Pokemon FireRed Journal

Which Bird should I go after first?

  • Articuno

    Votes: 1 50.0%
  • Zapdos

    Votes: 1 50.0%
  • Pidgey (lol)

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
As a great philosopher once said: Go rape Team Rocket! And so I shall.
Gym Battle vs. Giovanni
First is Rhyhorn #1 Lv45 Take Down Scary Face Rock Blast Earthquake
My first is Draco Lv43 Flamethrower Steel Wing Wing Attack Blast Burn
Draco used Steel Wing
Rhyhorn used Scary Face
Draco used Steel Wing
Rhyhorn used Scary Face
Giovanni healed
Draco used Steel Wing
Draco used Steel Wing
Critical KOs Rhyhorn
Second Rhyhorn is the same as the first except its level 50
Snorlax Lv43 Same moves as before
Snorlax used Surf
Rhyhorn fainted
NidoQueen Lv44 2x Kick Body Slam Earthquake Poison Sting
Stayed with Snorlax
Nidoqueen used Earthquake
Snorlax used Body Slam
Nidoqueen is paralyzed
Snorlax used Body Slam
Nidoqueen died
Snorlax is poisoned
Nidoking Lv45 Same moves as Nidoqueen except it has Thrash in replace of Body Slam
Snorlax keeps on keepin' on.
Nidoking used Earthquake
Snorlax did Body Slam
Full Heal
Snorlax used Body Slam and KOd it.
Lastly is Dugtrio Lv42 Slash Snad Tomb Mud Slap Earthquake
Ch'ding Lv44 Slash Fly Swords Dance Agility
Dugtrio used Slash
Ch'ding used Swords Dance
Dugtrio used Slash
Ch'ding used Fly
Dugtrio KOd and the battle's over

Other stuff I've done
Caught Zapdos
As if fighting Giovanni isn't shocking enough, (if you've never played this game) guess what other jerk you've gotta fight?
Rival Aegis what is this battle number 6? No its fight number 7. he's as stubborn then Giovanni, and twice as irritating to fight.
First is Pidgeot Lv47 Wing Attack Gust Feather Dance Quick Attack (A lot of his Pokemon that he can have are weak to Rock or Electric)
First for me is Amp v43 Thunderbolt SlamLight Screen Thunder Wave
Pidgt used Quick Attack
Amp used Thunderbolt
Pidgeot used Quick Attack
Amp used Slam
Next is Rhyhorn Lv45 Rock Blast Horn Drill Take Down Fury Attack (I remember seeing how this screwed over Lueroi)
I'm going to go with... Spyro Lv44 Ice Beam Dragon Rage Thunderbolt Agility
Spyro used Ice Beam
Rhyhorn died because it sucks
Growlithe is next for him Lv45 Flame Wheel Take Down Agility Leer If your starter was Bulbasuar he'll have Charizard instead Lv53 Flamethrower Slash Wing Attack Scary Face
I'm giving command to Snorlax Same stats as Giovanni fight
Growlithe missed
Snorlax used Body Slam
Growlithe used Take Down
Snorlax Kod it with Surf
Exeggcute, Lv45 Solarbeam Sleep Powder PoisonPowder Stun Spore (its just here to set up status problems) If your starter is Squirtle he'll have Venusaur Lv53 Growth Sweet Scent Razor Leaf Synthesis
Sending out my starter Draco. And I hate this stupid Exeggcute so much I used Blast Burn. Overkill?
Leveled Up
Ooo Slash... I need to think about that... I can't get rid of my Fire Type moves, and Steel Wing's going to be useful in Victory Road, so Wing Attack is gone.
He's throwing out Blastoise Lv53 Rain Dance Water Gun Bite Rapid Spin. Its the weakest of the starters he can have. If you don't start with Charmander, he'll have Gyarados Lv45 Rain Dance Twister Hydro Pump Leer
As much as I'd like to have Draco duke it out with this thing, Amp's the only Pokemon I have under Lv44 so I went back to him.
Amp used Thunderbolt
Blastoise used Rain Dance
Amp made turtle soup out of Blastoise
Lastly is Alakazam ooh... how dare he use one of my favorite Pokemon! Lv47 Psychic Calm Mind Future Sight Disable its easily the best Pokemon on his team because as you know Psychic just rapes everything in this game.
Hard-hitting Ch'ding!
Alakazam used Psychic
Alakazam missed
Ch'ding used Fly
Alakzam used Future Sight (if it was really that smart as the game says it is, he would've just killed me with Psychic)
Ch'ding killed it with Fly
Ch'ding is level 45 now
Everyone else is Lv44

Well I went through that without losing a Pokemon, I though Ch'ding was screwed against Alakazam, but hey! Surprised me. Your rival never has good Movesets, execpt with his Alakazam and Charizard.
E4 time. I took this Elite Four on already to see how far I could get, and I got up to Lance. So hopefully with the right items, and a s**tload of luck, my underleveledness won't be my downfall.

