Another round of achievements! Make sure to post and let us know that you earned them!
[1/29/12] - [2/05/12]
1.) Ask Chubszter a question in his "Ask Chubzster! topic in his blog.* (G5)
2.) Rate and write a Review for our Podcast on iTunes! (G10)
3.) Create a topic in "General Gaming" that reaches 10 posts. (G10)
*Chubszter, you will get the points for answering them.
[1/29/12] - [2/05/12]
1.) Ask Chubszter a question in his "Ask Chubzster! topic in his blog.* (G5)
2.) Rate and write a Review for our Podcast on iTunes! (G10)
3.) Create a topic in "General Gaming" that reaches 10 posts. (G10)
*Chubszter, you will get the points for answering them.
1.) Ask Chubszter a question in his "Ask Chubzster! topic in his blog.* (G5)
1.) Ask Chubszter a question in his "Ask Chubzster! topic in his blog.* (G5)
1.) Ask Chubszter a question in his "Ask Chubzster! topic in his blog.* (G5)