The Birthday Thread

Happy Happy 18th Brithday Staryu!!!

EDIT: Here's that image

Dark Boo said:
Honey Bunches! What!? 18!?

Yazzzzzz Happy B-Day!!!!!
Yes, 18! Thank you so much Boo, and thanks so much for singing happy birthday on the podcast!

The Shattered Legacy said:
Happy Happy 18th Brithday Staryu!!!

EDIT: Here's that image

Thank you, HJ! As I said on skype, I love the picture, incredibly peachy! ;)

Vipsoccermaster said:
Happy 18th, Sunshine Baby!  I hope you have a juicy-tastic birthday!
Oh yes, thank you VIP! My birthday was indeed juicy. :D

Luigidenne3DSGCN said:
Have an awesome 18th Birthday, SpiderStaryu! If I could make a wish, I would make it so you could spend the whole day at the most beautiful of beaches. This is one of the most important days of your life, so make the best of it! :peach:
Thank you very much, Luigifan! Thank you for the great wishes! :)

Sashe2705 said:
Happy 18th birthday, SpiderStaryu! Here's to more great years to come! Hope you have a wonderful birthday! ;)
Thank you, Sashe! My birthday was wonderful, and juicy of course! ;)

TwoDreamy Luigi said:
Happy Birthday, SpiderStaryu. Good thing it's on a Saturday. ;D ;D
If Peach was ever a real person, pour her a cup of juice when she needs a real hero. :peach:
Thanks a lot, DreamyLuigi! Of course, I would pour Peach all the juice, her juicy hero! :p Also, very fun games playing with you on the community night today! :D

Luma Party said:
Happy 18th Staryu!
Welcome to the club.
Thank you, Luma Party! Haha, yes, 18 now!

DeadlyxImpulse said:
Happy B-Day to Juice Master Flex SpiderStaryer!1!1 Yazzz I hope you have a great one. 8)
Yessssssss!!! Thanks a lot, Impulse! We've turned into good friends over this last coming year, it's been a whole lot of fun talking to you when ever I get the chance! :D

Nix said:
Happy Birthday the ostentatiously bodacious Staryu. Have a good one.
Yessssssss, ostentatiously bodacious!! You got it! Thanks a lot, Nix! :D

Toblet said:
Happy Birthday, Staryu! Being 18 sure is juicy. :p
Thank you, Toblet! Oh you bet, as I age, I just get that much more juicier! ;) Haha! :p

Yoshiman222 said:
I've been saying the past few birthdays celebrations over Skype to them but I though I should make a post to them all here as well now.

So umm - Happy Birthday!
You guys know who you are. :p
Thank you, YoshiMan! Yes, I got your message on skype. :p

Timmy said:
Happy Birthday Staryu!!!!! ^__^

You ain't young and innocent like me anymore though. ;P
Thanks a lot, Timmy! Always enjoy talking to you, glad to live another year, and talk to some of my best friends like you! :D

Also, Timmy PLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEASE!! You are anything but innocent! :p You have been proven guilty!

Also want to add a thank you here to all the people who said HAPPY BIRTHDAY to me on Skype!

Garrulous, Snowy, Spirit, Sol, Aegis, SZ, and Ether!