Not trying to sound emotional

so to cut right to the chase I thought I'd like to reveal this. a few years ago I was in school, made some cool friends and hung out a lot. But I also had loads of enemies pick on me and be totally awful for no reason. I was pretty well behaved back then so I didn't cause much. After some things happened in middle school, my used to be friends betrayed me and became enemies too, made some new friends but they stabbed me in the back as well. Sometimes people would even attack me and I'd have to go to the office. After being so hurt and heartbroken a lot of times I've turned pretty dark and alone. Shutting everyone out no matter what because I saw that everyone is evil and mean. Now there are a few friends I hang with but idk if they'll last, I'm also having issues with some online/Skype friends as well. All this aloneness also made me very shy but idc because no matter what everyone is always mean in this world for no reason, I'm done trying to be nice but....a few people are trying to make me see the good in people. I don't know if I should believe it through the countless broken trusts happened to me but idk. I prefer being alone, I'm nice but mean if pushed wrong, I'm smart yet scatterbrained, I'm strong yet shy and no one is gonna break me again. Sorry Snowy and anyone else who I was mean too though, never got to know you guys well enough guys seem ok I guess.....
Aw, that's terrible.  :'(
I'm also that one kid who gets bullied in school because I'm different---it's just PLAIN wrong. Hope you do "better" in school! :D
And at my school, the teachers/principal does NOTHING about this bullying---the Zero Tolerance thing is a (lie).
And I understand what you're going through---it can be very difficult at times... :/
It sucks to be bullied and to have friends turn on you. I've been through both situations multiple times as well. I get that you don't feel like you can trust others (in real life and online), but that doesn't excuse you from lashing out at people like you did to Snowy. He wasn't making fun of you at all, he was saying why he didn't like the first Mother game. It's good that you decided to come around and apologize.
Life is tough, no one can change that. But the fact that you are here now, it shows you are strong you can be strong, and you will always be strong. Even though you've been through so much, it's great that you've put this out. Remember-you can never be alone, we all have been bullied somehow in life.
I'm sorry to hear the friends you had weren't very good friends, if at all. People can be really insensitive in the middle school/high school age. Heck, a lot of people can be their entire life. Anyways, it's easy to feel alone in your experiences especially when you really are down. Just remember there are people who have felt the same way you have. People here have. I have. Strangers have. You're not alone. Also, just know it is not necessarily wrong to be less social compared to the "norm". I'm very much introverted; I don't like to socialize all the time. There is nothing wrong with that. I just wanted to let you know if you feel the same way.
BossBlitz88 said:
Life is tough, no one can change that. But the fact that you are here now, it shows you are strong you can be strong, and you will always be strong. Even though you've been through so much, it's great that you've put this out. Remember-you can never be alone, we all have been bullied somehow in life.

And remember, what doesn't kill you, makes you stronger! :p
You know, idk if this is really helping me but thanks. Idc about a lot of things now, if everyone's just gonna end up being awful, weather it's irl or on this site then I shouldn't bother making friends anymore. I should just go alone I was right about everyone their all mean, and maybe that's what I should become