Pokemon Ruby Journal

Which Starter do you want me to use?

  • Torchic

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Treecko

    Votes: 3 75.0%
  • Mudkip

    Votes: 1 25.0%

  • Total voters
With Heartgold not really going anywhere anymore and Platinum almost finished, It's time for another one of these. Pokemon Ruby Version. I actually want you guys to pick my starter for a change, and I'll adjust my team accordingly. I'm thinking I'll have a Fighting/Psychic and Steel type for sure. I might have a Dragon Type too.

I'll wait for what you decide.
*yawns* Easy Rival Battle is easy.
Rival May Battle #1
Torchic Lv5 Scratch Growl
Mudkip Lv5 Tackle Growl
Treecko Lv5 Pound Leer
Her Pokemon is the one that your Starter's type is at a disadvantage.

I threw out Yoshi15 (Treecko) Lv6 Pound Leer Absorb
Yoshi15 used Pound
Torchic used Scratch
Yoshi15 used Pound
Torchic used Scratch
Yay spam-fests
Yoshi15 killed Torchic with Pound

Yeah nothing too exciting. But start of the game Rival fights typically aren't.

Yoshi15 leveled up.
I noticed you always get 69 experience for beating your Rivals starter.
Roxanne is the leader of Rustboro City, and Rock-type user.
She starts with Geodude Lv14 Tackle Defense Curl Rock Throw Mud Sport
In Emerald she has two Geodudes that are both Lv12 with the same movesets
I started with BerryLarry (Ralts) Lv13 Growl Confusion Double Team
Berry used confusion
Geodude used Defense Curl
Berry used Confusion
Geodude used Rock Throw
Berry's Oran berry kicked in.
Roxanne used a Potion
I switched to Yoshi15 Lv14 Pound Leer Absorb Quick Attack
Geodude used Rock Throw
Yoshi15 used Absorb and killed Geodude
Nosepass is last Lv15 Tackle Harden Rock Tomb and Block
I switched Berry and Yoshi15 in and out for exp.
Nosepass used Harden
Yoshi15 used Absorb
Nosepass used Harden
Yoshi15 used Absorb
Nosepass used Rock TOmb, but missed.
Potion from Roxanne
Yoshi15 used Absorb
Yoshi15 used Absorb
Nosepass used Rock Tomb
Yoshi15's speed dropped
Nosepass used Rock Throw? I guess it has Block in Emerald not this game.
Yoshi15 used Absorb and killed Nosepass.
Yoshi15 leveled up.

Other stuff I did
Caught Zigzagoon for slave
Caught Whismur and named it Westfield for novelty purposes.
Location: Slateport
Badges: 1

I've added two new members to my team.

EpicWaligi (Makuhita) Lv14 Tackle Focus Energy Vital Throw Arm Thrust
Sushi Boy (Mawile) Lv14 Astonish Fake Tears Bite

BerryLarry (Ralts) Lv15 Teleport Confusion Double Team
Yoshi15 (Grovyle) Lv17 Pound Leer Absorb QuickAttack

I'm just training my team at the Route North of Slateport for the Dewford challenge.
Billy12510 said:
Location: Slateport
Badges: 1

I've added two new members to my team.

EpicWaligi (Makuhita) Lv14 Tackle Focus Energy Vital Throw Arm Thrust
Sushi Boy (Mawile) Lv14 Astonish Fake Tears Bite

BerryLarry (Ralts) Lv15 Teleport Confusion Double Team
Yoshi15 (Grovyle) Lv17 Pound Leer Absorb QuickAttack

I'm just training my team at the Route North of Slateport for the Dewford challenge.

That's the last time I try updating off of memory. When I turned the game on, the levels were all off by 1, nevermind that Ralts doesn't learn Teleport until level 16, how does it get rid of Growl? And Waluigi2.0 has Sand-Attack, not Tackle. Ok now that that rant is through, on with the fight.

