As a great philosopher once said: Go rape Team Rocket! And so I shall.
Gym Battle vs. Giovanni
First is Rhyhorn #1 Lv45 Take Down Scary Face Rock Blast Earthquake
My first is Draco Lv43 Flamethrower Steel Wing Wing Attack Blast Burn
Draco used Steel Wing
Rhyhorn used Scary Face
Draco used Steel Wing
Rhyhorn used Scary Face
Giovanni healed
Draco used Steel Wing
Draco used Steel Wing
Critical KOs Rhyhorn
Second Rhyhorn is the same as the first except its level 50
Snorlax Lv43 Same moves as before
Snorlax used Surf
Rhyhorn fainted
NidoQueen Lv44 2x Kick Body Slam Earthquake Poison Sting
Stayed with Snorlax
Nidoqueen used Earthquake
Snorlax used Body Slam
Nidoqueen is paralyzed
Snorlax used Body Slam
Nidoqueen died
Snorlax is poisoned
Nidoking Lv45 Same moves as Nidoqueen except it has Thrash in replace of Body Slam
Snorlax keeps on keepin' on.
Nidoking used Earthquake
Snorlax did Body Slam
Full Heal
Snorlax used Body Slam and KOd it.
Lastly is Dugtrio Lv42 Slash Snad Tomb Mud Slap Earthquake
Ch'ding Lv44 Slash Fly Swords Dance Agility
Dugtrio used Slash
Ch'ding used Swords Dance
Dugtrio used Slash
Ch'ding used Fly
Dugtrio KOd and the battle's over
Other stuff I've done
Caught Zapdos
Gym Battle vs. Giovanni
First is Rhyhorn #1 Lv45 Take Down Scary Face Rock Blast Earthquake
My first is Draco Lv43 Flamethrower Steel Wing Wing Attack Blast Burn
Draco used Steel Wing
Rhyhorn used Scary Face
Draco used Steel Wing
Rhyhorn used Scary Face
Giovanni healed
Draco used Steel Wing
Draco used Steel Wing
Critical KOs Rhyhorn
Second Rhyhorn is the same as the first except its level 50
Snorlax Lv43 Same moves as before
Snorlax used Surf
Rhyhorn fainted
NidoQueen Lv44 2x Kick Body Slam Earthquake Poison Sting
Stayed with Snorlax
Nidoqueen used Earthquake
Snorlax used Body Slam
Nidoqueen is paralyzed
Snorlax used Body Slam
Nidoqueen died
Snorlax is poisoned
Nidoking Lv45 Same moves as Nidoqueen except it has Thrash in replace of Body Slam
Snorlax keeps on keepin' on.
Nidoking used Earthquake
Snorlax did Body Slam
Full Heal
Snorlax used Body Slam and KOd it.
Lastly is Dugtrio Lv42 Slash Snad Tomb Mud Slap Earthquake
Ch'ding Lv44 Slash Fly Swords Dance Agility
Dugtrio used Slash
Ch'ding used Swords Dance
Dugtrio used Slash
Ch'ding used Fly
Dugtrio KOd and the battle's over
Other stuff I've done
Caught Zapdos