Pokemon FireRed Journal

Which Bird should I go after first?

  • Articuno

    Votes: 1 50.0%
  • Zapdos

    Votes: 1 50.0%
  • Pidgey (lol)

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Essentialy the same as my HeartGold Journal, was what I planned to start with when I decided with this project, but decided against it in the end.

A little Background Knowledge for those who have an eye for detail.
The name of my rival is Aegis. This is because Aegis loves Pokemon SOOO Much.
If anyone has any good nicknames for my Pokemon, feel free too post them on this topic. I'll be using a Fire Type, a Fighting Type, an Electric Type, and a Normal type. I'll be using a fullteam of six, but I'll keep the remaining two Pokemon under wraps for now.

This will start Apr. 22nd, which conviently is when my Spring Brake starts.
Starting! The path of dreams adventures and whatever else these guys say.

I chose Charmander, but couldn't think of a good nickname.

Then Aegis (my rival's name) wants to fight. Who would I be to dissapoint?

Rival Battle #1 Battle Difficulty 3/10
This battle your Rival only has his Starter.
Squirtle Lv5 Torrent Ability Moves Tackle and Tail Whip
Bulbasaur Lv5 Overgrow Ability Moves Tackle Growl
Charmander Lv5 Blaze Ability Moves Scratch and Growl

This isn't too hard if you withdrew a Potion from your PC before hand, meaning you have an extra approx. 20 HP. Which I did.
Charmander used Scratch
Squirtle used Tail Whip
Charmander used Scratch
Squritle used Tail Whip
Charmander used Scratch
Squirtle used Tackle
Charmander used Scratch
Squirtle used Tackle
Charmander KOs Squirtle with Scratch
Charmander grew to level 6.

After this I get the Pokedex and the Poke Balls. Nothing Else happens, but I'll post what I do later on in the day.
I now have 2 more Pokemon from last time. A Mankey and a Pikachu. Now for the second Rival Battle.
Rival Battle #2 Battle Difficulty 3/10, 4/10 if you started with Bulbasaur.
Your rival has 2 Pokemon this time, both Level 9. It's harder if you only have Bulbasaur since both Pokemon target Bulbasaur's weaknesses. (They have the moves both often don't use them.

Starts with Pidgey Normal/Flying Lv9 Tackle Sand Attack and Gust With the ability Keen Eye
I start with Amp (Pikachu) Electic Lv7 ThunderShock Growl Tail Whip Ability Static
Amp used Thundershock
Pidgey used Sand Attack
Amp used Thundershock
Pidgey was KOd
Next is Squirtle Lv9 Water Type Moves Tackle Tail Whip Water Gun Ability Torrent
Amp usd ThunderShock
Squirtle used Tackle, and was paralyzed by Static.
Amp used Thundershock
Squirtle used Tackle
Amp used Thundershock
Squirtle was KOd.
Amp grew to level 8. And learned Thunder Wave.

Other things of relevant importance.

Monkee (Mankey) Lv7 Scratch Leer Low Kick Ability Vital Spirit
Charmander Lv7 Scratch Growl Ember Ability Blaze
Current Location: Viridian Forest
Fighting Brock, the Rock expert. Battle Difficulty 1/10 if you start with Bulbasaur or Squirtle 3/10 if you started with Charmander since you essentially HAVE to pick up Mankey OR learn Metal Claw or else victory is impossible unless you like epic Level Grind
Geodude is first Lv12 Rock/Ground Tackle and Defense Curl
My first Pogeyman is Monkee the Mankey Lv10 Fighting Type Low Kick Scratch Leer
Monkey used Low Kick
Geodude used Tackle
Monkee used Low Kick
Geodude died.
Monkee Leveled up
Monkee Learned Karate Chop. Convienent Learned Move is Convienent!
Onix is next Lv14 Rock/Ground Tackle Bind Rock Tomb
Onix used Tackle (Getting outsped by f***ing is a little demoralizing)
Monkee used Karate Chop
Onix used Tackle
Monkee used Karate Chop
Onix used Bind. WHY?! You could've killed me with Rock Tomb, and you use Tackle twice, and follow up with f***ing Bind! Oh my god...
Monkee puts Onix out of his misery.

