Pokemon Platinum Journal

To commemerate my 1 Year Anniversary, I'm making a Platinum Pokemon Journal. I already have my team of six planned out. It includes: A Fire-Type (duh) A Flying-Type A Psychic-Type An Eletric-Type A Fighting-Type and a Normal-Type Two of them you may remember from HeartGold if you read that.

Background info:
Protagonist name: Billy
Rival Name: Roy
My starter is Chimchar (I always go with the Fire-type)
Nickname: Snowy620 (It's no Simisear, but it's close enough)

And closing this first update is Rival Fight #1
Roy uses his starter, which is the weakness of your starter
Chimchar Lv5 Scratch Leer
Piplup Lv5 Pound Growl
Turtwig Lv5 Tackle Withdraw

Chimchar used Scratch (I can't nickname my starter just yet)
Piplup used Growl
Chimchar used Scratch
Piplup used Growl
It's a Spam-fest on both sides
Piplup used Pound
Chimchar used Scratch
Piplup used Pound
Chimchar used Leer
Piplup used Pound
Leer again
Pound again

I actually lost the first battle. This is going to be a great time to be had by all.
I'm gonna try to not fail this time.
Rival Fight #2
Roy starts with Starly Lv7 Tackle Growl Quick Attack
I started with Ozzy (Zubat) Lv5 Leech Life Supersonic
Starly used Growl
Ozzy used Supersonic
Starly used Growl
Ozzy used Leech Life
Starly hit itself
Ozzy used Leech Life
Starly used Growl
Ozzy used Leech Life
Starly used Quick Attack
Ozzy failed with Supersonic
Starly used Growl
Ozzy used Supersonic
Starly used Quick Attack
Starly KOd Ozzy
My next Pokemon is DJ Spirit (Shinx) Lv8 Tackle Leer
DJ Spirit used Tackle
Starly used Growl
DJ Sprit KOd Starly
DJ Spirit learned Charge and Leveled Up
Roy's Starter Chimchar Lv9 Scratch Leer Ember Taunt
Turtwig Lv9 Tackle Withdraw Absorb
Piplup Lv9 Pound Growl Bubble
Roy sent out Piplup
DJ Spirit used Charge
Piplup used Growl (What is it with this guy and spamming Growl?)
DJ Spirit used Tackle
Piplup used Growl
DJ Spirit used Leer
Piplup is spamming Growl
DJ Spirit is spamming Leer
Piplup used Pound
Piplup used Pound
Piplup used Pound
DJ Spirit used Tackle
DJ Spirit used Tackle
Piplup used Pound
Piplup KOd DJ Spirit
My hope rests with Snowy620. I'm screwed. Snowy's Lv9 Scratch Leer Ember Taunt
Snowy620 got a critical with Scratch and KOd Piplup
Snowy leveled up

Other random stuff after the fact
Caught an Abra and named him Cook
Got the Town Map
Got the Poketch
Roark fight. His team is unchanged from Diamond/Pearl.
Geodude Lv12 Stealth Rock Rock Throw
Strategy: None needed. Just hit it with special move.
I went with Cook Lv12 Teleport Psychic Shadow Ball
Cook killed it with Shadow Ball
Geodude used Rock Throw (This Geodude is Chuck Norris's.)
Roark used a Potion
Geodude dies for real this time
Cranidos Lv14 Headbutt Pursuit Leer
Strategy: Outspeed it and hit it hard.
Cook didn't kill it with Psychic. Well Psychic rapes everything execpt when it doesn't rape everything.
Cranidos killed Cook with Pursuit
Snowy620 Lv11 Ember Taunt Scratch Leer
Roark used a potion
Snowy used Ember
Cranidos used Headbutt
Snowy burned Cranidos with Ember
I used a potion on Snowy
Roark withdrew Cranidos
Onix Lv12 Stealth Rock Rock THrow Screech
Strategy: Special Moves
Onix used Stealth Rock
Snowy used Ember
Onix used Screech
Snowy used Ember
Onix killed Snowy
Ozzy's up Lv11 Leech Life Supersonic Aerial Ace Astonish
Onix used Rock Throw
Ozzy used Supersonic
Onix hit itself
Ozzy used Astonish
Onix hit itself
Ozzy used Astonish
Onix hit itself
Ozzy used Astonish
Onix snapped Confusion and killed Ozzy
DJ Spirit is last Lv12 Tackle Leer Charge
Spirit's got Intimidate so that's good
Onix used Rock Throw
Spirit used Leer
Onix used Rock Throw
Spirit used Tackle
Onix used Rock Throw
Onix used Rock THrow
Spirit tackled
Onix missed
Onix used Rock Throw
Spirit used Leer
Onix used Screech
Spirit used Tackle
Onix used Rock Throw
Onix used Rock THrow
Spirit killed Onix with Tackle
Spirit grew to Level 13 and learned Spark, not real useful here
Back to Cranidos Status: Burned
Cranidos used Pursuit
My last Potion
Cranidos used Pursuit
Cranidos died from the Burn
Shinx grew to level 14

