Jinx Judges a Pokemon: Day 59 (Chansey)

Here's a new series I'm doing. Each session, I will judge a Pokemon to see how much I like it. You can request a Pokemon to be judged, or if no one does so, I will choose one myself.

Day 1: Meloetta
Day 2: Diancie
Day 3: Hoopa
Day 4: Garchomp
Day 5: Gengar
Day 6: Kangaskhan
Day 7: Talonflame
Day 8: Eevee and Eeveelutions
Day 9: Thundurus
Day 10: Blaziken
Day 11: Aegislash
Day 12: Rotom
Day 13: Suicune
Day 14: Landorus
Day 15: Mamoswine
Day 16: Salamence
Day 17: Pikachu
Day 18: Latios
Day 19: Latias
Day 20: Charizard
Day 21: Azumarill
Day 22: Serperior
Day 23: Cresselia
Day 24: Darkrai
Day 25: Greninja
Day 26: Ferrothorn
Day 27: Mawile
Day 28: Porygon2
Day 29: Gyarados
Day 30: Dragonite
Day 31: Tyranitar
Day 32: Zapdos
Day 33: Heatran
Day 34: Hippowdon
Day 35: Breloom
Day 36: Amoonguss
Day 37: Politoed
Day 38: Heracross
Day 39: Lucario
Day 40: Scizor
Day 41: Hydreigon
Day 42: Conkeldurr
Day 43: Raikou
Day 44: Volcarona
Day 45: Excadrill
Day 46: Gardevoir
Day 47: Venusaur
Day 48: Slowbro
Day 49: Klefki
Day 50: Clefable
Day 51: Manectric
Day 52: Gliscor
Day 53: Whimsicott
Day 54: Togekiss
Day 55: Cloyster
Day 56: Lopunny
Day 57: Entei
Day 58: Swampert
Day 59: Chansey


Whoever came up with Meloetta's concept deserves 100,000 followers; this concept is, in my opinion, one of the most genius concepts to ever come out of Pokemon. Combined with a design that would make Jigglypuff jealous, with beautiful eyes, elegant hair, and a dress that that looks like a formal outfit a musician would wear in an orchestral performance, and you've got a real musical master. And if that wasn't enough, she has TWO forms! Aria Meloetta is inspired by the concept of singing.


Pirouette Meloetta, on the other hand, is inspired by dance. With Relic Song, Meloetta is able to switch between these two forms at will. I am quite amazed at this concept of music. Also, let's not forget that she's good in the battlefield as well, with 128 in either attacking stat depending on the form, and Pirouette form being able to outspeed even Greninja. She's no slouch defensively, either, with her defenses being backed up by 100 base HP. And have you looked at her coverage?

And while we're here, let's listen to Relic Song itself, which beauty speaks for itself.

When thinking about Diancie, I couldn't help but be dazzled at her appearance. I also like how she incorporates all sorts of gems, particularly diamonds, when battling. Her signature move, Diamond Storm, is quite awesome to look at, watching opponents getting pelted by a barrage of diamond shards, and only gets better if it triggers a Defense rise.


I was surprised when I heard that Diancie was getting a Mega Evolution, and it turned out to be for the better. This makes Diancie bear a resemblance to magical girls, and now Diancie becomes even more beautiful, wearing a ribbon, a diamond dress, and a diamond as her headpiece. She's amazing on the battlefield, too, as she trades bulk for the ability to hit stupidly hard and Magic Bounce, which means that she can shrug off any status move that tries to cripple her.

Diancie: Power in Beauty.​

At first when I heard about Hoopa, I wasn't really moved by its Confined Form. Not only did stuff like Pursuit and Sucker Punch threaten it, but it just didn't look as interesting as the other event legendaries. And while Hyperspace Hole sounds cool, it didn't live up to the hype it got. Until ORAS came about...


Now THIS is more like it. Hoopa Unbound is a beast. I love this form's design; it makes it one of the most manliest-looking Pokemon ever created. Both of its Attacking stats are now at the level of some Ubers, and while it can't take a hit, its gigantic movepool ensures that nothing can take a hit either. And let's not forget about its signature move, Hyperspace Fury. For one, the name is awesome, and two, Hoopa is essentially pummeling at the opponent with all of its arms using the power of its rings without any pause and then laughs after finishing. Nothing can stop Hoopa from using this move, not even Protect or evasion! This move and Hoopa Unbound are Dark-type for a reason! Not even Smeargle is able to pull this off!