I win.
The rest of my team is as follows
Amp (Pikachu) Lv10 ThunderShock Growl Tail Whip Thunder Wave
Charmander L11 Ember Growl Scratch

Well to Mt. Moon and imprisonment in Cerulean City.
I accidently activated the 3rd Aegis Fight, so enjoy!
Battle Difficulty 3/10 for Squirtle or Charmander 4/10 for Bulbasuar
First is Pidgeotto Lv17 Normal/Flying Gust Quick Attack Sand Attack ??
I started with Amp Lv16 Electric Type ThunderShock Quick Attack Double Team Thunder Wave
Amp used Thundershock
Pidgeotto used Sand Attack
Pidgeotto used Quick Attack
Amp used Thundershock
Amp used Quick Attack
Pidgeotto died
Aegis sent out Rattata Lv15 Normal Type Quick Attack Tackle Focus Energy? And Bite I think... I'm not sure of these movesets, and I don't want to use Bulbapedia.
I sent out Monkee Lv16 Fighting Type Low Kick Karate Chop Scratch Leer
Rattata used Quick Attack
Monkee used Karate Chop
Rattata died
Abra is next Level 16 Psychic Type with only Teleport. Why?! It should've evolved by now! Why do all of these trainers not evolve their Pokemon!
Charmeleon is next for me. (It evolved)
Lv16 Fire Type Ember Growl Scratch Metal Claw
Abra used Teleport
Charmeleon used Ember
Abra failed
Charmeleon used Scratch
Charmeleon used Scratch (It wasn't faster, but Abra can't do anything.)
Experience for nothing!
Last is Squirtle Lv18 (Again! No evolution! Why game?) Water Type Withdraw Tail Whip Bubble Tackle
Other Pokemon he'll have depending on your starter are:
Charmander Lv18 Ember Scratch Metal Claw Growl
Bulbasaur Lv18 Tackle Growl Leech Seed Vine Whip

Amp used Thundershock
Squirtle used Water Gun
I used a Super Potion on Amp
Squirtle missed with Water Gun (Yeah I used 1 Double Team)
Amp used Thundershock
Squirtle tried Tail Whip but missed
Amp killed Squirtle with Thundershock

Amp leveled up
Fight against Misty
Battle Difficulty Bulbasuar users 2/10 Squirtle users 3/10 Charmander users 5/10
If you started with Charmander or Squirtle, I recommend getting a Pikachu Oddish or Bellsprout since they're good against Water-Types. Paras is also good against Water Types, but they only Grass type move it should have on it right now is Bullet Seed.
Staryu is first Water Type Lv18 Recover Water Gun Water Pulse Harden
Amp is my first choice Lv20 Thundershock Slam Double Team Thunder Wave
Amp used Double Team
Staryu used Harden
Amp used ThunderShock
Staryu used Water Pulse
Amp KOd Staryu
Misty sent out Starmie Lv21 Water/Psychic Type Water Pulse Recover Rapid Spin Swift If you have Meowth and it knows Bite that works well too.
Starmie missed with Water Pulse
Amp used Thunder Wave
Amp used Thundershock
Starmie used Water Pulse and got a Critical
Amp died
Monkee is out Lv19 Low Kick Karate Chop Scratch Leer
Monkee used Scratch
Starmie's Paralyzed
Monkee used Leer
Starmie used Recover
Monkee used Leer
Starmie used Water Pulse
Monkee used Leer
Starmie's Paralyzed
Monkee used Scratch and Criticaled
Starmie used Swift
Charmeleon's Last Lv19 Fire Type Ember Metal Claw Scratch Growl
Charmeleon used Scratch
Starmie died
Charmeleon Leveled Up.
Learned Smokescreen (Replaced Growl)