Machop Lv17 Karate Chop Seismic Toss Bulk Up Leer
For whatever reason I'm starting with Sushi Lv16 Astonish Fake Tears Bite SweetScent?
The Intimidate is a nice effect. I guess that's why.
Sushi Boy used Astonish
Machop used Bulk Up
Sushi Boy used Fake Tears
Machop used Karate Chop
You had a good run, but Berry's the best choice for the situation.
Machop used Karate Chop
Berry's Lv16 Growl Confusion Double TEam Teleport
Machop used Seismic Toss
Berry killed it with Confusion.
Makuhita is last. You should know all about it since I use one. Lv18 Bulk Up Sand-Attack Knock Off Arm Thrust
Whenever I have the same Pokemon as an important person in one of these games, I love pitting them against each other.
Waluigi2.0 Lv16 Vital Throw Focus Energy Sand-Attack Arm Thrust
Makuhita used Bulk Up
Waluigi used Arm Thrust
Makuhita used Arm Thrust
Waluigi used Vital Throw
Well... this isn't working.
You know what, Yoshi's been 6 EXP away from leveling up for a while now, it's time to give him what he deserves.
Makuhita used Arm Thrust
Yoshi used Absorb
Makuhita used Bulk Up
Yoshi used Pound
Makuhita used Sand-attack
ARGH! Super Potion that I forgot all about.
Yoshi missed
Yoshi missed
Makuhita used Knock Off
"The Blue Corner. Still can't pull off a move!"
Sand-Attack isn't helping much.
Yoshi used Absorb
Makuhita used Bulk Up
Yoshi used Absorb
Makuhita killed Yoshi with Arm Thrust
I should've just killed Makuhita before and not used Pound. Today is not my day.
Oh what? How's wha? Makuhiat used Knock Off
Berry used Confusion
I bought a few Super Potions in Slateport, didn't think I'd have to use them.
Brawly follows my example
Knock off is Dark-type I think, so I guess that's why he's using it, but it's just way too weak.
Berry used Confusion
Makuhita used Sand-Attack
erry criticals and kills Makuhita

Sorry Yoshi15, but you're level up is still a battle away from you.

So taht's done now.
Ah the joys of a well fought Rival-Battle, one that is not particularly easy if you aren't prepared.
May/Brandon (probably misspelled that) has a trio of Wailmer Numel and Shroomish, but her starter replaces the Pokemon of the respective type.
Wailmer is Lv18 Water-type, and I think its moves are Splash Growl Water Gun and Rollout
Marshtomp's Lv20 Water/Ground Mudshot Water Gun Bide and uh... Foresight?
Wailmer used Water Gun
Waluigi2.0 used Vital Throw
Wailmer used Water Gun
Waluigi2.0 used Vital Throw
Wailmer used Water Gun
Waluigi2.0 killed it with Arm Thrust
Waluigi2.0 leveled up
Fake Out...
Uh... no.
Combusken is Fire/Fighting Lv20 Peck Ember Double Kick Focus Energy
I'm going to send out Mawile to Fake Tears spam on it.
Numel is lv18 Tackle Growl Ember Magnitude
Combusken used Ember
Sushi got burned
(Not the best place to mentoin, but my whole team is level 18)
Sushi used Fake Tears
Combusken killed Sushi with Ember
Well it did all I really expected it to do.
Combusken used Focus Energy
Berry used Confusion
Combusken got confused
Combusken got an Ember off
Berry got burned
Berry killed it with Confusion
Shrromish is last, Lv18 Leech Seed Absorb MEga Drain Stun  Spore
I believe Grovyle's moves are Pursuit Absorb Quick Attack and Leer It's level is 20.
I'll throw out Grovyle cause everything else is too weak.
Yoshi used Quick Attack
damn Effect Spore paralyzed Yoshi
Shrromish was planning on using Stun Spore anyway

Quick attack goes first anyway
Shroomish has Tackle, so disregard what I said.
It's a spam fest of Quick Attack and Tackle
Yoshi eventually killed it with Quick Attack

*yawn* These Rival battles aren't really entertaining.
We're going to be fighting Wattson! Fun Fact of the day: Wattson is the only Gym Leader in this game who's strongest Pokemon is not from Hoenn. This is only true however, in Ruby and Sapphire, because in Emerald, his strongest Pokemon is Manectric.

