Here's a new series I'm doing. Each session, I will judge a Pokemon to see how much I like it. You can request a Pokemon to be judged, or if no one does so, I will choose one myself.
Day 1: Meloetta
Day 2: Diancie
Day 3: Hoopa
Day 4: Garchomp
Day 5: Gengar
Day 6: Kangaskhan
Day 7: Talonflame
Day 8: Eevee and Eeveelutions
Day 9: Thundurus
Day 10: Blaziken
Day 11: Aegislash
Day 12: Rotom
Day 13: Suicune
Day 14: Landorus
Day 15: Mamoswine
Day 16: Salamence
Day 17: Pikachu
Day 18: Latios
Day 19: Latias
Day 20: Charizard
Day 21: Azumarill
Day 22: Serperior
Day 23: Cresselia
Day 24: Darkrai
Day 25: Greninja
Day 26: Ferrothorn
Day 27: Mawile
Day 28: Porygon2
Day 29: Gyarados
Day 30: Dragonite
Day 31: Tyranitar
Day 32: Zapdos
Day 33: Heatran
Day 34: Hippowdon
Day 35: Breloom
Day 36: Amoonguss
Day 37: Politoed
Day 38: Heracross
Day 39: Lucario
Day 40: Scizor
Day 41: Hydreigon
Day 42: Conkeldurr
Day 43: Raikou
Day 44: Volcarona
Day 45: Excadrill
Day 46: Gardevoir
Day 47: Venusaur
Day 48: Slowbro
Day 49: Klefki
Day 50: Clefable
Day 51: Manectric
Day 52: Gliscor
Day 53: Whimsicott
Day 54: Togekiss
Day 55: Cloyster
Day 56: Lopunny
Day 57: Entei
Day 58: Swampert
Day 59: Chansey
Day 2: Diancie
Day 3: Hoopa
Day 4: Garchomp
Day 5: Gengar
Day 6: Kangaskhan
Day 7: Talonflame
Day 8: Eevee and Eeveelutions
Day 9: Thundurus
Day 10: Blaziken
Day 11: Aegislash
Day 12: Rotom
Day 13: Suicune
Day 14: Landorus
Day 15: Mamoswine
Day 16: Salamence
Day 17: Pikachu
Day 18: Latios
Day 19: Latias
Day 20: Charizard
Day 21: Azumarill
Day 22: Serperior
Day 23: Cresselia
Day 24: Darkrai
Day 25: Greninja
Day 26: Ferrothorn
Day 27: Mawile
Day 28: Porygon2
Day 29: Gyarados
Day 30: Dragonite
Day 31: Tyranitar
Day 32: Zapdos
Day 33: Heatran
Day 34: Hippowdon
Day 35: Breloom
Day 36: Amoonguss
Day 37: Politoed
Day 38: Heracross
Day 39: Lucario
Day 40: Scizor
Day 41: Hydreigon
Day 42: Conkeldurr
Day 43: Raikou
Day 44: Volcarona
Day 45: Excadrill
Day 46: Gardevoir
Day 47: Venusaur
Day 48: Slowbro
Day 49: Klefki
Day 50: Clefable
Day 51: Manectric
Day 52: Gliscor
Day 53: Whimsicott
Day 54: Togekiss
Day 55: Cloyster
Day 56: Lopunny
Day 57: Entei
Day 58: Swampert
Day 59: Chansey
Whoever came up with Meloetta's concept deserves 100,000 followers; this concept is, in my opinion, one of the most genius concepts to ever come out of Pokemon. Combined with a design that would make Jigglypuff jealous, with beautiful eyes, elegant hair, and a dress that that looks like a formal outfit a musician would wear in an orchestral performance, and you've got a real musical master. And if that wasn't enough, she has TWO forms! Aria Meloetta is inspired by the concept of singing.
Pirouette Meloetta, on the other hand, is inspired by dance. With Relic Song, Meloetta is able to switch between these two forms at will. I am quite amazed at this concept of music. Also, let's not forget that she's good in the battlefield as well, with 128 in either attacking stat depending on the form, and Pirouette form being able to outspeed even Greninja. She's no slouch defensively, either, with her defenses being backed up by 100 base HP. And have you looked at her coverage?
And while we're here, let's listen to Relic Song itself, which beauty speaks for itself.

Whoever came up with Meloetta's concept deserves 100,000 followers; this concept is, in my opinion, one of the most genius concepts to ever come out of Pokemon. Combined with a design that would make Jigglypuff jealous, with beautiful eyes, elegant hair, and a dress that that looks like a formal outfit a musician would wear in an orchestral performance, and you've got a real musical master. And if that wasn't enough, she has TWO forms! Aria Meloetta is inspired by the concept of singing.

Pirouette Meloetta, on the other hand, is inspired by dance. With Relic Song, Meloetta is able to switch between these two forms at will. I am quite amazed at this concept of music. Also, let's not forget that she's good in the battlefield as well, with 128 in either attacking stat depending on the form, and Pirouette form being able to outspeed even Greninja. She's no slouch defensively, either, with her defenses being backed up by 100 base HP. And have you looked at her coverage?
And while we're here, let's listen to Relic Song itself, which beauty speaks for itself.