WOW... my Fire-Type won the battle. A-Mazing
Current Location: S.S. Anne.
Recent Activity
Added the 4th member of my team, a Flying Type. Guess what it is. Or continue reading this spoiler.
Battle Difficulty About the same as last time, there is no signifigant change, he still uses only 4 Pokemon, but all of them are at the second evolution stage.
First is Pidgeotto Lv19 Normal/Flying Type Effective Move Types Rock and Flying (Ice is also effective but odds are you don't have an Ice Type move by this point) Moves Tackle Gust Sand Attack Quick Attack
My first Pokemon is the newest member of my team Ch'ding (Farfetch'd)Lv21 Peck Sand-Attack Leer Fury Attack
Pidgeotto used Quick Attack
Ch'ding used Peck and got a Critical
Pidgeotto used Quick Attack
Ch'ding used Peck
Pidgeotto used Quick Attack
Ch'ding KOd Pidgeotto
Next is Raticate Lv16 (how? I don't know.) Pure Normal Type Effective Move Types: Only Fighting. Moves Tackle Quick Attack Tail Whip Hyper Fang. Destroy this thing first chance you get with Fighting Type moves, it's his weakest Pokemon so if you're struggling here, you've still got about 3/4 the battle to go.
Monkee is next for my team Lv20 Low Kick Karate Chop Scratch Leer
Monkee used Low Kick
Raticate fainted
Kadabra is next, Level-wise its not his strongest, but it's his most powerful if your using any non-Paras Grass types against it since any Grass Pokemon you get is also part-Poison besides Paras It's one of the Fastest Pokemon, with great Sp.Attack. Very hard to take down without Dark Type Moves. Lv18 Psychic Type Teleport?! Confusion Disable Kinesis Effective Move Types: Dark is probably the only type you have by this point, but Bug and Ghost work well also. Not that you'd have them by now normally.
My Next Pokemon is Amp Lv21 Electric Type Moves Thundershock Slam Double Team Thunder Wave
Amp used Slam
Kadabra tried Kinesis, but failed.
Amp KOd Kadabra with Slam
Wartortle is next or whatever is starter is. If you starter was Charmander he'll have Wartortle Lv20 TailWhip Withdraw Bubble Water Gun Effective Move Type Grass and Electric If it was Bulbasuar he'll have Charmeleon Lv20 Scratch Smokescreen Ember Metal Claw Effective Move Types Rock And Ground and Water. (The only Water Type you should have if you didn't start with Squirtle is Magikarp/Gyarados but if even if you don't you should have gotten the Water Pulse TM from Misty. And if your Starter was Squirtle he'll have Ivysuar Lv20 Vine Whip Sleep Powder Leech Seed Tackle Effective Move Types Flying and Psychic (There's no Fire-Type available by this point)
Anyway... after all that let's just end this long ardous post.
Amp used ThunderShock
Warortle used Water Gun
Amp used ThunderShock
Wartortle used Water Gun
Amp KOd Wartortle with ThunderShock
And there you go. Amp Leveled Up.
Also My Charmeleon is Level 21 With the same moves as last update
Still doing intense Level-Grinding on the S.S. Anne before I fight Lt. Surge.
Lt. Surge Time
First up is Voltorb Lv21 Pure Electric Type ability is Static I think, moves Shock Wave Sonc Boom Screech Tackle Difficulty 4/10
I sent out Charmeleon Lv23 (My entire team is level 23) Fire Type you know the ability Moves Ember Metal Claw Scratch Smokescreen
Voltorb missed
Charmeleon got a critical hit w/Ember
LT. Surge healed
Voltorb used Sonic Boom
Charmeleon burned Voltorb
Voltorb used Shock Wave
CharmELEON (I keep saying Charmander) killed Voltorb w/Scratch

Pikachu is next Lv18 (Why?) Electric Type Static Ability Moves Shock Wave Thunder Wave NOOB ALERT!Double Team... 
And Quick Attack
I threw out my own Pikachu (Amp) Lv23 You know the type and ability ThunderShock Slam Double Team Thunder Wave
Amp missed with Slam
Pikachu used Thunder Wave
Pikachu used Quick Attack
Amp paralyzed it with Static
Amp used Slam
Surge healed Pikachu's status
Amp killed it with Slam.
Last is Raichu Lv24 Electric Type With Static Ability and the same moves as Pikachu
I kept out Amp
Raichu's being a n00b.
Amp used Slam and it did less then I thought.
Raichu used Shock Wave
Amp used Slam
Raichu ued Shock Wave
Amp used Slam
Raichu used Quick Attack and KOd Amp
I sent out Ch'ding (Cause I thought it would be funny if Raichu fainted to Farfecth'd)
Ch'ding's Lv23 Peck Sand-Attack Leer Fury Attack Ability Keen Eye
Raichu used Shock Wave
Ch'ding lived and KOd Raichu w/Fury Attack.

