Ask Gameguy1996

charles109 said:
1. Are you going to buy Kirby's 20th Anniversary Special Edition for the Wii on September 16th?

2. Do you have the Nintendo 3DS Ambassador Games? (10 NES Games and 10 GBA Games) Are you in the Ambassador Program?

Yeah I sure am.

Yeah I have the games and I am in the program.

Polar said:
Do you think New Super Mario Bros. 2 looks better then the DS and Wii versions?
It looks better then Ds and the same as Wii.
charles109 said:
What Wii console games and Wii virtual console games do you have now?
Super paper mario,Super mario galxey 1,2,Mario power tennis new play control,Mario and sonic at the olympic games,Mario and sonic at the winter olympic games,Mario and sonic at the london olympic games,Mario super sluggers,Mario kart wii,Mario strikers charged,Mario party 8,Mario party 9,Super smash bros brawl,Fortune street,Wii sports,Wiil play,Wii sports resort,Wii party,New super mario bros wii,Mario sports mix,Kriby's return to dreamland,DKCR,Poke park,Pokemon battle revison,Super mario bros,Super mario bros 2,Super mario bros 3,Super mario world,Pokemon snap,Mario party 2,Mario tennis 64,Mario golf 64,Pokemon puzzle league,Super mario 64,Paper mario 64,DKC,DKC 2,DKC 3,Mario kart 64,My Pokemon ranch,Pokemon rumble,Secret of mana,Super mario kart,Super mario RPG,Super smash bros,Uno,Vegas stakes.
charles109 said:
1. What size SD Card do you use for your Nintendo Wii Console? How many channels are on your SD Card Menu?

2. What Nintendo 3DS Games, including 3DS Virtual Console games, Ambassdor titles, and 3D Classics do you have right now?
I use a 2gb one.It has 20 channels.

Super mario 3d land,Mario kart 7,Mario tennis open,KIU,Pokemon rumble blast,Super mario land,Mario vs Donkey Kong,Metroid fusion,The legend of zelda minish cap,Kirby and the amazing mirror,F-Zero maximum,velocity,Warioware,Inc.:Mega Microgame$,Wario land 4,FETSS,Mario kart super circuit,YISMA3,Balloon fight,Super mario land 2,ZFSAE,Donkey kong Jr,Ice climber,Super mario bros,Zelda 2 the adventure of link,Wreacking crew,NES open tournament golf,Yoshi,TLOZ,Metroid,3d Classics Execitebike and Game and watch gallery 2.So 30.