To commemerate my 1 Year Anniversary, I'm making a Platinum Pokemon Journal. I already have my team of six planned out. It includes: A Fire-Type (duh) A Flying-Type A Psychic-Type An Eletric-Type A Fighting-Type and a Normal-Type Two of them you may remember from HeartGold if you read that.
Background info:
Protagonist name: Billy
Rival Name: Roy
My starter is Chimchar (I always go with the Fire-type)
Nickname: Snowy620 (It's no Simisear, but it's close enough)
And closing this first update is Rival Fight #1
Roy uses his starter, which is the weakness of your starter
Chimchar Lv5 Scratch Leer
Piplup Lv5 Pound Growl
Turtwig Lv5 Tackle Withdraw
Chimchar used Scratch (I can't nickname my starter just yet)
Piplup used Growl
Chimchar used Scratch
Piplup used Growl
It's a Spam-fest on both sides
Piplup used Pound
Chimchar used Scratch
Piplup used Pound
Chimchar used Leer
Piplup used Pound
Leer again
Pound again
I actually lost the first battle. This is going to be a great time to be had by all.
Background info:
Protagonist name: Billy
Rival Name: Roy
My starter is Chimchar (I always go with the Fire-type)
Nickname: Snowy620 (It's no Simisear, but it's close enough)
And closing this first update is Rival Fight #1
Roy uses his starter, which is the weakness of your starter
Chimchar Lv5 Scratch Leer
Piplup Lv5 Pound Growl
Turtwig Lv5 Tackle Withdraw
Chimchar used Scratch (I can't nickname my starter just yet)
Piplup used Growl
Chimchar used Scratch
Piplup used Growl
It's a Spam-fest on both sides
Piplup used Pound
Chimchar used Scratch
Piplup used Pound
Chimchar used Leer
Piplup used Pound
Leer again
Pound again
I actually lost the first battle. This is going to be a great time to be had by all.