Lt. Surge: Now that's a shocker!

Nothing else interesting going on.
Got through Rock Tunnel but never bothered to put it in the journal. Here's what mostly happened.

Leveled Up everyone to Lv26
Monkee Lv26 Low Kick Karate Chop Rock Slide Focus Energy
Amp Lv26 Thunderbolt Slam Double Team Thunder Wave
Draco (Charmeleon) Lv26 Ember Meta Claw Scratch Smokescreen
Ch'ding Lv26 Peck Sand-Attack Leer Fury Attack

Taught Rock Slide to Monkee via Move Tutor in Rock Tunnel

Now I've got a dilema, Ch'ding is almost Lv30 meaning it'll stop obeying me soon, but going to Celadon Gym will deal with that problem. I also however, want to get my 5th Pokemon, and I need the Poke Flute for that. And I'm indecisive as to what to do. So I'll let you decide it in a poll.
The Dead Mawse said:
Yeah, go rape Team Rocket!!
Yeah that's reason enough.  ::)

Anyway fighting Giovanni here Battle Difficulty 4/10 if starter is Charmander 3/10 if it's one of the other two.
First is Onix Lv25 Bind Rock Throw Rage and whatever else Rock/Ground Type wih ability Rock Head
Started with Draco Lv27 Fire Type Ember Metal Claw Scratch Smokescreen
Draco used Metal Claw
Onix used Bind
Draco used Metal Claw
Onix used Rock Throw
Draco used Metal Claw
Onix used Rage
Draco KOd Onix
Draco Leveled Up
Next is Rhyhorn another Rock/Ground type Lv24 Stomp Fury Attack and whaever else.
Monkee is next for me Lv28 (Evolved into Primeape) Low Kick Karate Chop Rock Slide Focus Energy
Monkee KOd Rhyhorn
Last is Kangaskhan Lv29 Normal Type Mega Punch Fake Out and its other two moves
Kangaskhan used Fake Out
Monkee flinched
Monkee used Low Kick
Kangaskhan used Mega Punch
Monkee KOd Kangaskhan.

Rest of my team:
Amp Lv28 w/same moves as my last update
Ch'ding Lv29 with Fly instead of Peck

Random stuff of some significance
Beat Giovanni
Got a few TMs at Celadon Dept. Store
Got the Tea
Got HM Fly

Rival Fight to be up later today.
Rival Fights. Gotta love them, gotta hate them.

This battle gets a 4/10 rating for all starters except Bulbasuar which gets a 6/10 difficulty since a lot of his team targets Bulbasaur's weaknesses

First is Pidgeotto Lv25 Normal/Flying Gust Sand-Attack Quick Attack and whirlwind. Also has Keen Eye as an ability.
First for me is Draco same everything as the update below this.
Draco used Ember
Pidgeotto used Gust
Pidgeotto used Quick Attack
Draco used Ember
Aegis withdrew Pidgeotto and sent out PidgeottoI mean Wartortle (why can't I type tonight?)
Wartortle is level 25 with Bite Tail Whip Bubble Withdraw and Waeter Gun (Bulbapedia is as wrong as ever.)

Amp I guess. Same as in last post. (All my team is)
Amp used Thunderbolt
Amp criticals and kills Wartortle
Back to Pidgeotto
Pidgeotto gets in a cheap shot w/Quick Attack
Amp kills it w/Thunderbolt
Growlithe is next. Lv23 (22 if starter is Intimidate Ability Bite Roar Ember Leer
Uh... let's go with Monkee
Monkee KOd it with Rock Slide
Exeggcute Lv22 (23 if starter is Bulbasuar) Barrage Hypnosis and Leech Seed and Confusion
I'm gonna sent in my Cut/Flash slave Oddish Lv12 Absorb Sweet Scent and its other two moves I mentioned.
Exeggute used Confusion
Oddish died
Alright enough killing my slaves, Ch'ding the best Pokemon eva!
Ch'dingflew up
Exeggcute missed
Ch'ding KOd Exeggcute
Lastly is Kadabra only Lv20 Teleport Confusion Disable Kinesis
Ch'ding flew up
I didn't see Kadabra's move, but it missed regardless
Ch'ding KOd Kadabra.

