Green Stars – Super Mario 3D World Stars Guide

Follow our Super Mario 3D World stars guide and walkthrough as we detail every Green Star location in each world and level.

Green Stars, your main collectible in Super Mario 3D World + Bowser’s Fury! These shiny stars aren’t required to complete the game but there are certain optional levels you won’t be able to play until you collect a certain amount. They’re a neat and simple challenge and hey, some of them are touch to locate so we’ve got you covered.

Every level contains three Green Stars. Once collected, one of the Green Star icons in the top left corner of the screen will fill in. They’re listed in the order that you should encounter them so you’ll know what section of the level to look in if you’re missing any. Of course, our 3D world stars walkthrough lists each and ever Green Star in the entire game, complete with images.

Each link below is dedicated to different levels where you’ll find an image and quick explainer on where to find all three Green Stars along with the stamp. We also have a full video walkthrough of our 3D world stars guide.

World 1

World 2

World 3

World 4

World 5

World 6

World Castle

World Bowser

World Star

World Mushroom

World Flower

World Crown

If a video walkthrough is more your jam, take a look at our playlist here.


Use the links below to jump to different sections of our guide.

Super Mario 3D World + Bowser’s Fury
(Guide Hub)
Green Stars Walkthrough
W1 W2 W3 W4
W5 W6 W🏰 W🐲
W🌟 W🍄 W🌸 W👑
Stamps Cat Shines
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