My Family Vacation to Hershey Park

We went to Hershey Park today. Here's basicly what we did.

6-10 AM
We got preped and head for PA. I beat Pokemon White going through it with Oshawott and listened to a lot of Green Day
Samurott Lv48 X-Scizzor Aqua Tail Scald FocusEnergy
Scrafty Lv47 Crunch Faint Attack Dragon Tail Hi Jump Kick
LilligantLv49 Petal Dance Energy Ball Sleep Powder Giga Drain
Klang Lv47 Flash Cannon Autotomize Gear Grind Discharge
Darmantian Lv48 Fire Punch Thrash Superpower Flare Blitz
Beartic Lv45 Slash Shadow Claw Icicle Crash Charm

10-11AM We had trouble getting in because the machines weren't working so my mom couldn't use her credit card. So my Dad said screw it and paid in cash. I spent some time riding rides while my dad and sister went on a roller coaster. I went on the SooperDooperLooper, one of 3 Coasters I went on in the day.

11AM After getting off the Coaster we went to the Laser Tag game at Hershey Park. My sister was suffering some apparent heat-related dizzyness, but was still fine. I got the highest score of 125072.

12PM Left the Park to eat Lunch. once that was over we went to Chocolate World and saw the process in how Hershey's Chocolate is made.

1-3 PM Went to the Shore in the Boardwalk and stayed there for about 2/3 hours.

4PM-5PM Went on the Wild Mouse with my dad. Went on the Whip, hoping to find more money because I did find $5 one time. Did I? No.

5PM Ate Dinner back at the car. My Mom found an iPhone in the bathroom on the way back.

6PM Went to the Arcade in Minetown

7PM Before we left we went on the Bumper Cars. The control on them was HORRIBLE.

7-9PM Went home