The story starts in October 2013. Or rather, It was 2013 in ACNL, in reality, it was 2014. My sister came to me one day and told me that something strange had happened. She said that Hamlet had moved out of town. So I rushed to my 3DS and booted up the game. To my surprise, the game's clock was set exactly one year back. So I corrected it and checked out the town. And sure enough, Hamlet, my second favorite villager was gone with only a good bye letter to remember him by. And If that wasn't enough, I soon found out that Kody, my favorite villager, had also moved out. I was so angry, confused and sad all at the same time. Anyway, I tried to continue to play the game, but it just wasn't the same anymore. And when my 3rd favorite villager moved out also, I finally decided that everything that keeping the town wasn't worth it anymore, so I left everything I owned behind, and left the town on a train, off to find a new life... :'(
NOTE: I added a little more drama in that last part, in reality, I just selected the destroy the town button.
Anyway, now you know a little bit of Mayor David's background story. I really want a new mainstream AC game so that I can really leave behind my past in new leaf.