam used Reflect
Kumatora KOd Alakazam with Shadow Ball

Other stuff
Got Magnet Train pass
Got Silver Wing
Got Dark Pulse TM for Kamek
Ah... Misty. The Forum's favorite female protaganist from the Anime. She must be defeated next.
She starts with Golduck Lv49 Water Pulse Psychic Disable Psych Up (It's only Water-type) Ability is Damp
I went with Yoshi Lv47 Body Slam Dragon Pulse Surf Ice Beam
Golduck used Psychic
Yoshi used Body Slam
Golduck disabled Body Slam
Golduck used Psychic
Yoshi used Dragon Pulse
It's a spam fest!
Misty Full Restored
I used a Lemonade on Yoshi
Golduck disabled Dragon Pulse
Yoshi used Body Slam
I used a Hyper Potion
Golduck used Psychic and got a critical
How many Psychic's does it have?
Golduck went down doing Psychic
Yoshi KOd it with Body Slam
Next is Quagsire Lv49 Water/Ground Water Pulse Amnesia Earthquake Rain Dance Ability is Water Absorb
I went with Kamek Lv48 Psychic Shadow Ball Magical Leaf Dark Pulse
Kamek used Magical Leaf
Quagsire lived and used Amnesia
Kamek KOd it with Dark Pulse
Next is Starmie Lv54 Water Pulse Confuse Ray Ice Beam Recover
Staying With Kamek
Starmie used Confuse Ray
Kamek used Shadow Ball
Starmie recovered with Sitrus Berry
Starmie used Ice Beam
Kamek hit itself
Starmie used Ice Beam
Kamek KOd it with Shadow Ball
Last is Lapras Lv52 Ice Beam Surf Body Slam and Sing With ability Shell Armor
Going with Kumatora Lv47 Same moves as before
Kumatora missed
Lapras missed
Kumatora used Focus Blast
Lapras keeps missing with Sing
Kumatora missed
Lapras sang the Lapras song, and it was so boring it put Kumatora to sleep
I used a Chesto Berry on Kumatora
Lapras used Ice Beam
Kumatora KOd it with Psychic
Ozzy & Kumatora grew to Lv48 Now the only Pokemon Lv47 are Yoshi and Gimard
And now for the American stereo-type Lt. Surge. I'm going to rely on Typhlosion and Ariados since I never healed and Ozzy's paralyzed
His first Pokemon is Raichu Lv51 Thunder Wave Shock Wave Quick Attack Double Team
Mine's Gimard Lv47 same moves as usual
Raichu used Double Team
Gimard missed (I wonder why?)
Raichu's being a n00b
Gimard used Lava Plume
Raichu used Shock Wave
Gimard missess
Raichu used Shock Wave
Gimard KOd Raichu with Blast Burn
Gimard leveled up
Next is Electrode #1 Lv47 Double Team Charge Beam Selfdestruct Screech
Electrode is as big a n00b as Raichu
Steve used Poison Sting
Electrode was poisoned
Electrode used Screech
Electrode used Selfdestruct and Steve died
Lt. Surge sent out his other Electrode
Electrode #1 Lv47 Thunder Wave Double Team Shock Wave Light Screen
Fun Fact: As a Kid I always thought Pikachu evolved into Electrode
Back to Gimard
I used Lemonade on Gimard
Electrode used Light Screen
Electode's n00b moves
Gimard burned Electrode with Lava Plume
Electrode fails
Gimard KOd Eletrode
Yoshi grew to Lv48
Next is Magneton Lv47 Magnet Bomb Double Team (no! It doesn't have Double team.) Supersonic Shock Wave
Gimard used Lava Plume
Hmm... it has Double Team on it, I wonder what Magneton used?
Gimard KOd Magneton with Flamethrower
Last is Electabuzz Lv53 Quick Attack Shock Wave Low Kick Light Screen GASP! Lt. Surge has a Pokemon that doesn't have Double Team!
Electabuzz used Light Screen
Gimard used Lava Plume
Electabuzz used Low Kick
Gimard criticaled with Flamethrower and KOd Electabuzz
Now for the Grass type leader Erika. Obviously Fire is great, but a good Psychic/Flying/Poison/Ice type Pokemon works too.
First is Jumpluff Lv51 Grass/Flying Leech Seed U-Turn Sunny Day Giga Drain
Strategy: Take it out before uses Sunny Day. Ice is your best bet!
I'm starting with Yoshi Lv48 With the smae moves as mentioned in previous posts.
Jumpluff used Sunny Day, a double-edged blade since I have Gimard
Yoshi KOd it with Ice Beam
Tangela's next Lv52 Ancientpower Wring Out Giga Drain Sleep Powder
Strategy: Take it out before it inflicts Sleep
I wonder why it it isn't a Tangrowth.
Tangela used Wring Out
Yoshi KOd it with Ice Beam
And Yoshi Levels Up and jumps over the 200HP threshold. Not that you can tell.
Ooh... Hydro Pump. What to do... No Brainer that I want it... I'll get rid of Dragon Pulse.
Bellossom Lv56 Sunny Day Solarbeam Giga Drain Synthesis
Strategy: Hope the sun isn't out.
I sent out Ozzy Lv49 Fly Cross Poison Poison Fang Confuse Ray
Ozz used Cross Poison
Bellossom is poisoned
Ozzy KOd it with a Critical Cross Poison
And last is Victreebel Also Lv56 Sunny Day Leaf Storm Razor Leaf Grass Knot
Strategy: Tear it apart with Psychic or Blast Burn
Kumatora Lv48 Calm Mind Psychic Focus Blast Shadow Ball
Victreebel used Leaf Storm and KOd Kumatora WTF?
Kamek Lv49 Psychic Dark Pulse Magical Leaf Shadow Ball
Kamek used Psychic and KOd Victreebel
So I beat her without turning her team into ash.

