November 2015

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GrandStarGalaxy said:
November 16, 2015:
GrandStarGalaxy said:
School, hung out at home. Nothing amazing.
November 17, 2015: after school, I went to a library and picked up SM3DW (instead of MK8, because you can only get one video game at a time.) One day of playing and I'm already at the end of World 2. Does that mean that the game is too short or I play too much? :p
The first two worlds are short and simple, I'm not surprised :p.
November 27, 2015 (BLACK Friday):
Spent quite a bit of time looking at Black Friday ads, then
fixed my 3DS. This is seriously the 3RD TIME I fixed this thing.
Downloaded Nintendo Badge Arcade, played in the practice arcade and got 3 free plays, then spent them all on AC badges. Then went to my Grandmother's  house for the rest of the day.
Last day of the month. :)

November 30, 2015:
Did some school work, then went out on a family trip. Spent the rest of the day hanging out and playing my 3DS.
Did a major cleanup of my pockets, dug up everything in town, continued building the town's paths, found a 4-leaf clover, and got a villager to buy my over-priced gold nugget (8,000 bells).
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