Wow that was bad! I thought I was screwed when Cook died. I can't believe my Electric-type won the fight, no offense to Spirit but I didn't think it would work. Well it's clear what I need to do. Level-grind. Man I hate doing this.
Snowy's poorly-executed jokes about Psychic-types aside...
Gym Leader Gardenia-Grass Type user
First is Turtwig Lv20 Grass Knot Razor Leaf Sunny Day Reflect
Strategy: Taking it out before it uses Reflect helps. That Sunny Day is a double-edged sword as well...
I'm starting with Ozzy Lv18 Bite Supersonic Aerial Ace Astonish
Ozzy used Aerial Ace
Turtwig used Reflect
Ozzy used Aerial Ace
Turtwig used Razor Leaf
Gardenia healed Turtwig
Ozzy used Supersonic
Ozzy used Aerial Ace
Turtwig used Sunny Day
Ozzy used Aerial Ace
Turtwig used Razor Leaf
Ozzy used Aerial Ace and killed Turtwig
Zubat's a good choice for her first two Pokemon since it only takes a Quarter of the normal damage.
Cherrim is next Lv20 Grass Knot Leech Seed Magical Leaf Safeguard
Strategy: Special Moves work best
Cherrim turned into its Sunny Form
Cherrim used Safeguard
Ozzy used Aerial Ace
Cherrim used Leech Seed
The Sunlight faded
Cherrim turned into its Overcast form
Cherrim used Magical Leaf
Ozzy KOd Cherrim
Ozzy Leveled Up
Last is Roserade Lv22 Grass Knot Magical Leaf Poison Sting Stun Spore
Strategy: Bring Paralyz Heals or use a move like Safeguard.
I went with Snowy620 (Monferno) Lv19 Mach Punch Flame Wheel Ember Taunt (I always dismissed Taunt and Torment as being worthless, but it turns out having Taunt is really good for this boss.)
Roserade used Magical Leaf
Snowy used Taunt
Roserade used Magical Leaf
Snowy used Flame Wheel
Roserade's berry kicked in
Roserade used Magical Leaf
Snowy KOd Roserade with Flame Wheel
Snowy grew to Level 20
Ugh.... I wasn't looking forward to this... I'm fighting Fantina now, and I always have trouble with this fight. Not looking forward to it. Mostly because I'm underleveled as all hell.
Fantina is a Ghost-type expert
First Pokemon: Duskull Lv24 Will-O-Wisp Pursuit Shadow Sneak Future Sight
Strategy: Use a Fire-type to avoid getting burned.
My first is DJ Spirit Lv23 Bite Leer Charge Spark
Spirit used Bite
Duskull used Future Sight
Spirit KOd Duskull
ARGH!! Mismagius is next. And the one that gives me the most troube Lv26 Shadow Ball Psybeam Magical Leaf Confuse Ray
Strategy: LIVE!!!
Hoo... This thing'll outspeed everything, even Alakazam... Uh...
Yoshi8984 (Togepi) was my ultimate decision. Lv23 Sweet Kiss Charm Metronome Return
Mismagius used Psybeam
Yoshi used Sweet Kiss
Yoshi was hit by Future Sight
One of my many SuperPotions
Mismagius hit itsef
Mismags used Psybeam
Yoshi used Pay Day
Mismagius used Psybeam
Yoshi failed with Sweet Kiss
Super Potion
Mismagius used Magical Leaf
Mismagius used Psybeam
Yoshi missed
I just switched to Ozzy (Golbat) Lv23 Bite Confuse Ray Aerial Ace Astonish
Mismagius used Magical Leaf
Mismagius used Confuse Ray?! That's my move!
So I threw it right back at Mismagius
Mismagius hit itself
So did Ozzy
Mismagius hit itself
Everybody hits them selves!
Why are they hitting themselves?
Mismagius triggered its Berry
Ozzy snapped out of confusion and used Bite. (How's is something so confused it forgets how to bite?)
Fantina ued Super Potion
Ozzy used Bite
Mismagius KOd Ozzy with Psybeam
Uh... Yoshi's too weak. Let's go with Snowy620. Lv23 Mach Punch Flame Wheel Ember Taunt
Mismagius used Psybeam
Snowy used Flame Wheel
Mismagius KOd Snowy with a Critical Shadow Ball. (I'm sure that would've one hit Snowy at full HP.)
Cook (Alakazam) is next Lv23 Same moves as before
Mismagius used Shadow Ball
Cook KOd Mismagius with a Shadow Ball of his own.
Cook grew to level 24 Ooh Psybeam! That'll replace Confusion
Haunter's Last Lv24 Shadow Claw Sucker Punch Hypnosis Confuse Ray
Strategy: Sent out a Normal-type and stall
So I sent out Togepi
Super Potion
Whatever Haunter did, it missed
Haunter used Hypnosis
But it missed, Yoshi used Sweet Kiss
Haunter hit itself
Togepi used Hyper Fang, but that failed
Haunter used Confuse Ray.
Yoshi used Fake Out that just fails
Haunter hit itself
Yoshi snapped out of confusion
Yoshi used Fissure
Levitate makes it miss.
Haunter used Confuse Ray
Yoshi hit itself
Yoshi used Metal Claw and got a Critical
Yoshi used Kinesis
Yoshi used Petal Dance
Haunter used Hypnosis
Yoshi got confused
Once Yoshi evolves I'll be able to use it easier.
I went to DJ Spirit
Haunter used Hynosis
Haunter failed with Confuse Ray
Spirit woke up and killed Haunter with Bite.

