The chat might have came out wrong but this is it...
H-J カービイ: Well then. It's about time. Time to release the choleric disposition in my soul.
Today at 09:32:03 PM
H-J カービイ: Look, Aegis. No matter how many times you’re going to insist and demand, I hope it gets to your head that you can’t just get your way without some sort of demonstration that you’ll use the information you’re going to sponge to a use for the betterment of the forum. Recently, besides the posting, you haven’t been much in the ways of promoting a sound community – continual use of the term f**got (and its contraction), bashing Billy so that you can get your way (and that failed), and other instances of ruining the peace; heck, sometimes your mere online appearance is loathful.
Today at 09:32:18 PM
H-J カービイ: How exactly will viewing the topic about you help you get any better? Highly doubtful since it’ll just be an opportunity to flaunt at our ridiculous reasoning as a staff body, and that certainly won’t make you any better. How does it help the forum in general? Apart from satisfying a curiosity that shouldn’t even be considered, it’s not going to produce any favourable outcome – for all it’s worth, it’s more likely to incite further instability and chaos. If that’s what you were aiming for, tough luck.
Today at 09:32:23 PM
H-J カービイ: The only thing I can see as your intent to manipulate the staff (or me in this case) into doing your bidding is only for further exploitation and a continuation of your ways – to present little sound contribution, and to spark complaints and other dislikes as your daily protocol. And that, my friend, is what I like to call a good-for-nothing, overbearing character. One I hope I do not become, and certainly a personality that turns me off. I would assume other members are getting fed up, the staff certainly is, and maybe you are as well. But get this: under no rational circumstance would I consider falling into another one of your traps for a reason that I see has no foundation other than your own lustful interest and potential to use it as a weapon of sparring. So you are not going to get your way this time. Hopefully this is the last time I need to waste 3 paragraphs and over 20 minutes of my life on someone/something as pointless as you and your antics.
Today at 09:32:28 PM
DKH: Lol. Owned~
Today at 09:34:09 PM
Today at 09:42:39 PM
AegisReflector: H-J, you are the worst F***ing admin I've now have truly witnessed. You say you care about the members and that you don't do anything wrong and yet you bash me and even harass Matt and Ether on the Shoutbox everyday for some s***ty reason. It is YOU who are the immature one. You are two smart for your own good. You think you know everything and that you can solve any situation but in all honesty, you are a mega failure. You are a failure as an admin and are incompetent. You take things way too out of proportion and I am only asking you a single favor. I can change, trust me, but you can't change my beliefs right now. It is asbolutely terrible that the staff have a secret topic about me and Snowy and they don't bother to share that information in public.
Today at 09:45:52 PM
Columbo: Berry did you my PM?
Today at 09:46:01 PM
AegisReflector: Perhaps it is because you guys want to cover up your true feelings about certain members? So that you look "prim and proper" for all the newcomers? I say bulls***. None of you F***ers know anything about running a forum (besides Cook and MLYW). You guys don't know how to take care of problems. You PROLONG it. You do everything exactly opposite. You are supposed to be compromising with members and yet you hand out unfair bannings. Wolf does some annoying s***, it gets leeway. But when I try to bash Wolf, it's all "GOODBYE AEGIS". The staff are not Gods. Not every F***ing staff member has to be liked.
Today at 09:48:20 PM
H-J カービイ: Thank you, Aegis. Perhaps I am a failure. Perhaps we all are incompetent, brash, know-it-alls. And yes, we aren't Gods. Compromise - I like your use of that, given that's exactly how we used to play this game.
Today at 09:49:43 PM
H-J カービイ: Do you think it gets tired after a while when compromise fails?
Today at 09:49:53 PM
H-J カービイ: I sure do.
Today at 09:49:55 PM
AegisReflector: You guys need to get off your F***ing high horse and do your damn jobs, but no. You insist on just sitting on your asses playing F***ing Mario Party Interactive all day, not willing to change anything for the forum or not do anything else special. You guys hardly take member suggestions unless it is HAMMERED down hard into your thick skulls (Like with Matt's Multi-Section deal). Not one of you has contributed anything to my projects like SmashBash and FC which is why I always give up. You guys just like to F***ing Brawl and Mario Party all day without giving other material a chance which is simply unfortunate.
