Official Leaving/Returning Thread

I'm gonna be taking a couple of weeks off from the forum.

I scheduled an appointment for oral surgery tomorrow at 9:00 MST to remove my wisdom teeth, get a few extractions, and get my teeth fixed, before my dental coverage is up. Since I just got Medicaid (1/1/14, due to their expansion) and the dental coverage ends when I turn 21, I had to get it booked within these 6 days of the new year.

I've had jacked-up teeth since I was a kid; Too many of them and all crooked (unlucky sheep in the family). I had planned on doing this a few years down the line, but this is a golden opportunity for me, since I can get it done at no cost. I had 10 teeth removed in 2nd grade, but it hurt like hell since I wasn't fully numbed (my old dentist wasn't much of a kiddy person :p).

I'm scared as hell, especially since I've heard people dying while being under, but I don't want to watch them work on me. All I know is I'm gonna have a hard time sleeping tonight and it's gonna suck to not have any solid foods for awhile.

See you guys later!

And please wish me luck...I'm terrified. XD
I came back sooner than expected. =)

Everything went well. The dentist gave my mouth a deep clean and removed all my wisdom teeth. She didn't want to do additional work after the extensive work already done, but she wants me to see an orthodontist next.

I actually stayed up during the wisdom tooth removal. They gave me hospital dose nitrous the whole time to keep me sedated and it worked perfectly. I didn't have any pain or feeling at all during the procedure, so I was very happy (thanks to the laughing gas XD). Since then, I've been completely painless, which is a huge surprise. I was expecting to be sore and curled up in pain, but that never happened. I did take the pain pills prescribed, but I don't think I really needed them. I was just tired for the past week. I went a week without solid foods, but enjoyed having potato soup and mashed potatoes during the week.

After that experience, I've finally overcome my 2nd grade fear of the dentist (at the age of 21 XD).

Anyway, I'm glad to be back!