I was thinking of using Porygon-Z instead of Togekiss, since that's easier to get... but Togepi was my choice in the end.
Roy wants to fight, but I don't know the movesets of his team, so I can't tell you them.
He starts with Staravia Lv25 and he'll always have this Pokemon.
Strategy: Try to avoid Physcial moves due to its Intimidate
I started with DJ Spirit
Staravia used DOUBLE TEAM!? ARGH!!
Spirit used Charge
Staravia's a n00b
Spirit missed with Spark
n00b tactics
Spirit used Charge
Staravia used Quick Attack
Spirit missed
DJ Spirit missed
Stop with the Double TeamS!
Staravia used Quick Attack
You've made your point, you're a n00b. Stop it already!
Staravia used Quick Attack
Staravia used Quick Attack
DJ Spirit finally used Spark
Staravia used Quick Attack
Spirit KOd Staravia with Spark
Ponyta is next Lv23
If your starter was Turtwig he'll have Monferno Lv27
I went with Yoshi8984
Ponyta used Ember
Yoshi8984 used Return
Ponyta used Tail Whip
Yoshi used Return
Ponyta used Growl
Yoshi missed with Meteor Mash
Ponyta used Tackle
Yoshi used Dynamic Punch
Ponyta hit itself
Yoshi used Return
Ponyta knocked itself out
Prinplup is next Lv27
If your starter was Turtwig or Piplup he'll have Buizel Lv23
Uh... Snowy's out of the question and Spirit's too weak. So let's go with... Ozzy.
Ozzy used confuse Ray
Prinplup used Bubblebeam
Ozzy used Aerial Ace
Prinplup used Bubblebeam
Ozzy used Confuse Ray
Nope, still hits Ozzy and kills it. (I'll never have Crobat at this rate.)
When in doubt, Psychic rapes everything. Except here. Alakazam is next.
Cook used Psychic and Prinplup died
Last is Roselia Lv23
If your starter was Piplup he'll have Grotle Lv27
I'll go with the obvious choice, Snowy
Snowy used Flame Wheel and it one-hit kills.
For the fight against Maylene, I'm going to heavily rely on Snowy and Ozzy. Everyone on my team is at least Lv30, except DJ Spirit at 29. If I had to rank my team though, it'd go like this.
3rd-DJ Spirit

