Two updates in a row? Madness!
Bianca Fight #3
Bianca starts with Herdier Lv18 Odor Sleuth Bite Helping Hand Take Down
I'll let Ether handle this. Lv23 Sand-Attack Payback Headbutt Brick Break
Ether used Brick Break
Herdier used Take Down
I'm sure she realizes she isn't that tough.
Bianca used Hyper Potion
Bianca used Super Potion
Ether just keeps putting the damage right back on.
Ether finished it with Brick Break
Ether's Moxie kicked in.
Servine is next, remember her starter is the one your starter is strong against.
Servine's Lv20 Wrap Growth Leaf Tornado Leech Seed
Dewott's Lv20 Water Sport Focus Energy Razor Shell Fury Cutter
Pignite's Lv20 Arm Thrust Defense Curl Flame Charge Smog
I always thought although it is probably the coolest looking, Servine is probably the weakest of the starters.
Servine used Leech Seed
Ether used Brick Break
Servine used Growth
Ether used Brick Break
Servine killed Ether with Leaf Tornado. Wait what? That's not... ARRGH!
Molly I guess. Lv23 Retaliate Take Down Work Up Bite
Servine used Growth
Molly used Retaliate (A little overkill because anything could've killed Servine, it was on its last legs.)
Munna will not have anything to do with your starter choice. She always has it. Sort of. Lv18 Yawn Psybeam Imprison Moonlight?!
SpiderStar will go! It used Seed Bomb
Munna used Imprison
SpiderStar killed it with Seed Bomb
Now she has the member of the Pantrio that your starter is weak to, but your Pantrio member is strong against.
Panpour/Pansear/Pansage all are Lv18. All have Fury Swipes and Lick. Panpour has Water Sport and Water Gun. Pansear has Yawn and Incinerate And Pansage will have Leech Seed and Vine Whip.
SpiderStar killed it with a Critical Seed Bomb
Cheren is waiting on Route 4 after you get the Insect Badge.
His levels are the same as Bianca's starter, with his being 2 levels higher. So no pressure.
Pidove is first Lv20 Leer Quick Attack Air Cutter Roost
I'll start with Molly because she's the only one who can't take super high damage from Air Cutter
Molly used Bite
Pidove flinched
Molly killed it with Retaliate
All the starters have a type-advantage over your starter and are Lv22. But their movesets aren't different from Bianca's.
As usual I've gotta face the Water-Type starter. I've had to do that in every Journal except Ruby.
I'll let Staryu deal with it.
Staryu killed it with a Critical Seed Bomb. Jeez! He must hate water-types. Uh, his Pan-trio member is the next one up, it's pretty much whatever's left. They're all Lv20 and all have the same movesets as Bianca's potential Pantrio member.
I'm going to let Ether handle it.
I should mention Cheren's starters are holding Sitrus Berries.
Ether's holding an Amulet Coin, Staryu's got an Eviolite, Molly's got the Scope Lens, and Blowhog's got Charcoal.
Pansear used Incinerate
Ether used Brick Break
Pansear used YAwn
Ether killed Pansear with Payback.
Liepard is next, Lv20 Fury Swipes Sand-Attack Pursuit Torment Crappy moveset for a crappy Pokemon I guess.
Liepard used Sand-Attack
Ether killed it with Brick Break regardless.
Ether Leveled Up.