Anyways his first Pokemon is Magnemite Lv22 Thundershock Thunder Wave Supersonic Sonicboom
I started with Waluigi2.0 Lv21 Vital Throw Focus Energy Sand-Attack and Arm Thrust
Magnemite used Supersonic
Waluigi2.0 still used Vital Throw
Wattson Super Potioned
Waluigi hit himself
Msgnemite used Thundershock
Waluigi snapped out of confusion and got a Critical with Vital Throw
Waluigi leveled up
Tried learning Whirlwind, but that's a worthless move.
Next is Voltorb Lv20 Spark Sonicboom Rollout SelfDestruct. Worth noting, in Emerald he starts with this Pokemon
I'm going to throw out Sushi Boy. Lv22 Astonish Fake Tears Bite Vicegrip
Voltorb used Spark and got a critical
Sushi used Vicegrip
I healed Sushi
Voltorb got another critical!
I'm burning through Super Potions
Voltorb used Spark twice
Sushi used Vicegrip
Healing again
Voltorb paralyze Sushi with SPark
Voltorb used Self Destruct
Even with a Critical hit, its not enough to kill Sushi. But just barely.
Last is Magneton Lv23 Shock Wave Sonic Boom Thunderwave Supersonic
I'm gonna use Yoshi15. Not to KO this thing, that's impossible. Just to use Leer spamming. Lv21 Pound Leer Absorb Quick Attack
Yoshi15 used Leer
Magneton used Thunder Wave
Magneton used SOnic Boom
Yoshi15 used Leer
Magneton used Shock Wae
Yoshi15 can't do anything.
I healed Waluigi
Yoshi15 got killed by Sonicboom
Magneton used Supersonic on Waluigi
Waluigi hit itself
Magneotn used SOnic Boom
Waluigi used Vital Throw
Incoming Super Potion.
Waluigi used Vital Throw.
:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:
Magneton killed Waluigi with Shock Wave
Berry's my only shot at killing him. (Kirlia) Lv21 Calm Mind Cofusion Double Team Teleport
Magneton used Shock Wave
Berry lived and killed it wtih Confusion
Berry leveled up

Well that was exciting.
Location: Fallabor
Badges: 3

I've added a new member to my team, and training it is taking a while. Everyone else is Lv23 except Grovyle, who's Lv24

METHANE (Koffing) Lv20 Poison Gas Tackle Smog Selfdestruct
BerryLarry Lv23 Calm Mind Double Team Teleport
Waluigi2.0 Lv23 Vital Throw Focus Enrgy Sand-Attack Arm Thrust
Sushi Boy Lv23 Astonish Fake Tears Bite Vicegrip
Yoshi15 Lv24 Pound Screech Absorb Quick Attack

I wanted to use Grimer for this playthrough, but it only has a 2% chance of showing up, so I gave up and went for Koffing. Which I've never used before.
I'm fighting Maxie! I'll also have Archie's Pokemon here too if you play Sapphire.
Mightyena is in both versions Lv24 Tackle Howl Sand-Attack Bite
I threw out my HM Slave to waste Mightyena's Intimidate
Mightyena killed Slave.
Oh no whatever will I do.
I threw out Waluigi2.0 (Hariyama) Vital Throw Focus Energy Sand-Attack Arm Thrust
Mightyena used Sand Attack
Waluigi2.0 used Vital Throw
Maxie healed
Waluigi2.0 killed Mightyena
Golbat is also in both games Lv24 Confuse Ray Astonish Bite Wing Attack
BerryLarry is the best choice. Lv24 Calm Mind Confusion Double Team Teleport
Golbat used Wing Attack
Berry used Confusion
Golbat killed Berry
Uh... let's go with Methane. I'm sorry METHANE! Lv24 Poison Gas Tackle Sludge Selfdestruct (heh heh heh)
Golbat used Bite
METHANE used Tackle
Golbat used Bite
METHANE flinched
I healed METHANE
Golbat used Astonish
Golbat used Supersonic
METHANE used Selfdestruct! Ha ha! Both Pokemon died.
Lastly is either Camerupt (Ruby) Lv25 Tackle Focus Energy Ember Magnitude or Sharpedo (Sapphire) Lv25 Crunch Rage Scary Face Focus Energy
I guess I'll let Waluigi handle this.
Camerupt used Focus Energy
Waluigi 1-Hit KOd it with Vital Throw.
Waluigi2.0 leveled up

