J Justin5267 Well-known member Blue Star (2,000 Posts) Legacy User (Gold) Apr 28, 2011 #541 Oh it's gorgeous outside today, finally some beautiful weather!
cookieboy17 Well-known member Cyan Star (5,000 Posts) Legacy User (Gold) Apr 28, 2011 #542 Oh it's terrible today. Rainy, damp, and downright ugly. The sun was out for like an hour late in the morning though.
Oh it's terrible today. Rainy, damp, and downright ugly. The sun was out for like an hour late in the morning though.
Vipsoccermaster Well-known member Green Star (10,000 Posts) Legacy User (Gold) Apr 28, 2011 #543 Sunny, no clouds in sight. It's been like this for a few weeks now. Perfect day for a beach.
Relxhive35 Well-known member Purple Star (1,000 Posts) Legacy User (Gold) Apr 28, 2011 #544 cloudy today.
Ecks Dee Well-known member Blue Star (2,000 Posts) Legacy User (Gold) Apr 29, 2011 #545 Sunny, finally.
cookieboy17 Well-known member Cyan Star (5,000 Posts) Legacy User (Gold) Apr 29, 2011 #546 Still isn't really sunny here, the sky looks like crap.
C Captain Hobo Well-known member Red Star (500 Posts) Legacy User (Gold) Apr 30, 2011 #547 It's 81 degrees here today.
Mr. Toast Well-known member Orange Star (100 Posts) Legacy User (Gold) May 7, 2011 #548 It was in the 70s all day. Felt good
Relxhive35 Well-known member Purple Star (1,000 Posts) Legacy User (Gold) May 7, 2011 #549 its 21 degrees here.
CaptainShyguy Well-known member Blue Star (2,000 Posts) Legacy User (Gold) May 8, 2011 #550 After a whole week of non-stop rain, we finally get to see the sun (since yesterday actually).
Troll Well-known member Blue Star (2,000 Posts) Legacy User (Gold) May 8, 2011 #551 HOLY FUCK IT'S NICE OUT.
cookieboy17 Well-known member Cyan Star (5,000 Posts) Legacy User (Gold) May 8, 2011 #552 Last few days have been really good and I think it'll be that way a few more days.
Mr. Toast Well-known member Orange Star (100 Posts) Legacy User (Gold) May 8, 2011 #553 Today it is in the 80s. It is to hot for me
Relxhive35 Well-known member Purple Star (1,000 Posts) Legacy User (Gold) May 8, 2011 #554 Today is 11 degrees.
H-J Kaabii Well-known member Cyan Star (5,000 Posts) Legacy User (Gold) May 11, 2011 #555 Horrible last coupl'days. Winter weather in fall, and pretty much straight rain all day today.
Vipsoccermaster Well-known member Green Star (10,000 Posts) Legacy User (Gold) May 11, 2011 #556 For once, we actually had little rain on the night of Monday/Tuesday. But then it cleared up quickly and the ground was already dry.
For once, we actually had little rain on the night of Monday/Tuesday. But then it cleared up quickly and the ground was already dry.
Relxhive35 Well-known member Purple Star (1,000 Posts) Legacy User (Gold) May 11, 2011 #557 its very cold
Mr. Toast Well-known member Orange Star (100 Posts) Legacy User (Gold) May 11, 2011 #558 It was 81 degrees here today. WAY TO HOT
cookieboy17 Well-known member Cyan Star (5,000 Posts) Legacy User (Gold) May 11, 2011 #559 Weather's been mad good to just chill outside. 8)
CaptainShyguy Well-known member Blue Star (2,000 Posts) Legacy User (Gold) May 11, 2011 #560 Right we almost have the perfect weather (for me). Only 5 or 6 more degrees. It's arround 16-17!