Other Pokemon Your Rival will have depending on your starter Pokemon.
Gyarados Lv22/23 Depending on whether or not you started with Bulbasaur or Squirtle Water/Flying Probably the most threataning thing he'll have. Thrash Tackle and Bite

Ivysaur Lv25 Leech Seed Poison Powder Vine Whip Growl (Only if your starter is Squirtle) Ability Overgrow Grass/Poison type

Charmeleon Lv25 Fire Type (Only if your starter is Squirtle) Ember Smokescreen Scary Face and Growl
Well it took me two tries to get him, but the 5th member of my team is Snorlax!
Snorlax Lv30 Ability Thick Fat (Would've preferred Immuity but I couldn't get the first one.) Moves Headbutt Yawn Rest Snore
And you know, Fuschia City wasn't too far away, so I caught my 6th Pokemon as well.
Spyro (Dratini) Wrap Leer Thunder Wave Twister Lv21 Dragon Type with Shed Skin (I tried for Dragonair since I caught one before in practice, but I settled for Dratini since Dragonair only appears ONE percent of the time.)

Now the fight with Erika. She's easily the easiest of all the gym leaders regardless of who your starter is. Charmander's strong against it, Bulbasuar resists everything, Squirtle's weak to her, but Squirtle's Sp. Def easily makes up for it.

First Up for Erika is Victreebel Lv29 Grass/Poison Stun Spore Acid Poison Powder Giga Drain
First for me is Spyro Lv25 Dragon Rage Leer Thunder Wave Twister
Victreebel missed w/Stun Spore
Spyro used Dragon Rage
Victreebel used Poison Powder
Spyro used Twister
Victreebel used Acid
Spyro KOd Victreebel w/Dragon Rage
Tangela is next Lv24 Pure Grass type. (The only Pure Grass type in the game) Poison Powder Synthesis Ingrain Giga Drain
I kept Spyro in, but the poison killed him.
Uh... Monkee. Lv29 same moves as last update.
(Only reason is because Monkee is the second weakest member of my team.)
Monkee used Rock Slide
Tangela missed
Monkee almost KOd Tangela
Tangela used Ingrain
Erika used Hyper Potion
Monkee criticaled with Karate Chop
Monkee KOd Tangela
Vileplume is last Lv29 w/ the same moves and type as Victreebel, except it has Sleep Powder instead of Poison Powder.
Keeping Monkee in.
Monkee used Rock Slide
Vileplume paralyzed Monkee
Vileplume used Giga Drain
Monkee used Rock Slide
Vileplume used Giga Drain
Monkee used Rock Slide
I revived Spyro.
Vileplume KOd Monkee
Spyro KOs Vileplume w/ Dragon Rage
Spyro leveled Up.

Other things of note.
Caught Goldeen (New Slave)
Got HM for Surf
Got HM for Strength
Got Super Rod
What d'ya know? It's another Update.