I'm going to have a lot of fun just letting Koffing kill itself over and over again. I mean what? Anyway, Gym Battle later on in the day.
Flannery is a Fire-type expert. She starts with Slugma #1 Lv26 Overheat Light Screen Smog Sunny Day

I started with Waluigi2.0 Lv25 Vital Throw Focus Energy Sand-Attack Arm Thrust
Slugma used Sunny Day
Waluigi used Vital Throw
Flannery healed
Waluigi used Arm Thrust
Slugma missed with Smog
Waluigi killed it with Vital Throw
Her second Slugma is Lv26 as well, but has Flamethrower Rock Slide Sunny Day Light Screen
I threw out Berry Lv25 Calm Mind Confusion Double Team Teleport
Berry used Calm Mind
Slugma used Flamethrower
I'm going to have to stall.
Slugma used Rock Slide
The Sunlight faded.
Berry used Calm Mind
Slugma used Sunny Day
Berry used Calm Mind
Slugma used Light Screen
Slugma used Flamethrower
Sper Potion
Slugma burned Berry
Berry used Calm Mind again
Slugma used Flamethrower
The Sunlight faded
I used a Full Restore my Zigzaggon picked up
Slugma used Rock Slide
Light Screen faded
All that stacking Calm Minds leaves Slugma without a prayer.
Torkoal is last Lv28 Body Slam Overheat Flail and Attract
Berry used Confusion
Torkoal killed Berry with Body Slam
Back to Waluigi
Torkoal used Attract
Waluigi can't move.
Torkal used Body Slam
Waluigi can't move.
Torkoal got a critical with Flail
Waluigi used Vital Throw
I switched to METHANE Lv25 same moves as last time
ARGH Hyper Potion!
Ok... well f*** it Self-Destruct! Ha ha ha!
Waluigi's back in.
Tokoal used Flail
Waluigi killed it with Arm Thrust
Waluigi leveled up

Admitedly I am enjoying having a poor creature commit suicide too much.
Hey do you guys remember what I was doing? Let's see... Ah yes! I was fighting Norman. Your father.

