Hi Max,
Georgy Alexandrovich Aristov commented on his Wall post.
Georgy wrote: "I got into a bunch of conflicts with my parents that resulted in me losing everything except my phone and Xbox. Won't go into any details since its private Once I get my computer back I will return"
It's not disgusting, it's Tova. You learn to accept it. The funny thing he was never like that on SMPSF1 but in the OMB on SMF he had his breakout party.
For real, SMF was mad fun we would post like 700+ a day mainly in that one board. Tova made that board but we had other stuff like the Master of Your Domain contest and Mirs posted his masturbation methods and stuff.
That board was GLORIOUS. We had so much activity. I don't think I had ever laughed at any post more than I had in that board. I love that I won the Master of My Domain on MF and SMF.
We had mad topics that'd go on for pages. Like I remember we had a brief vs boxers topic that had like 10 pages and I think TT posted himself in underwear which is gay on all fronts.