Koga Battle Difficulty 6/10

First is Koffing Pure Poison Type Lv37 SelfDestruct Sludge Smokescreen Toxic
Koga's team is really defensive, but all of his Pokemon share a weakness to Psychic type, and as you know Psychic just rapes everything.
I started with Snorlax Lv33 Headbutt Yawn Rest Body Slam
Snorlax used Body Slam
Koffing used Sludge
Snorlax KOd Koffing
Next is Muk (Please no jokes about spelling its name backwards. It got old.) Lv39 Minimize Sludge Acid Armor Toxic
I went with Spyro (Dragonair) Lv33 Dragon Rage Leer Thunder Wave Slam
Spyro used Dragon Rage
Muk used Sludge
Spyro used Dragon Rage
Muk KOd Spyro
I sent in Amp Lv34 Thunderbolt Slam Doble Team Thunder Wave
Amp used Thunderbolt
Muk used Minimize
Koga healed
Amp used Thunderbolt
Amp used Slam
Muk used Sludge
Amp missed
Muk KOd Amp
Ch'ding Lv34 Fly Swords Dance Leer Fury Attack
Ch'ding used Swords Dance
Muk missed with Toxic
Ch'ding flew up
Ch'ding missed ith Fly
Muk used Sludge and Ch'ding was poisoned
Ch'ding flew up
Ch'ding used Fly
Muk KOd Ch'ding
Why do I always have so much trouble with Muk? First HeartGold now this.
Draco is next. Lv34 Flamethrower Metal Claw Scratch Smokescreen
Koga healed again
Draco missed
Draco used Flamethrower
More Minimize spamming. It's the same thing as Heartgold
Draco used Flamethrower
Muk used Acid Armor
Draco missed
Muk used Sludge
Draco missed
Draco got KOd
Muk got a critial with Sludge
Snorlax used Body Slam and paralyzed Muk
Snorlax used Rest
Muk use Sludge
I used the Poke Flute
Sludge from Muk
Snorlax missed
Muk used Sludge
Snorlx almost KOd Muk, Muk DID KO Snorlax.
OMG what is going on here! Monkee save me! Lv34 Low Kick Karate Chop Rock Slide Focus Energy
Monkee used Rock SLide but missed
Muk's Parayzed
Monkee missed
Muk's Paralyzed
Monkee KOd Muk
His second Koffing is the same as his first.
Revived Snorlax
Koffing used Sludge
Monkee used Focus Energy
Koffing gets the Critical Hit
Monkee used Rock Slide
Koffing KOd Monkee
Snorlax doesn't KO, but Paralyzes Koffing.
Koffing can't move
Koga Full Heal
Snorlax KOs with Headbutt
Last is Weezing with Tackle Sludge Smokescreen and Toxic
Weezing used Sludge
Snorlax used Yawn
I used a Hyper Potion
Weezing used Tackle
Weezing fell asleep
Snorlax used Headbutt
Snorlax headbutted again
Snorlax used Body Slam
Weezing woke up and use Sludge
Snorlax was Poisoned, but KOd Weezing regardless.
Snorlax Leveled Up.

Oh My God what was that? That's like the worst performance I'll put in any Pokemon Journal I make. I'm sick of Poison, but now I've gotta liberate Silph Co. from Team Rocket. So now I get to have more fun with my most favorite Pokemon Type.
Lucario said:
Rival Fights. Gotta love them, gotta hate them.

This battle gets a 4/10 rating for all starters except Bulbasuar which gets a 6/10 difficulty since a lot of his team targets Bulbasaur's weaknesses

First is Pidgeotto Lv25 Normal/Flying Gust Sand-Attack Quick Attack and whirlwind. Also has Keen Eye as an ability.
First for me is Draco same everything as the update below this.
Draco used Ember
Pidgeotto used Gust
Pidgeotto used Quick Attack
Draco used Ember
Aegis withdrew Pidgeotto and sent out PidgeottoI mean Wartortle (why can't I type tonight?)
Wartortle is level 25 with Bite Tail Whip Bubble Withdraw and Waeter Gun (Bulbapedia is as wrong as ever.)

Amp I guess. Same as in last post. (All my team is)
Amp used Thunderbolt
Amp criticals and kills Wartortle
Back to Pidgeotto
Pidgeotto gets in a cheap shot w/Quick Attack
Amp kills it w/Thunderbolt
Growlithe is next. Lv23 (22 if starter is Intimidate Ability Bite Roar Ember Leer
Uh... let's go with Monkee
Monkee KOd it with Rock Slide
Exeggcute Lv22 (23 if starter is Bulbasuar) Barrage Hypnosis and Leech Seed and Confusion
I'm gonna sent in my Cut/Flash slave Oddish Lv12 Absorb Sweet Scent and its other two moves I mentioned.
Exeggute used Confusion
Oddish died
Alright enough killing my slaves, Ch'ding the best Pokemon eva!
Ch'dingflew up
Exeggcute missed
Ch'ding KOd Exeggcute
Lastly is Kadabra only Lv20 Teleport Confusion Disable Kinesis
Ch'ding flew up
I didn't see Kadabra's move, but it missed regardless
Ch'ding KOd Kadabra.