But enough of that, Maylene starts with Meditite Lv28 Drain Punch Confusion Rock Tomb Fake Out
Strategy: Ghost-moves work.
I started with Ozzy Lv30 and now a Crobat (finally, if only I could say the same for Yoshi.) Bite Confuse Ray Aerial Ace Astonish
Ozzy used Aerial Ace and down goes Meditite
Ozzy leveled up
Machoke is next Lv29 Karate Chop Focus Energy Rock Tomb and Strength
Strategy: This thing can't take Special hits worth crap.
Ozzy used Aerial Ace
Machoke used Rock Tomb
Ozzy KOd MAchoke with Aerial Ace
Last is Lucario Lv32 Drain Punch Metal Claw Bone Rush Force Palm. This isn't a good Lucario because it's more of a Special sweeper then a Physical Sweeper.
Strategy: Ground, Fire or Fighting type moves. Make them Physical.
Snowy620 Lv31 Mach Punch Flame Wheel Shadow Claw Taunt
Lucario used Drain Punch
Snowy used Flame Wheel
I assumed Maylene would heal, she didn't. And it killed Snowy. I'm stunned.
Cook Lv30 Focus Blast Psychic Psybeam Shadow Ball
Lucario's Faster then Alakazam?
Cook killed it with Focus Blast, again can't believe she didn't heal Lucario. It's her best Pokemon but she clearly doesn't care.
Cook leveled up

DJ Spirit's the same moves but level 29.
Yoshi8984 is Lv30 with Sweet Kiss Wish Metronome Return
Friggin' Roy battle in front of Pastoria Gym. That I forgot exsisted.
Starts with Staravia Lv34
I started with Yoshi8984, but switched to DJ Spirit
DJ Spirit Evolved, so maybe it won't be so useless anymore. Lv30 same moves as usual.
Staravia used Wing Attack
Staravia's being a n00b, so I put it down with a Critical Spark
After that he has a trio of Ponyta, Roselia and Buizel with his starter replacing the respective-type
Ponyta, Buizel, and Roselia are Lv32
Monferno Grotle and Prinplup are Lv36, which by then all 3 should be fully evolved.
He currently has Ponyta out.
Mine is Yoshi8984, same as in previous post
Ponyta used Tail Whip
Yoshi8984 used Wish
Ponyta used Stomp
Yoshi8984 used Sweet Kiss
Yoshi8984's Wish came true.
Ponyta hit itself
Yoshi8984 used Return
Ponyta used Stomp
Yoshi8984 used Return
Ponyta hit itself
Yoshi8984 KOd it with Return
Roy's giong with Prinplup
Made obvious switch to DJ Spirit
Prinplup used Metal Claw
DJ Spirit used Charge
Prinplup used Bubblebeam, and obvious Critcal hit when it's in dire straits.
Gotta use Cook
Cook used Psychic
Prinplup used Growl. WTF?
Cook used Psychic.
Yoshi8984 grew to Level 31
Roselia is last
Snowy620 is all I need to handle this. And he'd probably agree.
Snowy620 used Flame Wheel and killed it.

And Togepi still won't evolve! Come on!
Time to fight Wake, I mean "Crasher" Wake.  ::)
He starts with Gyarados Lv33 Waterfall Brine Bite and Twister
Strategy: Electric-type moves. Gyarados has poor defense
I started with Cook Lv32 Focus Blast Psychic Shadow Ball and Psybeam
Cook used Psychic
Gyarados KOd Cook with Bite
Well I only went with Cook to deal with the Intimidate
DJ Spirit is next Lv32 (Luxray) Bite Leer Charge and Spark
Gyarados used Waterfall
DJ Spirit killed Gyarados with Spark
DJ Spirit grew to Level 33
Ooh... Quagsire... Lv34 Mud Shot Water Pulse Rock Tomb Yawn
Strategy: Release your Grass-types
Probably would've been smart to teach Grass Knot to Cook or even Snowy since Monferno seems to have higher Special Attacker, but I'm not really that smart.
Ozzy I guess. Lv32 Fly Confuse Ray Aerial Ace Cross Poison (How does something forget how to bite?)
Ozzy used Fly
Quagsire used Rock Tomb
Besides the slight Speed cut that wasn't as bad as I thought it'd be.
Ozzy used Confuse Ray
Quagsire hit itself
Quagsire sanpped outta confusion
Ozzy used Fly
Quagsire used Rock TOmb
Wake used a Hyper Potion
Ozzy used Aerial Ace
I healed up Ozzy
Quagsire used Rock TOmb
Ozzy's still faster, and using Confue Ray
Quagsire missed
Ozzy used Aerial Ace
Quagsire's faster, but hit itself still
Quagsire hit itself again, so Ozzy could kill it with Fly
Last is Floatzel Lv37 Brine Aqua Jet Ice Fang and Crunch
I guess I'll use Yoshi8984 Lv33 Ancientpower Wish Metronome Return
Floatzel used Brine
Yoshi8984 used Ice Fang
BWAH HA HA! Floatzel was Frozen! Bwah ha! Oh man...
Yoshi8984 wished
Yoshi8984 used Return
Yoshi8984's Wish came true
Still frozen
Yoshi8984 used Ancientpower
Still frozen!
Yoshi8984 used Ancinetpower
Critical with Ancinetpower is reversed by Sitrus Berry
How long has Floatzel been Frozen?
Yoshi8984 used Return
Yoshi8984 used Return
Wake didn't heal, how odd...
Yoshi8984 used Return
Floatzel Thaws out and uses Brine, but Juuuuuuuuust a bit late
Yoshi8984 KOs Floatzel with Return.

