April Fools… Anyone?
Alright, it was pretty bad. Dry Bones killed it and everything else was really bland. I had fun making it so it counts for something. Maybe next year… if there is a next year…
Alright, it was pretty bad. Dry Bones killed it and everything else was really bland. I had fun making it so it counts for something. Maybe next year… if there is a next year…
A scan has been floating about the internet showing Mario Party on the DS, but not Mario Party DS. It appears to be another game presumably Mario Party DS 2. More info will be posted as it comes in. UPDATE : Discuss in Mario Party DS 2 topic in the forum under the Mario Party … Read more
New screens have been added to the Mario Party 8 Boards Page. More screens for the other pages to come.
New screens have been added to the New to Mario Party Page. Its a little more understanding with the pics now. More screens for the other pages to come.
The Mario Party 7 page has been updated with the main page, Boards, and Modes. No pictures are up now, but they will be up as soon as they are available. Please enjoy and remember that the forum still needs more members.
The Mario Party 8 page has been updated with Boards, Candy, Modes, and Other. No pictures are up now, but they will be up as soon as they are available. Please enjoy and keep checking for a Mario Party 7 update. On a side note, the forum is still growing and new members are appreciated.
The “New to Mario Party” and “Hosts” page are now up. You can access the “New to Mario Party” page by clicking the picture of NEW TO MARIO PARTY? and the “Hosts” by clicking the picture of hosts, under the Mario Party games. More updates to come. If you still haven’t joined the forum, please … Read more
I have been working on fixing the links so most should be working. Most of the stuff for now just says “coming soon”, so expect some of it soon. Character profiles are now updated with working pictures and and a few little fixes. That’s it for now, but expect more soon.