We got to the next week! Make sure to post and let us know that you earned them!
[9/09/12] - [9/16/12]
1.) Create a topic in the Mario Party boards that reaches 3 pages before next Monday. (G20)
2.) Metroid! Create a new topic about a Metroid game or Metroid subject! Check for duplicates! (G10)
3.) Get a past member who has not posted in over a year to make a post on the Forum! (G50)*
4.) Participate in the Super Mario Galaxy Competition #3 and #4 (Check topic for point distribution!)
* Surprise, this one is an actual challenge. Harassing old members who no longer go on the Forum to log in will not be tolerated.
[9/09/12] - [9/16/12]
1.) Create a topic in the Mario Party boards that reaches 3 pages before next Monday. (G20)
2.) Metroid! Create a new topic about a Metroid game or Metroid subject! Check for duplicates! (G10)
3.) Get a past member who has not posted in over a year to make a post on the Forum! (G50)*
4.) Participate in the Super Mario Galaxy Competition #3 and #4 (Check topic for point distribution!)
* Surprise, this one is an actual challenge. Harassing old members who no longer go on the Forum to log in will not be tolerated.
Make sure to post and let us know that you earned them!