Weekly Achievements #7 [3/18/12]

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The usual; no signups needed, make sure to post your achievements here and let us know that you earned them!

WEEK #7 - 3/18/12 to 3/24/12

1.) Send an SA Chat message to either 8B1T or Cook! (remember to friend one of them first) Send 8B1T a whisper on the Shoutbox and receive a reply! [G5]
Paste the following into the shout bar:
/msg 31GHT_B1T_S3RVAN (your message here)

2.) Be the person to get 6000 in the "Count to" Forum Game. [G10]

3.) Make at least one post in BOTH the General Gaming (but not the stickied topics) and Entertainment boards for each of the five days Monday through Friday. [G15]

4.) MP9 Weekly Competition. [G5~50]

Make sure to post and let us know that you earned them!

Luigi Party!

1. Send an SA Chat message to either 8B1T or Cook! (remember to friend one of them first) [G5]


1. Send an SA Chat message to either 8B1T or Cook! (remember to friend one of them first) [G5]
3.) Make at least one post in BOTH the General Gaming (but not the stickied topics) and Entertainment boards for each of the five days Monday through Friday. [G15]


1. Send 8B1T a whisper on the Shoutbox and receive a reply![G5]
3.) Make at least one post in BOTH the General Gaming (but not the stickied topics) and Entertainment boards for each of the five days Monday through Friday. [G15]


1. Send an SA Chat message to either 8B1T or Cook! (remember to friend one of them first) [G5]
Yoshiman222 said:
Vipsoccermaster said:
Yoshiman222 said:
...I may have forgotten to say this - but I got 2nd in the Bowser Station Mini-star hunt... #4
I think it's Toad Road based on the time this topic was posted.
But there's no week 8 yet - and the 3rd competition has already started - where else should I put this?
Well, for Competition 2, I think it will be on its own for that time.
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