I apologize to Togepi, you don't totally suck.
Galactic Boss Hannibal Lecter, I mean Cyrus.... He's a real pushover, his levels aren't higher then Wake's strongest Pokemon.
Cyrus starts with Sneasel Lv34 Slash Quick Attack Screech Ice Punch
I start with Snowy620 Lv35 Mach Punch Flame Wheel Shadow Claw Taunt
Snowy620 uses Mach Punch
Sneasel gets a critical with Slash
Cyrus used a Hyper Potion
Mach Punch
Quick Attack kills Snowy. Damn.
Yoshi8984 should be able to handle this. Lv36 Ancientpower Wish Metronome Return
Sneasel used Screech
Yoshi8984 KOd Sneasel with Return
Golbat is next Lv34 Poison Fang Air Cutter Bite Supersonic
You should know how I get rid of Golbats, with Crobats! Ozzy's next for me Lv35 Fly Aerial Ace Confuse Ray Cross Poison
Ozzy used Fly
Golbat used Air Cutter
Ozzy used Aerial Ace
Golbat used Supersonic?! That's my, actually... nvrmind.
Ozzy still managed to take it out with Aerial Ace
Murkrow is last Lv36 Drill Peck Astonish Night Shade Faint Attack
DJ Spirit is the last Pokemon I need. Lv35 Bite Leer Charge Thunder Fang
I've forced his hand? If a Lv36 Murkrow is his hand, I'd consider folding.
DJ Spirit one-hits Murkrow with Thunder Fang

