Official Leaving/Returning Thread

Billy12510 said:
So... do any of you remember who I am?
If you don't I can't say I blame you, school, work, and my YouTube channel kinda took over and I abandoned this place. I'll try to make a comeback of sorts but in other news, I'm not dead. So that's something at any rate right?

Hoping to see you guys around the forum,

I had sent you a PM on MPF and you never responded! Excusez-moi
Nonetheless, welcome back
Dark Boo said:
Billy12510 said:
So... do any of you remember who I am?
If you don't I can't say I blame you, school, work, and my YouTube channel kinda took over and I abandoned this place. I'll try to make a comeback of sorts but in other news, I'm not dead. So that's something at any rate right?

Hoping to see you guys around the forum,

I had sent you a PM on MPF and you never responded! Excusez-moi
Nonetheless, welcome back
The old MPF is still up? I tried going there first but it sent me to some hosting site. So I'm assuming it's down.

The Shattered Legacy said:
Oh hey welcome back Billy! :D

(Guess who I am... it's not difficult :p)
Uhm.... Staryu? Seriously I think it's you since your position is MPI, and back in the day (man I'm old) that was what you hosted.
How's it been for both of you?
Billy12510 said:
So... do any of you remember who I am?
If you don't I can't say I blame you, school, work, and my YouTube channel kinda took over and I abandoned this place. I'll try to make a comeback of sorts but in other news, I'm not dead. So that's something at any rate right?

Hoping to see you guys around the forum,
billy Billy BIlly BILly BILLy BILLY


Vipsoccermaster said:
cookieboy17 said:
Vipsoccermaster said:
The old gang, I think most of them have moved on. I believe you will only find Snowy, Tyler, and Justin around here now.
What am I, chopped liver? lol
XD! Sorry for not listing you, I thought you've been a bit more inactive recently.
True but I'm always in you guys's hearts!

...ok not exactly that cheesy but dont forget me! :p