Waluigi's Taco Stand

Not sure if this was 2009 or 2010, H-J can hopefully clarify that. :p But Waluigi's Taco Stand had potential. Basically I took the idea from MC Ballyhoo, Cody's friend, and posted it in this topic were people were making some illogical assumptions of what Nintendo's Mystery Game would be. Jared joined in on the fun and H-J basically lost it for no reason.


Jared's posts got deleted but they were funny cause he was posting box-arts and stuff I think.
I miss Jared. D;

I was an idiot with this topic, mainly b.c. I must've been on a stress high and just... went crazy.

Waluigi's Taco Stand is still (like Cook said) pretty fresh as a game idea. THough I'd rather see it as a fan game parody.

(Isn't the actual topic just "Waluigi's Taco Stand", btw?)