The World of Thought

Accj21 said:
Bowser498 said:
Besides, I've tried the 3DS demo and wasn't interested. Plus, I played it on a Wii U at my local GameStop and I was like "meh".
Well, I guess if you have tried it, but don't like it, that's fine. But I would still highly recommend getting it for Christmas. I wasn't very excited for it either (didn't even buy it release day), but now it is one of my favorite games of all time.
Well, St. Nick is tomorrow, so I'll have my final decision by then. :)
(See my blog BTW)
New Years' Bowser498 said:
RafalRib said:
New Years' Bowser498 said:
Not even Splatoon or SMM? :(

*tries to find BossBlitz's post about Bowser's close mind*

IceBlitz said:
Because not everyone isn't as close-minded as you and has their own opinion, Bowser.
But those are just two popular games that he likes...
Splatoon and Mario Maker are both good, but not as good as the beauty that is Sm4sh.