Other Pokemon Your Rival will have depending on your starter Pokemon.
Gyarados Lv22/23 Depending on whether or not you started with Bulbasaur or Squirtle Water/Flying Probably the most threataning thing he'll have. Thrash Tackle and Bite

Ivysaur Lv25 Leech Seed Poison Powder Vine Whip Growl (Only if your starter is Squirtle) Ability Overgrow Grass/Poison type

Charmeleon Lv25 Fire Type (Only if your starter is Squirtle) Ember Smokescreen Scary Face and Growl

And now... He's Back!

His first Pokemon is Pidgeot Lv37 Normal/Flying Wing Attack Feahterdance and it's other moves. I'm not using Bulbapedia due to it being unreliable.
My first Pokemon is Snorlax Lv36 Headbutt Yawn Rest Body Slam
Pidgeot used Wing Attack
Snorlax used Yawn
Pidgeot used Wing Attack
Snorlax used Body Slam and Pidgeot is Paralyzed
Snorlax used Body Slam and KOd Pidgeot
Next is Growlithe Lv38 Fire Type With Intimidate Ability so send out a Special Attacker. Bite Flame Wheel
I sent out Amp Lv36 Thunderbolt Slam Double Team Thunder Wave
Amp used Thunderbolt
Growlithe KOd Amp with Flame Wheel
Monkee Lv36 Low Kick Cross Chop Rock Slide Focus Energy
Monkee used Rock Slide and KOd Growlithe
Exeggcute is next. Lv35 Grass Psychic Confusion Hypnosis
I could destroy it with my new Charizard, but I'll go with Spyro
Spyro Lv36 Dragon Type Dragon Rage Ice Beam Thunder Wave Slam
Spyro used Ice Beam and Exeggcute died.
Alakazam is next ooh. Alakazam is good. Lv35 Future Sight Reflect and Calm Mind. It's obviously Psychic type.
Ch'ding Lv36 Normal/Flying Fly Swords Dance Agility Fury Attack
I revived Amp
Alakazam used Calm Mind
Alakazam used Future Sight
Ch'ding used Swords Dance
Alakazam tried Future Sight
Ch'ding flew up
I think Alakazam's only attack move is Future Sight.
Last is Blastoise Lv40 Bite Water Gun Withdraw
I kept Ch'ding out
Ch'ding was hit by Future Sight
Blastoise used Bite
Ch'ding died
Amp went out.
Amp recovered with some Leftovers I put on him.
Amp used Thunderbolt
Blastoise barely KOd with Water Gun
I healed Amp
Blastoise used Bite
Amp used Thunderbolt
Blastoise used Bite, but was paralyzed by Static
Amp KOd Blastoise with Thunderbolt

Aegis went down. He's team isn't too hard. 3/5 of his team is fully evovled, but none of them have good movesets.

I've got a new poll up for you.
Now it's time for Sabrina. She's a Psychic Type expert, so if you have any Dark Types, (Which the only way you can is by trading) you're in good shape.

First is Kadabra Lv38 Psybeam Reflect Future Sight Calm Mind
My first Pokemon is Snorlax Lv37 Headbutt Sleep Talk Rest Body Slam
Kadabra used Calm Mind
Snorlax KOd it with Body Slam
Next up is Mrs. Mime Lv37 Psybeam Barrier Baton Pass Calm Mind (I called it Mrs. Mime because it's a Mr. Mime of a female gender.)
Amp Lv38 With same moves as before
Amp use Thunderbolt
Mrs. Mime used Barrier
Amp used Thunderbolt
Mrs. Mime used Baton Pass
Sabrina threw out Venomoth Bug/Poison Psybeam Gust Leech Life Supersonic(It can be hit with Ground Type moves like Mud Shot and Bulldoze (Not like you could have Bulldoze in this game) despite its appearance)
Amp used Thunderbolt
Venomoth used Supersonic, which is about all it can do.
Amp used Thunderbolt
Venomoth used Psybeam
Amp hit himself
Venomoth used Psybeam
Amp KOd Venomoth with Thunderbolt
Sabrina sent Mrs. Mime back out.
I went with Draco Lv38 Flamethrower Steel Wing Wing Attack Smokescreen
I intended to send out Draco against Venomoth, but the Baton Pass threw me off.
Draco KOd Mrs. Mime with Flamethrower
Last is Alakazam Lv43! Psychic Calm Mind Future Sight Reflect (It has the same moves as Kadabra except it replaces Psychic for Psybeam)
Snorlax for me
Alakazam used Calm Mind
Snorlax BARELY KOd Alakazam
Alakazam paralyzed Snorlax via Synchronize
I used Rest Sabrina used Hyper Potion
Sabrina used Full Heal
Snorlax Paralyzed Alakazam with Body Slam
Sabrina used a potion
Snorlax is paralyzed
Calm Mind from Alakazam
Rest failed
Alakazam keeps stacking Calm Minds...
Headbutt almost did as much damage as Body Slam
Alakazam used Psychic
Snorlax is a Special Wall so it survived and KOd Alakazam with Heabutt