Rest of my Team
Gimard Lv49 Lava Plume Blast Burn Shadow Claw Flamethrower (Temporaily removed Blast Burn for Cut)
Steve Lv50 Poison Jab (finally) Agility Psychic Sucker Punch
Accidently triggered Janine fight, so you get two Gyms this day as well.
Starts with Crobat Lv47 Confuse Ray Wing Attack Screech Supersonic
Strategy: Kill it before it confuses you.
Gimard for me
Crobat used Wing Attack
Crobat Croked from Blast Burn
Janine is really easy, the easiest Gym Leader in Kanto. A lot of her team is at the same level or as mine, so I don't feel underleveled for a change!
Next is Weezing Lv44! Sludge Bomb Toxic Explosion Double Hit Come on! Even Czar was stronger then you!
Strategy: Kill it before it explodes, or just go with a Ghost-type.
For once, I'm going to take my own advice and go with Kamek
Weezing lives a Psychic
Weezing used Sludge Bomb
Full Restore?! I guessed that, but its just pointless
Kamek used Dark Pulse
Kamek raped it with Psychic because Psychic just rapes everything.
Kamek grew to Level 50
She's going with Ariados #1 Lv47 I think this is the one with Swagger Poison Jab Night Shade and Spider Web
Strategy: You seriously need a strategy to deal with Poison-types?
I'll go with my own Ariados.
Ariados used Swagger so I was right
Steve used Psychic
Ariados used Night Shade
Steve KOd it with Night Shade
Her other Ariados Lv47 Psychic Screech Poison Jab Pin Missle
If this Ariados is faster then mine I'm in trouble
Steve used Psychic
Ariados countered with a Psychic of her own
Ariados moved faster and KOd Steve
Well that sucks.
I'll go with Ozzy
Ozzy KOd it with Fly
Venomoth is last Lv50 Psychic Double Team?! Sludge Bomb Signal Beam (Why is this region full of n00bs!)
Strategy: Ground moves can hit Venomoth, but Psychic just kills it instantly, but when doesn't Psychic kill anything instantly? (look up)
Ozzy killed it with Fly
I'll have the fight aginst Roark in the Platinum Journal shortly, but I think I'll post the stats of Bugsy and Clair's teams in this game since I never mentioned them.

Bugsy- Bug-type expert? (If he was he'd be using Ariados)
Metapod Lv15 Tackle
Stratgey: None needed
Kakuna Lv15 Poison Sting
Strategy: None needed
Scyther Lv17 Quick Attack Leer Focus Energy U-Turn
Strategy: Use Rock-type Pokemon

Clair- Dragon-type Expert
Gyarados is first Lv38 Bite Twister Dragon Rage Dragon Pulse
Strategy: Nail it with Electric moves
Dragonair #1/2 Lv38 Thunder Wave Slam Aqua Tail/Fire Blast Dragon Pulse
Strategy: Ice/Dragon is the only thing that works well. Thunder wave is also annoying.
Kingdra Lv41 Dragon Pulse Hydro Pump Hyper Beam Smokescreen
Strategy: Throw out a netural Pokemon like Miltank or something just something that can take Special hits. Dragon is the only type it is weak too.
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