Location: Canalave
f***damnit Roy! I just wanna get my last Pokemon. And have that stupid Togepi evolve.
Staraptor Lv36 Aerial Ace Take Down Quick Attack Double Team
I started with Cook Lv35 Focus Blast Psychic Shadow Ball Psybeam
Cook used Psychic
Staraptor used Take Down, and took out itself and Cook
Uh... I'm gonna assume he's going for Heracross Lv37 Brick Break Aerial Ace Night Slash Horn Attack
So I went for Ozzy Lv35 Fly Aerial Ace Confuse Ray Cross Poison
I was right.
Ozzy KOd it with Fly
After that he'll have a trio of Rapidash Roserade and Floatzel with his starter replacing the respective-type
Rapidash is level 35 Fire Spin Tail Whip Stomp Take Down and ILLEGAL
If your starter was Turtwig he'll have Infernape Lv38 Brick Break Aerial Ace Flame Wheel Mach Punch
I guess Yoshi8984 can handle it Lv37 AncientPower Wish Metronome Return
Rapidash used Take Down
Yoshi8984 used Ancientpower and get a critical. It's stats were all boosted too.
Rapidash missed
Yoshi8984 wished
Rapidash used TakeDown
Yoshi8984 used Ancientpower
Yoshi8984's Wish came true
Rapidash used Take Down
Yoshi8984 KOd Rapidash with Return
Empoleon Lv38 Bubblebeam Aerial Ace Metal Claw Fury Attack?
Floatzel Lv35 Aqua Jet Pursuit Swift Quick Attack if your starter wasn't Chimchar
DJ Spirit Lv35 Bite Leer Charge Thunder Fang for me
DJ Spirit missed
Empoleon used Bubblebeam
DJ Spirit is Charging for a Knockout
Empoleon got a Critical of course.
Snowy620 Lv36 (Infernape) Close Combat Flame Wheel Shadow Claw Taunt
Snowy620 KOd Empoleon with Close Combat (Odd, that isn't how it typically goes.)
Lastly's Roserade Lv35 Giga Drain Toxic Spikes Leech Seed Grasswhistle
If your starter was Piplup he'll have Torterra Lv38 Razor Leaf Bite Mega Drain Leech Seed
I could just waste this thing with Snowy, but Ozzy needs the Experience
My Pokemon's Lowest Level = Roy's, so I don't know why I just don't waste this thing, but oh well.
Ozzy used Aerial Ace and killed Roserade
Ozzy leveled up
Now it's time to fight Byron, he's not really much of a challenge really.
He starts with Magneton Lv37 Electric/Steel Flash Cannon Thunderbolt Tri Attack Metal Sound
I'm starting with the new and improved Snowy620 Lv40 Close Combat Flame Wheel Shadow Claw Earthquake
Snowy620 one-hit killed Magneton with Earthquake
My new Riolu that I named after myself grew to level 21
Steelix is next Lv38 Flash Cannon Ice Fang Earthquake and Sandstorm
Snowy620 used Close Combat
Steelix used Earthquake and killed Snowy. Uh... that wasn't supposed to happen. I was expecting to just rape him with Snowy.
I'll go to Cook Lv39 Focus Blast Psychic Shadow Ball Psybeam
Cook Killed Steelix with Focus Blast
Lastly is Bastiodon Lv41 Metal Burst Stone Edge Iron Defense Taunt
Cook missed with Focus Blast
Metal Burst failed.
Cook missed again
So did Bastiodon
Cook killed Bastiodon with Focus Blast
Billy12510 grew to level 22

Yeah, not much of a challenge. To be fair though, last time I was really underleveled and didn't have Focus Blast on Alakazam.
Location: Snowpoint
My team's status
Billy12510: Lv33 Species: Lucario Moves: Quick Attack Swords Dance Endure Force Palm Held Item: No item
Ozzy: Lv40 Species: Crobat Moves: Fly Confuse Ray Aerial Ace Cross Poison Held Item: No Item
Cook: Lv40 Species: Alakazam Moves: Focus Blast Psychic Shadow Ball Psybeam Held Item: Odd Incense
DJ Spirit: Lv40 Species: Luxray Moves: Bite Leer Charge Thunder Fang Held Item: Magnet
Snowy620: Lv41 Species: Infernape Moves: Close Combat Flame Wheel Shadow Claw Earthquake Held Item: Soft Sand
Yoshi8984: Lv41 Species: Togetic Moves: Ancientpower Wish Metronome Return Held Item: No Item

Recent Activity
Billy12510 evolved (that's a joke) 1 day after the egg hatched into Riolu
Yoshi8984 evolved about a week after the egg hatched into Togepi
Got to Snowpoint
Time to rape!  ::) Not really but Candice is a pushover when you have a team like mine.
Candice starts with Sneasel Lv40 Dark/Ice Slash Aerial Ace Faint Attack and Ice Shard
I started with Billy12510 Lv37 Metal Claw Aura Sphere Swords Dance and Force Palm
Sneasel used Aerial Ace
Lucario just destroyed Sneasel with Aura Sphere
Piloswine is next Lv40 Avalanche Stone Edge Earthquake and Hail
I went with Cookieboy Lv40 Psychic Focus Blast Shadow Ball and Psybeam
Of course Focus Blast misses
Piloswine gets a Critical with Earthquake. That'd kill Alakazam regardless.
I guess Snowy620 is up. Lv41 Close Combat Flame Wheel Shadow Claw Earthquake
Snowy used Flame Wheel
Piloswine killed Snowy with Earthquake
This is going VERY VERY wrong VERY VERY quickly
Billy12510 killed it with Aura Sphere
Abomasnow Lv42 Avalanche Wood Hammer focus Blast and Water Pulse
Billy12510 used Swords Dance
Abomasnow missed
Lucario used Metal Claw
Abomasnow killed Lucario with a critical Focus Blast
I sent out DJ Spirit, but merely to revive Snowy.
Candice used a Full Restore
Abomasnow missed with Focus Blast
Spirit used Bite
Abomasnow missed
Spirit used Bite
Abomasnow  used Focus Blast
DJ Spirit used Bite
Abomasnow finished Spirit off with Water Pulse
Snowy came in and killed it with Flame Wheel
Last is Froslass Lv44 Blizzard Double Team Shadow Ball Psychic
Froslass used Double Team
Snowy used Shadow Claw
Froslass used Psychic which rapes everything, except when it doesn't.
Like just now! Snowy finished the job with Flame Wheel
Snowy leveled up

