Part 1-7b: Monstro


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Cyan Star (5,000 Posts) Legacy User (Gold)
Monstro is based off the movie Pinocchio, though uses an original set-up inside one of the film's characters, Monstro. Monstro is not considered a world since there is no Keyhole and he serves mainly as an obstacle if you're traveling to either Atlantica or Halloween Town.

Sora, Donald, and Goofy get swallowed by the big whale. They meet up with Pinocchio and Geppito to figure out how to get out of it. However, Pinocchio wanders off in the whale's chambers and eventually gets kidnapped by a familiar face...

This level was okay. A lot of platforming is once again present, as you learn the High Jump Ability that lets you reach higher heights. I didn't like the maze in this level, since there are no clues on where to go nor a map given to you. However, the boss battles were great.
