Weekly Achievements #4 [2/12/12]

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Next round of achievements! Make sure to post and let us know that you earned them!

[2/12/12] - [2/19/12]

1.) Add a social media icon to your Profile (Youtube, Facebook, Tumblr, AIM, etc.). If you already have one, free points! :D (G5)
2.) Create a topic in the February 2012: Fire Emblem - The Sacred Stones topic. (G5)
3.) Send in your questions to the Podcast! Send them to podcast@mariopartylegacy.com or a PM to the Millennium account through the Forum. Questions can be about Mario Party, video games, or anything else! (G15)

Make sure to post and let us know that you earned them!


1.) Add a social media icon to your Profile (Youtube, Facebook, Tumblr, AIM, etc.). If you already have one, free points! (G5)
2.) Create a topic in the February 2012: Fire Emblem - The Sacred Stones topic. (G5)
3.) Send in your questions to the Podcast! Send them to podcast@mariopartylegacy.com or a PM to the Millennium account through the Forum. Questions can be about Mario Party, video games, or anything else! (G15)


1.) Add a social media icon to your Profile (Youtube, Facebook, Tumblr, AIM, etc.). If you already have one, free points! (G5)
3.) Send in your questions to the Podcast! (G15)


2.) Create a topic in the February 2012: Fire Emblem - The Sacred Stones topic. (G5)


2.) Create a topic in the February 2012: Fire Emblem - The Sacred Stones topic. (G5)

Dark Boo

1.) Add a social media icon to your Profile (Youtube, Facebook, Tumblr, AIM, etc.). If you already have one, free points! (G5)


1.) Add a social media icon to your Profile (Youtube, Facebook, Tumblr, AIM, etc.). If you already have one, free points! (G5)


1.) Add a social media icon to your Profile (Youtube, Facebook, Tumblr, AIM, etc.). If you already have one, free points! (G5)


2.) Create a topic in the February 2012: Fire Emblem - The Sacred Stones topic. (G5)
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