Hoopa: Unseal the Power Into a Real Monster.​

Remember back in Gen 4 when Garchomp was all the rage that it got banned to Ubers? Well right now, it's still not something to laugh at. It has always maintained that look that says, "Mess with me and I'll beat you down." It's a combination of a shark and a freaking jet! These concept fusions are usually the ones that I tend to admire. Plus even if two new generations introduced a whole lot of new ways of dealing with it, it's still amazing in battle. There's a reason it was ranked 1st in the Battle Spot Singles usage statistics last season!


Mega Garchomp, on the other hand, did not live up to the hype. Granted, its design as a few "cool" enhancements like having scythes for arms. However, it does not do so well on the battlefield. For one, it takes up a Mega Slot, two, its ability is only useful in sand, and three, why the f*** did its Speed get reduced? This is why very few Garchomp online hold Garchompite, as one can simply choose another Mega Evolution for the team.

Garchomp: A Titan with a Not So Titan Power-Up.​

I don't tend to like Gen 1 Pokemon, but there are plenty of exceptions, and Gengar is one of them. With its evolution family being the only Ghost-types, I couldn't help but take a liking to this thing. Its design is simple, like most Gen 1 Pokemon are, but that devilish grin just sticks it above many others of Gen 1. It has always been useful ever since Gen 1, with high Special Attack and Speed.


Mega Gengar is just as cool as its base form, with a ring on its head that enables it see into other dimensions. Plus, not only does its Special Attack and Speed get boosted, but it gets Shadow Tag, one of the most useful abilities in the game. Is Chansey stopping your sweeper? Just run Perish Song and eliminate it. Is Skarmory blocking all of your physical attackers? No problem, just Taunt it and hit it with repeated Shadow Balls.

Gengar: Nostalgic Past Living On in the New Era.​

Kangaskhan's concept is pretty interesting for a Gen 1 Pokemon. It's the Parent Pokemon for a reason: it's very motherly towards its baby. Pretty much every Pokedex entry has mentioned it protecting the baby from harm


Then Gen 6 came along, and we ended up with a very powerful Mega Evolution. It can attack twice per turn with Parental Bond, meaning that Focus Sash, Sturdy, and Substitute won't be saving you from this thing. It was quickbanned for a reason! Also, the whole concept of Mega Kangaskhan is unique and impressive: the baby gets powered up, and it fights together with its parent. Mega Kangaskhan is not something to take lightly, otherwise prepare to get devastated by this beast.

Kangaskhan: Bonds That Reinforce in Battle.​

The early game birds tend to just be there to serve as Pokemon to dump your Fly HM on and nothing more, but they've slowly started to become better each generation (except Unfezant). Then come Gen 6, and we have a falcon for our early game bird, and I like its design the best out of all of the early game birds. While it may have base 81 Attack, does that really make a difference when its main STAB attacks are Brave Bird and Flare Blitz? As if that weren't enough, it gets Gale Wings, which increases the priority of Flying-type moves. This is made even more awesome to look at by Brave Bird's amazing animation. Just get rid of everything that can counter it, and Talonflame will be able to sweep faster than your opponent could say "Oh crap!"​

Eevee is a Pokemon that a lot of people try to get for its multiple evolutions. I really like this idea, as it makes people want to get all of them, and each Eeveelution has its own charm; Vaporeon takes inspirations from fish and mermaids, Jolteon has spiky fur and is very fast, Flareon has a collar of fur and a bushy tail and has high Attack, Espeon has a fork tail and could be based on the nekomata, and also has huge Special Attack, Umbreon has a more glaring look and has high defenses, Leafeon has leafy ears and tail, and Glaceon has a knit-cap like forehead and high Special Attack. My favorite of the bunch, however, is Sylveon; this thing has bows and feelers that give it a more elegant appearance. Plus, it gets Pixilate; teach this thing Hyper Voice and watch foes crumble.​

Thundurus, one of the Forces of Nature, is certainly powerful. Its origins are quite interesting, being based off Raijin, a god of thunder in Japanese mythology. In Incarnate Form, it has Prankster, it can gain the upper hand with moves like Thunder Wave, Taunt, Swagger, and Substitute.


Therian Form Thundurus seems to be more inspired by dragons. It also exchanges Speed for more power. I like the Therian forms in general, as they at least give the Forces of Nature different appearances, while the Incarnate Forms have very similar designs.

Thundurus: Disruptor or Attacker.​

Blaziken was always an awesome Pokemon from its debut in RSE. It always maintained that menacing appearance and it always was a very strong Pokemon. Then come to Gen 5, and Blaziken got even better, because now it has Speed Boost, which was responsible for its banishment to Ubers!


Come Gen 6, and we have Mega Blaziken, who is just as awesome as its base form. When I use Blaziken, I like to Protect the first turn or force out the opposing Pokemon, set up Swords Dances, and then start wrecking the opposing team. Almost nothing can stop this thing, and unless the opponent has a Garchomp, Talonflame, Mega Salamence, Azumarill, Dragonite, Suicune, Landorus-T, or some other check, this thing will 6-0 the opponent.