Time to fight Cyrus again.
He starts with Sneasel Lv44 Dark Ice type Slash Ice Punch Quick Attack and Screech
I don't know who I'm starting with. Oh crap its Ozzy. Lv40Fly Aerial Ace Cross Poison Confuse Ray
Ozzy used Cross Poison
Sneasel used Slash
Ozzy used Confuse Ray
Sneasel used Ice Punch and killed Ozzy
Ozzy's just being a constant 6th place on my team anyway.
Uh... Cook or Snowy? Cook's underleveled so I'll go wtih him Lv40 Same moves as normal
Sneasel used Ice Punch and froze Cook
Cook's a constant 5th place.
I've got a Full Restore but it's not worth using.
Sneasel killed Cook
I can't believe I'm having such crappy luck with Sneasel!
I threw out Lucario
Sneasel hit itself
Lucario killed it with Aura Sphere
Honchkrow is his best Pokemon Lv46 Night Shade Drill Peck Astonish Faint Attack
I went with DJ Spirit Lv41 Bite Leer Charge Thunder Fang
Spirit used Thunder Fang
Honchkrow's Sitrus Berry kicked in, but it flinched
DJ Spirit killed it with Thunder Fang
Crobat's Last Lv44 Poison Fang Bite Air Cutter Supersonic
Crobat missed with Supersonic
DJ Spirit missed
Crobat missed again
Spirit  used Thunder Fang
He's gonna heal and I know it, so I used Charge
Yep Full Restore.
Crobat got off Supersonic
Spirit still used Thunder Fang
*yawns* What have I been doing since I last updated this? -blows dust off ournal- Right. I've gotta fight Cyrus at Distortion World. I took everyone but Cook there, so let's go.

Starts with Houndoom Lv45 Flamethrower Dark Pulse Will-O-Wisp Thunder Fang
I threw out Snowy620 (Infernape) Close Combat Flame Wheel Shadow Claw Earthquake
Snowy used Close Combat an killed Houndoom
Snowy leveled up
Gyarados Lv46 Giga Impact Ice Fang Earthquake Waterfall
I guess... DJ Spirit (Luxray) Lv43 Crunch Leer Charge Thunder Fang
Gyarados used Earthquake
DJ Spirit used Thunder Fang and KOd Gyarados
Weavile next Lv48 Night Slash X-Scissor Fake Out Ice Punch
I threw out Billy12510 (Lucario) Lv43 Metal Claw Aura Sphere Swords Dance Close Combat
To be honest... as long as you take out Gyarados, this fight is just downhill from this point on.
Weaville used Fake Out
Billy12510 flinched, but Steadfast raises speed.
Weavile used Ice Punch
Billy12510 KOd it with Aura Sphere
Honchkrow Lv47 Drill Peck Night Slash Heat Wave Psychic
I threw out Yoshi8984 (Togetic) Lv43 Ancientpower Wish Grass Knot Return
Honchkrow used Drill Peck
Yoshi8984 used Ancientpower
Honchkrow killed Yoshi8984 with Drill Peck
I threw out Ozzy (Crobat) Lv43 Fly Confuse Ray Aerial Ace Cross Poison
Ozzy used Cross Poison
Honchrow used Night Slash
Even with a Critical Hit, Ozzy barely lives
Ozzy flies up
Honchkrow missed
Ozzy killed it with Fly
Last is his own Crobat Lv46 Cross Poison Air Slash Toxic Confuse RAy
I threw out DJ Spirit again
Crobat used Cross Poison and got a Critical Hit
I threw out Billy12510. Don't know why I didn't do that first.
I healed with a Moomoo Milk
Crobat used Air Slash
Crobat used Air Slash
Billy12510 used Swords Dance
Another Milk
Crobat used Air Slash
Crobat used Ari Slash
Blly12510 used Metal Claw
Another Milk
Crobat used Air Slash
Crobat used Air Slash
Billy12510 KOd it with Metal Claw
Lucario leveled up