Other stuff of interest.
Beat Giovionii
Taught Monkee a few new tricks. (Bulk Up to replace Low Kick and Brick Break to replace Focus Energy)
Taught Spyro Agility (Replaced Slam)
After the Sabrina fight I just taught Amp Light Screen via a TM you get for giving the little kid a drink from the Vending Machines at Celadon And got rid of that stupid Double Team move.
Got the Master Ball
I think I'll save the birds for after my detour to the Sevii Islands.

Speaking of which...

Blaine's Team
First is Growlithe Lv42 Intimidate Ability Moves Bite Roar Take Down Fire Blast
I started with Draco Lv41 Flamethrower Steel Wing Wing Attack Smokescreen
Draco used Wing Attack
Growlithe used Fire Blast
Draco KOd Growlithe
Next is Ponyta Lv40 Stomp Bounce Fire Spin Fire Blast (Ability is Flash Fire so don't use Fire Type Moves)
I went with...Snorlax Lv41 Headbutt Body Slam Surf Sleep Talk
Ponyta used Stomp
Snorlax Flinched
Ponyta used Stomp
Snorlax used Surf
Blaine healed
Snorlax used Body Slam
Blaine healed again
Snorlax used Headbutt
Ponta preped Bounce
Ponyta used Bounce
Snorlax KOd Ponyta
Next is Rapidash Lv42 with the same moves and ability as Ponyta
Monkee used Bulk Up
Rapidash preped Bounce
Monkee missed
Rapidash used Bounce (I confused Bounce with Fly)
Monkee used Rock Slide
Rapidash fainted
Last is Arcanine Lv47 with the same moves as Growlithe
I staye with Monkee
Monkee used Rock Slide
Arcanine missed
Mnkee missed
Arcanine KOd Monkee
Hm... I'm in a bind, Ch'ding or Spyro...
Ch'ding is what I go with. Lv41 Fly Swords Dance Agility Slash
Arcanine KOs Ch'ding
Well now I have to go with Spyro.
Lv41 Dragon Rage Ice Beam Thunderbolt Agility
Spyro used Thunderbolt
Critical Hit, but not enough
Fire Blast from Arcanine
Full Heal
Spyro Kod it with Ice Beam

Amp (Raichu) Stats: Lv41 Thunderbolt Slam Light Screen Thunderwave
I've gotta catch Articuno in a Great Ball pretty much since I forgot to stock up...
Articuno Lv50 Ice/Flying Ice Beam Mist Mind Reader Agility (All 3 birds have Agility)
I started with Snorlax Lv42 Headbutt Body Slam Surf Sleep Talk
Snorlax paralyzed Articuno
Snorlax used Surf
Articuno used Ice Beam
Snorlax used Surf
Snorlax used Surf
Great Ball fails
Great Ball fails
Great Ball fails
Articuno froze Snorlax solid
Great Ball shook once
Great Ball fails
Great Ball fails
Great Ball shakes twice
Ultra Ball shakes once
Great Ball fails
Great Ball fails
Ultra Ball shakes once
Great Ball fails
Great Ball fails
Great Ball shakes once
Great Ball fails
Ultra Ball catches it!
I need to stock up on Ultra Balls before going after Zapdos/Moltres.