Norman starts with Slaking #1 Lv28 Faint Attack Slack Off Yawn and Facade
I started with Sushi Boy (Mawile) Lv27 Astonish Fake Tears Faint Attack Vicegrip
Slaking used Yawn
Sushi used Fake Tears
Slaking's Loafing Around due to Truant
Sushi used Fake Tears and fell asleep
Slaking used Yawn
Nothing happened
Slaking used Facade and got a Critical hit
Sushi used Fake Tears
Sushi used Faint Attack
I healed Sushi
Slaking used Yawn
Sushi used Faint Attack
Sushi fell asleep
Slaking used Facade
Nothing happened
Slaking used Facade
Sushi woke up and used Faint Attack
Norman healed
Sushi used Vicegrip
Slaking used Facade
Sushi used Faint Attack
Sushi used Faint Attack
Slaking used Facade
Sushi killed Slaking with Faint Attack
Sushi leveled up
Next up is Slaking #2 Lv31 Yawn Slack Off Facade and Focus Punch
I went to METHANE (Koffing) Lv27 Poison Gas Tackle Sludge Selfdestruct
Slaking used Facade
Methane used Sludge and poisoned Slaking
Wow. Didn't want that....
Uh... KA-BOOM!
I sent out Waluigi2.0 after METHANE's Self-Destruct
Lv26 Vital Throw Focus Energy Sand-Attack Arm Thrust
Norman used a Hyper Potion
Waluigi used Sand-Attack
Sand-Attack Spamming because that Facade is going to leave a mark
Oh crap... Slaking tightened it's Focus
Waluigi used Sand-Attack
Slaking used Focus Punch
Thank god my slave can find Full Restores...
He he!
Slaking used Faint Attack? I guess my info is inaccurate...
Waluigi used Vital Throw. Even with Poison, Slaking still lives, thank god for Truant.
Waluigi used Focus Energy
Slaking died from Poison, so METHANE wasn't a total waste.
Waluigi jumps to Lv27
Vigoroth is last Lv30 Slash Faint Attack Facade Fury Swipes and it's ability is Vital Spirit, not Truant. This could be trouble.
I have faith in Waluigi!
Vigoroth used Facade
Waluigi used Vital Throw
Vigoroth used Facade
Waluigi killed it with Vital Throw

That was pretty good actually.
Yoshi15 (Grovyle) Lv26 Pound Screech Absorb Quick Attack
BerryLarry (Kirlia) Lv26 Calm Mind Psychic Double Team Teleport
I gotta stop going 1-week without updating these.
May's back for Round 3. Your Pokemon should be around Lv30. All of mine are, with the exception of Waluigi.
Wailmer's first up Lv29 Rollout Astonish Water Pulse Whirlpool
Marshtomp if you chose Torchic is Lv31 Mud Shot Mud Sport Foresight Take Down
I'll start with Berry (Gardevoir) Lv30 Calm Mind Psychic Thunderbolt Teleport
Berry used Thunderbolt and killed Wailmer
Shroomish is Lv29 Headbutt Poisonpowder Leech Seed Mega Drain
Grovyle is Lv31 Leaf Blade Screech Fury Cutter Pursuit
I'll use METHANE Lv30 Poison Gas Tackle Sludge and Selfdestruct
METHANE used Sludge
Shroomish used MEga Drain
METHANE kille it with Sludge
Combusken is Lv31 Double Kick Bulk Up Peck Sand-Attack
Numel is Lv29 Ember Magnitude Focus Energy Take Down
I wanna use Waluigi... but Berry's the better choice.
Berry killed Combusken with Psychic. Because that's what Gardevoir does. It kills things.
I'm like a Politician, I never keep my word.