First E4 is Loreloi (Not Lueroi) She's an Ice Type expert, but most of her Pokemon are also Water Type, so Eletric/Fighting type excel.
Dewgongs first Surf Hail Safeguard and Ice Beam Lv52 Water/Ice type
My first Pokemon is Amp Level 48 Thunderbolt Slam Light Screen Thunder
Strategy with Dewgong: Hit it hard and fast before it puts up Hail and Safeguard
Amp used Thunder
Dewgong didn't die it used Hail. What the frick!
Amp Kod it with Thunderbolt
Cloyster is next Lv51 Weakest Pokemon Dive Spikes Hail Protect
Strategy with Cloyster: Take it out before it sets up with moves like Spikes
I sent out Spyro Lv48 Fire Blast Ice Beam Thunderbolt Agility
Cloyster's being annoying
Spyro used Thunderbolt
Cloyster used Spikes. (It never uses Spikes.) What gives?
Stupid Protect! Ruins everything!
Tried Protect, but failed
Spyro KOd it
Slowbro Lv52 Yawn Ice Beam Surf Amnesia
Strategy: Take it out with Special Moves before it uses Amnesia
Back to Amp
That Spikes is stupid
Amp missed with Thunder
Slowbro used Surf
Amp used Light Screen
Slowbro used Surf, and did about half of what it did last time
Amp missed
Surf KOs Amp
Well... I guess its back to Spyro
Thunderbolt from Spyro
OMG Amnesia!
Spyro used Thunderbolt
Slowbro's just stalling out Light Screen
I went to Snorlax Lv47 Body Slam Surf Double-Edge Sleep Talk
Slowbro used Yawn
Snorlax used Double Edge
Slowbro surfed
Lorelei healed
Snorlax used Body Slam via Sleep Talk
Body Slam via Sleep Talk again
Another Amnesia from Slowbro
Snorlax woke up
So Slowbro aims on putting it back to sleep
Double-Edge lets it barely live
Snorlax used Double-Edge and overkilled Slowbro
Lapras Lv54 Surf Ice Beam Confuse Ray Body Slam
Strategy: Take it out with Physical Attacks before Para-fusion is inflicted.
I went with the expert of Physical Attacking Monkee Lv48 Bulk Up Cross Chop Rock SLide Brick Break
Monkee took out a good deal with Cross Chop
Lapras used Ice Beam and healed w/ Sitrus Berry
Monkee took it out with Brick Break
Lastly is Jynx Lv54 Attract Lovely Kiss Ice Punch Doubleslap
Strategy: Send out a Female Pokemon, Attract is a bitch to deal with!
Draco, a male Pokemon for me Lv47 Flamethrower Blast Burn Steel Wing Slash
Accidently used SLash
Jynx missed
Well Slash did as much as it did... BLAST BURN!
(I love how Blast Burn looks in this game.)
Jynx went down.

That's that for now...
Time for Bruno. He claims to be a fighting type master, but the first thing he throws out is a f***ing Onix! Why?!
Onix #1 Lv51 Iron Tail Roar Earthquake Rock Tomb
My first is Snorlax
Onix used Earthquake
Snorlax killed it with Surf, but I'm just sad.
Hitmonchan Lv52 Mach Punch Sky Uppercut Rock Tomb Counter
I went with Amp
Amp used Thunder
Hitmoncan used Rock TOmb
Hitmonchan used Sky Uppercut
Amp used Slam
Hitmonchan KOd Amp with Mach Punch
Ch'ding Lv47 Fly Swords Dance Agility Slash
Hitmonchan used Sky Uppercut
Ch'ding KOd it with Slash Ch'ding Leveled Up
Bruno goes for Machamp Lv56 Cross Chop Bulk Up Rock Tomb Scary Face
Ch'ding flew up
Ch'ding used Fly
Machamp KOd Ch'ding
Spyro used Fire Blast
Machamp KOd Spyro
Draco used Blast Burn, but Machamp Lived
Draco used Flamethrower
Machamp used Rock Tomb and KOd Draco
Monkee used Bulk Up
Machamp used Scary Face
Machamp used Cross Chop
Monkee used Bulk Up
Healed Monkee
Cross Chop
Machamp used Cross Chop
Monkee gave Machamp a Cross Chop right back and killed it.
Monkee grew to Level 49
Hitmonlee Lv53 Mega Kick Facade Brick Break Foresight
Hitmonlee KOd Monkee with Facade
Snorlax used Body Slam
Hitmonlee KOd Snorlax

