Paper Mario World Suggestions

I haven't updated Paper Mario World much lately because I'm looking for ways to make it better. And before you say anything Aegis, "stop working on it" or "become a better dialougist" are not suggestions I'll take. I want to make sure you have the best reading experience possible when reading one of my stories, so I'm open to all positive and/or negative critisisms that aren't the one prevoiusly mentioned.
*ignores Aegis*

Don't break the 4th Wall if it serves to comedic purpose. It's pointless to say,

Mario: Hey, Imma don't want to go there! Surely someone's forcing us to go that way, like in a script.

since that's plain silly.

You need more depth in the story. The mission is too linear, and even with Fawful it still doesn't look like it'd go somewhere. Yet.