Gym Leader Winona starts with Swellow, Lv31 Aerial Ace Double TEam Qick Attack Endeavor
I'll start with VIP (Duskull) which I've had, and been meaning to add, but I'm too lazy. Lv30 Ice BEam Foresight Astonish Confuse Ray
Swellow ussed Double TEam
VIP used Confuse Ray
Swellow hit itself
VIP used Ice Beam
Swellow used Aerial Ace
VIP used Ice Beam
Winona used Hyper Potion
VIP used Confuse Ray
Swellow used Double Team
VIP missed
Swellow hit itself
VIP used Ice Beam
Swellow was Frozen
VIP used Ice Beam
Swellow's still frozen
VIP killed it with Ice Beam
Pelipper is next Lv30 Water Gun Aerial Ace Protect Supersonic
I sent out Berry, (Gardevoir) Lv31 Calm Mind Psychic Thunderbolt Teleport
Peliper used Protect
Berry used Thunderbolt and killed Pelipper
Skarmory Lv32 Aerial Ace Steel Wing Sand-Attack Agility
Skarmoy used Sand-Attack
Berry used Thunderbolt
Winona used a Hyper Potion
Berry used Thunderbolt
Berry killed it with Thunderbolt
Last is Altaria Lv33 Aerial Ace Earthquake Dragon Dance Dragonbreath
I think VIP can handle it.
Altaria used Dragon Dance
VIP used Ice Beam
Altaria used Dragon Dance
VIP used Ice Beam
I hope she does something stupid like another Dragon Dance.
Nope, Aerial Ace made VIP faint. (Ghosts can't die.  :D)
Um... Let's go to METHANE. (Koffing) Lv31 Poison Gas Tackle Sludge Selfdestruct
If this kills METHANE I'm screwed.
Altaria used Dragonbreath
METHANE gets a critical with Sludge and kills Altaria
METHANE leveled up
Time to take down May for the last time.
The Rival fights in this game are a pushover. She starts with Swellow Lv31 Quick Attack Wing Attack Endeavor Double Team. So its basiclly any Swellow from Fortree Gym.
I'll deal with it like any Swellow from Fortree Gym.
BerryLarry's Lv32 Calm Mind Psychic Thunderbolt Teleport
Swellow used Double Team
Berry killed it with Thunderbolt
Berry grew to Lv33.
Hmm... Imprison... No. I won't go for it.
Wailmer Shroomish and Numel are all that's left. Her Starter will replace the Pokemon of the respective type.
Wailmer's Lv32 Mist Astonish Water Pulse Whirlpool
Marshtomp's Lv34 Mud Shot Mud Sport Foresight Take Down
I'll go with the new and completely Revamped Yoshi15. L32 Giga Drain Screech Leaf Blade Aerial Ace
Yoshi15 used Giga Drain
Wailmer used Water Pulse
Yoshi killed it with Giga Drain
Combusken is Lv34 Double Kick Bulk Up Sand-Attack Peck
Numel is Lv32 Amnesia Take Down Magnitude Focus Energy
Yoshi15 used Screech
Combusken used Peck
Yoshi15 used Screech
Combusken used Bulk Up
Yoshi15 used Aerial Ace
Combusken used Bulk Up
Yoshi15 killed Combusken with Aerial Ace
Shroomish is last Lv32 Headbutt Poisonpowder Leech Seed Mega Drain
Grovyle is Lv34 Leaf Blade Screech Fury Cutter Pursuit
Yoshi15 used Aerial Ace
Shrromish missed with Poisonpowder
Yoshi15used Aerial Ace
Shrromish used Headbutt
Yoshi15 kills Shroomish
Shroomish's Effect Spore puts Yoshi to sleep. What a Sore Loser.
It's kinda hard to not have updates with weeks in between them when it takes me 5 days to get the next big event.

Two Gym Leaders?! Tate And Liza, honestly the hardest in the game.

The start and finish with Solrock and Lunatone. Both Lv42, Lunatone has Light Screen Hypnosis Psychic Calm MInd
Solrock has Psychic Sunny Day Solar Beam Flamethrower

I'll start with Berry and VIP. Berry's Lv36 Calm Mind Psychic Thunderbolt Teleport
VIP is now a Dusclops Lv37 Ice Beam Curse Shadow Punch Confuse Ray
Solrock used Sunny Day
Lunatone used Calm Mind
Berry used Calm Mind
VIP used Curse on Lunatone
I healed VIP with a Super Potion
Lunatone used Psychic on Berry
Solrock used Flamethrower on VIP
VIP used Curse on Solrock.
Now I can just stall until they both die from Curse. And I usually have such a problem with this fight.
I healed VIP with a Hyper Potion
Lunatone used Psychic on VIP
Solrock kills VIP with Flamethrower.
Uh... I say Yoshi15. He's a Sceptile Lv37 with same moves as last time.
Yoshi15 killed Lunatone with Giga Drain
Solrock used Flamethrower on Berry
Berry killed Solrock with Thunderbolt

METHANE's a Weezing Lv36 Poison Gas Shadow Ball Sludge Selfdestruct
Sushi's Lv37 Astonish Fake Tears Crunch Strength
Waluigi's Lv36 with the same moves as before.