May 29 2010
Today was my day of graduation. I never had dreamed this day would come... It was hard to believe this was the big day, the day where I graduate grammar school and leave the place where I had been learning for 9 years. When I woke up I put on my shiny blue long sleeved shirt with black silky pants. I wore a black fancy sports jacket and I wore my silver bracelet the school had given me. I drank stress relieving tea to make me calm because I was nervous. When I arrived at my school we went to the lunch room. Everyone was putting on their caps and gowns to get ready till the ceremony started. We were all dressed fancy. The guys had black caps and gowns with black and white tassels while the girls had red caps and gowns with red and white tassels. After everyone was dressed we got into our line positions. I was one of the 2 leaders. The order for the right line going into the church was me, Mia, Natalie, Iliana, Lynn, Kaitlyn, and Mitzi. For the left line the order was Eddie, Hilary, Franklin, Julian, Samantha, and Allison. We all started walking from the lunch room to the outside sidewalk then into the church doors. We all stopped in front of the exit signs that were right in the entrance of the church. When the choir director played the graduation theme we started walking down the halls in our order to sit in out reserved seats. Everyone was watching me since I was the first one in my lane and not to mention best looking guy in my class.=P The church has 2 entrances, one on the right side and one on the left so that's why we were in 2 different lines. After all of us got to our seats the mass started. This was the whole order of the mass.
Procession of Graduates: "Pomp of Circumstance"
Gathering Song: "Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee"
Welcoming Speech: Natalie and Lynn
Liturgy of the Word
First Reading: Ecclesiastes 3: 1-15 Allison
Gospel Acclamation: Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia
Gospel: Mark 4: 30-34
Homily: Father Tivy and Father Stan
General Intercessions: Mia, Hilary, Julian, Eddie, Samantha, Me, Iliana, Franklin, Mitzi
Liturgy of the Eucharist
Offertory Song: "Because the Lord is my Shepard"
Presentation of the Gifts: Iliana, Samantha, Allison, Mitzi
Sign of Peace
Communion Hymm: "On Eagle's Wings"
Conferring of Diplomas and Awards
Closing Speech: Kaitlyn
Closing Song: "Lead Me Lord"
Recession of Graduates
It was a beautiful ceremony. At the end everyone gave Miss Castro (Principal), Miss Guide (My 8th grade teacher), and Mrs Snyder (She just got married and her new name is Zeddinger but we still call her Snyder the Math and Civics teacher) roses. Miss Castro said a speech about us and she cried because we are her favorite class and she will never see us again. Our class is the most intelligent class out of the whole school. 9 out of 13 of us have been on honor roll for all 4 quarters. We are like a family since all of us have known each other since 5th grade. Our class consists of 13, 4 boys and 9 girls. When I told people my graduating class was only a class of 13, they didn't believe me. It was very hard for this family going to our seperate ways. We will always remember eachother forever. All of us have been through a lot this year. Our priest had dies, our teacher's appendix had exploded, our principal had a popped nerve and an eye infection, and we had been through many other hard times but we all overcame them. At the end of the ceremony we all left in a line down the right hallway and then we went to the lunch room where we could take pictures. I took pitcures with all of my teachers I had that attended and I took pictures with Allison. I will always rember this day.