Take a look below to see all the Luigi references in World Flower! If you see any we missed, leave a comment below and let us know where!
World Flower Overworld Map
World Flower-1: Switch Shock Circus
World Flower-2: Floating Fuzzy Time Mine
World Flower-3: Piranha Creeper Creek After Dark
World Flower-4: Faster Fort Fire Bros.
World Flower-5: Sprawling Savannah Rabbit Run
Once you reach the wide open area with the Checkpoint Flag, go to the right and go up and down across the right side. A very large Luigi can be seen within the grass.
~ D-Net
Use the Sprixie’s binoculars to see a hidden Luigi above one of the clear pipes.
~ D-Net
World Flower-6: Shiftier Boo Mansion
World Flower-7: Pipeline Boom Lagoon
World Flower-8: Blast Block Skyway
World Flower-9: Towering Sunshine Seaside
Head to the palm trees all the way to the left. Climb the palm tree on the right and allow the camera to automatically turn. An 8-bit Luigi can be seen crouching over the timer!
~ BizzleDizzle
World Flower-10: Honeycomb Skyway
Before you enter the Warp Block that takes you to the Flagpole, notice the hidden Luigi on the honeycomb to the right.
~ Sonic19
World Flower-11: Spiky Spike Bridge Sneak
World Flower-12: Boss Blitz