Can I finally put an end to this madness? Can I beat the Champion? It all comes down to one Pokemon, and that is: DJ Spirit the Luxray.
Cynthia starts with Spiritomb Lv58 Dark Pulse Psychic Shaodw Ball Silver Wind It has no weaknesses.
I started with Spirit Lv52 Crunch Iron Tail Charge Thunderbolt
Wow. I accidently hit the Run button by mistake. That's a great omen for this fight.
Am I going to even do anything? Now I hit the the Bag button by mistake.
Ok Charge Spamming for the win.
Spiritomb used Dark Pulse
Spiritomb used Shadow Ball
Spritomb used Dark Pulse
I used a Hyper Potion
Spiritomb used Dark Pulse
Spirit missed with Iron Tail
Spiritomb used Shadow Ball
Spirit used Iron Tail
Spiritomb used Shadow Ball
Spirit used Iron Tail
Spiritomb's Defense faell
Spiritomb used Shadow Ball
Spirit killed it with Thunderbolt
Oh man. Oh man. It's the big, bad, vicious, uber Garchomp! Lv62! Dragon Rush Giga Impact Flamethrower Earthquake
My fate rests with Ozzy and a lot of Garchomp hitting itself. When I practiced the fight Ozzy took care of Garchomp, which is interesting considering it's the second weakest member of my team.
Ozzy used Confuse Ray. Thank god for its speed.
Garchomp used Dragon Rush.
Ozzy flew up.
Garchomp missed
Ozzy used Fly
Garchomp killed Ozzy with Flamethrower
I threw out Spirit for Intimidate
Garchomp killed Spirit with Flamethrower
It killed two of my Pokemon with the one move it never uses.
Garchomp used Dragon Rush and the Critical was not cool man!
I'm gonna revive Yoshi8984
Garchomp killed Cook with Dragon Rush
Garchomp used Dragon Rush
Yoshi8984 flinched.
Hyper Potion
Garchomp used FLamethrower
Garchomp used Dragon Rush
Yoshi8984 flinched.
Garchomp missed wtih Dragon Rush
Garchomp used Dragon Rush
Yoshi used Air Slash and Garchomp's berry kicked in.
170/2=85... and Yoshi's HP is 91, so in theory it should live through another Dragon Rush right?
Garchomp used Dragon Rush
Yoshi8984 used Air SLash (Theory proven) and got a critical.
Garchomp's her strongest Pokemon so taking it out is good news. Bad news: She still has 4 Pokemon left
Togekiss Lv60 Air Slash Shock Wave Water Pulse Auara Sphere
Admitedly having something wtih High Sp.Def or moves like Amnesia is good, because except for Garchomp and Lucario, her team is really Special-Oriented.
Yoshi's gonna die, but at least I can revive Spirit.
Her Togekiss killed Yoshi with Air Slash
Togekiss used Aura Sphere
Spirit used Charge
Item Spam! A horrible strategy, but quite the successful one.
Togekiss used Aura Sphere
Togekiss pretty much always uses Aura Sphere
And Spirit pretty much always uses Charge
Hyper Potion
Togekiss used Aura Sphere
You know what Togekiss used.
And what Spirit used
Togekiss and Spirit just keep spamming.
Hyper Potion
Spirit used Thunderbolt. I don't think multiple Charges boost the power of Eletric type moves multiple times, but if I'm wrong please tell me.
Took it out with Thunderbolt
Spirit leveled up to 53.
Lucario is one of her weaker Pokemon, Lv60 Aura Sphere Extreme Speed Shadow Ball and Stone Edge. I aways ALWAYS forget this thing has ExtremeSpeed, and this always kills Infernape. Which Spoilers is what I'm going with.
I'm going to try to kill it with Close Combat
Yay! Snowy's not gonna die! Lucario falls to Close Combat. (I find it funny how it's weak to its own type.)
Milotic is a challenge. Lv58 Surf Ice Beam Mirror Coat Dragon Pulse
Hmm... I would go right to Spirit, but he's a little weak. And Snowy isn't a good choice.
Let's throw out Billy12510.
Lucario used Dragon Pulse
Miltoic used Mirror Coat
Milotic killed Lucario with Surf
Should've just healed Spirit right away, now I have a weakened Spirit to fight with.
Hyper Potion
Milotic used Ice Beam
Milotic used Surf and killed Spirit
Milotic Surf's Snowy to death.
I'm spamming healing items trying to get someone in fighting shape.
Milotic is killing everything
I'm puting my faith in a confusion/hit itself with Ozzy
No such luck. A Critical hit spells my defeat.
-sigh- The sad thing is, the last time I practiced this fight, I beat her.
Oh well, not all Stories have happy endings.
Her last Pokemon Roserade is Lv58 Energy Ball Sludge Bomb Toxic Extrasensory.
Roserade is not very good, if you can hit it with a Psychic it will go down.
I don't think I'll try that again. I just feel demoralized. Maybe later after I beat the Elite Four again and level up my team.