Blaziken: The Starter That Exceeded Starters.​

Aegislash is one of the more interesting Gen 6 Pokemon. Being based on Excalibur and having a unique typing in Steel/Ghost, this thing certainly stands out from the others. I mean, you have a haunted sword as a partner. Not only do I like its unique concept, but I like its battling capabilities as well. With its signature move King's Shield, it is able to switch between two forms; Blade Form when attacking, and Shield Form when using King's Shield. Blade Form has more offense, while Shield Form has Defense. Its low Speed and high Defenses make it a very good user of Weakness Policy, and combine its best stats out of the two forms, and you've got a Pokemon with essentially the same BST as Arceus. It was banned by aa narrow amount, which shows how tough it is to take out.

Aegislash: Ghost of Perdition.​

I find Rotom to be one of the most original Gen 4 Pokemon ever created. I mean, we've got a plasma rod that can control various appliances, like washing machines, microwaves, refrigerators, fans, and lawn mowers. These appliances also change Rotom's typing depending on what appliance is being controlled. It uses the Legendary battle theme in Gen 4, and I like how it suddenly pops out of a TV to battle. The appliances also give Rotom an edge in battle, especially when it becomes Wash or Heat Rotom. Wash Rotom and Heat Rotom are capable of dealing with threats like Talonflame. Plus, they get Volt Switch to escape out of disadvantageous matchups.

Rotom: Appliance Controller and Power Sapper.​

One of the legendary beasts, Suicune is the more graceful out of them, with its long mane and steamers. Its method of catching it is different from the other two beasts, as it will travel throughout the region before battling at a path overlooking the sea, which I like as it gives me a break from hunting for roaming Pokemon. In battle, Suicune is a very bulky Pokemon, and with moves like Calm Mind, Roar, Mirror Coat, and Reflect, taking this thing down won't be easy.

Suicune: Aurora of Grace.​

The master of the Forces of Nature, Landorus has one intriguing concept, being based on Inari, the Japanese god of fertility. In its Incarnate Form, Landorus is very powerful, especially with Sheer Force, which increases the power of a lot of its attacks.


Therian Form, on the other hand, appears to be like a tiger. Plus, I like how its animations incorporate various tiger-like traits. In battle, Therian Landorus has Intimidate, which is very useful in double battles, as well as spread moves like Earthquake and Rock Slide. This thing should always be looked out for, especially when creating a doubles team.

Landorus: Intimidation and Spreading.​

One of the Sinnoh evolutions of a previous Gen Pokemon, Mamoswine is one tough mammoth. I like how it needs to know Ancient Power before evolving, which connects to how mammoths became extinct in the past. In battle, Mamoswine is quite powerful, being able to break Focus Sashes with Icicle Spear, having priority in Ice Shard, and even being able to hit Water-types with Freeze-Dry. Speaking of mammoths, there are several projects going on to try to create an elephant-mammoth hybrid by inserting mammoth genes into elephant stem cells. I wonder how they would turn out.

Mamoswine: Unlock the Past.​

Salamence, being one of Hoenn's psuedo-legendaries, has always been a strong Pokemon. It has your typical dragon design, and its behavior has been shown to be violent, as its Japanese name has "boko", which means "assault, outrage, or violent act." In battle, Salamence has Intimidate to lower the attack of opponents or Moxie to raise its attack after KOing an opponent, making it very versatile.


Mega Salamence has been hyped up when it was revealed, and it's easy to see why. Its design further reinforces the concept of aerodynamics, which is something I like to see. After Mega Evolving, it gets Aerilate, as well as boosted stats, especially Defense and Speed. Take a Salamence, and teach it Return and Dragon Dance, and you've got a sweeper that is very hard to stop. In fact, when it was around, a lot of people were forced to run things like Porygon2, Hidden Power Ice Rotom-W, Zapdos, Cresselia, Choice Scarf Greninja, or Noivern just to stop this thing. It was quickbanned for a reason!

Salamence: The Ascendant.​

Pikachu, where to begin with this thing? The fact that it has been shoved in as the mascot of Pokemon? The fact that it has been stealing the spotlight from a lot of Pokemon fans? The fact that it can't do squat in battle because its defenses are like paper and its speed is low for a "fast" Pokemon? The fact that some of the competitions basically force players to use Pikachu just to get a special prize? This thing is, by far, the most overrated Pokemon to date. Charizard and Mewtwo may have a lot of fans, but at least they're excellent in battle. This thing, however, is just a Pokemon that brings in too much attention. It has a lot of fans, but I am not one of them.​