:-X Just Facepalm... I beat him so easily before. Doesn't matter though, my teams just REALLY underleveled if I'm losing to this moron.
Yeah... I kinda beat Bruno Agatha and Lance while I wasn't prepared to record it in the journal, but I'd never forget the Champion battle!
Rival, er... I mean CHAMPION Aegis starts with Pidgeot Lv59 Aerial-Ace Sand-Attack Featherdance Whirlwind
I started with Amp Lv49 Thunderbolt Slam Light Screen Thunder
Amp missed with Thunder
Pidgeot's being a n00b.
Amp missed
Pidgeot used Aerial Ace
Amp missed
Pidgeot used Aerial Ace
Amp paralyzed Pidgeot with Static
Thunder will never hit
Amp missed
Pidgeot used Aerial Ace
Amp used Thunderbolt
Amp KOd Pidgeot with Thunderbolt
Amp grew to level 50.
Rhydon is next Lv59 Earthquake Rock Tomb Scary Face Take Down
I went with Snorlax Lv48 Body Slam Surf Double-Edge Sleep Talk
Snorlax is the reason I won against Lance because he got a Critical with Surf on the same turn Aerodactyl used Hyper Beam
Rhydon used Earthquake
Snorlax used Surf
Rhydon used Take Down, and took down Snorlax
Aegis healed
Monkee is spamming Bulk Up
Rhydon used Scary Face
Rhydon used Earthquake
Monkee used Bulk Up
Rhydon used Earthquake
Monkee used Bulk Up
Healing Monkee
Rhydon used Take Down
Rhydon used Earthquake
This Bulk Up spamming feels pointless, but since Snorlax died...
Rhydon used Earthquake
Monkee KOd Rhydon in one Brick Break
Ugh.... Alakazam... Lv57 Psychic Reflect Future Sight Recover
Ugh... I've gotta go with... Spyro and hope it doesn't decimate me.
Spyro's Lv49 with Fire Blast Ice Beam Agility Thunderbolt
Alakazam killed Spyro with Psychic, because Psychic just rapes everything, except when it doesn't rape everything and other Psychic-types.
Amp, I'm hoping to move first
No such luck
Ch'ding Lv48 same moves as normal
I revived Snorlax
I'm just preping Snorlax
If I kill Alakazam he'll be easy the rest of the way
Went to Snorlax
Snorlax KOd it in one shot with Double-Edge (Yay Quick Claw)
Exeggutor is Lv59/61 Giga Drain Egg Bomb Sleep Powder Light Screen
I went to Draco Lv48 Flamethrower Slash Steel Wing Blast Burn
Draco used Flamethrower
I missed what Exeggutor did, but I assume Light Screen
Draco KOd Exeggutor
Aegis's Starters: Venusaur Lv63 Solarbeam Synthesis Sunny Day Growth (easiest)
Blastoise Lv63 Bite Hydro Pump Rain Dance Surf
Charizard Lv63 Fire Blast Aerial Ace Fire Spin?! Slash
I'm going to have to use Snorlax throughout the rest of this fight.
Blastoise used Rain Dance
Snorlax used Double-Edge
Restored Thunder PP
Blastoise used Hydro Pump
Snorlax used Bite
Amp used Thunder and made Turtle Soup one last time. With a Critical.
Arcanine is last Lv59/61 Flamethrower Bite Roar Extremespeed
He'll also have a Gyarados Lv59/61 Hydro Pump Thrash Dragon Rage Bite if you didn't choose Charmander
Arcanine used Extremespeed
Amp used Thunder and Paralyzed Arcanine
Arcanine KOd Amp
Arcanine keeps using Extreme Speed
Draco used Slash
Arcanine KOd Draco
Monkee is Bulking Up
Arcanine used Flamethrower
Monkee KOd it with Rock Slide
Is that it? YES! OMG this is the first time I've beaten this game.

Expect no more updates to this Journal, except the teams of Lance and Agatha.