Today at 09:50:36 PM
AegisReflector: When I was Admin, everything was F***ing smooth sailing. Not trying to brag, but it was the best staff lineup ever. With VIP gone as F***ing Admin and with MLYW, Cook, and Ryoux as the only 3 GMODs, everything was great. Nobody had a fight in ages.
Today at 09:51:54 PM
H-J カービイ: I'm sorry if the forum is not in your "ideals". And please remind me of what we/you got done in your time as Admin.
Today at 09:52:33 PM
Dark Boo: [Popcorn]
Today at 09:52:53 PM
Dark Boo: [Watches]
Today at 09:52:57 PM
Amaterasu: H-J you are my hero
Today at 09:53:25 PM
H-J カービイ: Asides from what you have just listed.
Today at 09:53:41 PM
AegisReflector: But along came Wolf with his s***ty attitude and for some reason, I VOUCHED FOR HIM. I trusted him. And now? He's the worst ever. The worst. He simply is an incompetent little brat. And then everything started to fall about. My Club idea? Gone (but later was revived by Berry, but nobody even credits me for the original thought, so whatever). FC started to fall apart because nobody contributed.
Today at 09:53:45 PM
AegisReflector: And then, when I tried to do anything new to the forum, everyone resisted change. EVERY...SINGLE...F***ER on this forum resisted it. Then, I had enough of Wolf's s***, so after a few thoughts, I demodded him, which caused a massive s***storm. Which led me to quit.
Today at 09:54:56 PM
H-J カービイ: If something falls apart then the members have no interest. Admins or staff don't have an OBLIGATION to contribute. They have a RIGHT to choose wheter to support or not. Perhaps the procrastination card suffices, but as I see it the interest was transient.
Today at 09:55:16 PM
MattC13: I think it's more of no one decided to contain Wolf, and no one tried to change his cocky behavior
Today at 09:55:40 PM
MattC13: He was modded way too fast and too young
Today at 09:56:07 PM
AegisReflector: I couldn't F***ing take having people hate me for stuff that was rightfully logical. You guys want to have a dysfunctional reign? Fine. But please at least TRY to act like a good staff. But nah, that will never happen.
Today at 09:56:49 PM
Amatatomba: has anyone seen my baby??!
Today at 09:56:53 PM
AegisReflector: You guys do not think of the members.
Today at 09:56:56 PM
N.B. in trial.
AegisReflector: Perhaps it is because you guys want to cover up your true feelings about certain members? So that you look "prim and proper" for all the newcomers? I say bulls***. None of you F***ers know anything about running a forum (besides Cook and MLYW). You guys don't know how to take care of problems. You PROLONG it. You do everything exactly opposite. You are supposed to be compromising with members and yet you hand out unfair bannings. Wolf does some annoying s***, it gets leeway. But when I try to bash Wolf, it's all "GOODBYE AEGIS". The staff are not Gods. Not every F***ing staff member has to be liked.
Today at 09:48:20 PM
H-J カービイ: Thank you, Aegis. Perhaps I am a failure. Perhaps we all are incompetent, brash, know-it-alls. And yes, we aren't Gods. Compromise - I like your use of that, given that's exactly how we used to play this game.
Today at 09:49:43 PM
H-J カービイ: Do you think it gets tired after a while when compromise fails?
Today at 09:49:53 PM
H-J カービイ: I sure do.
Today at 09:49:55 PM
AegisReflector: You guys need to get off your F***ing high horse and do your damn jobs, but no. You insist on just sitting on your asses playing F***ing Mario Party Interactive all day, not willing to change anything for the forum or not do anything else special. You guys hardly take member suggestions unless it is HAMMERED down hard into your thick skulls (Like with Matt's Multi-Section deal). Not one of you has contributed anything to my projects like SmashBash and FC which is why I always give up. You guys just like to F***ing Brawl and Mario Party all day without giving other material a chance which is simply unfortunate.
Today at 09:50:36 PM
AegisReflector: When I was Admin, everything was F***ing smooth sailing. Not trying to brag, but it was the best staff lineup ever. With VIP gone as F***ing Admin and with MLYW, Cook, and Ryoux as the only 3 GMODs, everything was great. Nobody had a fight in ages.
Today at 09:51:54 PM
H-J カービイ: I'm sorry if the forum is not in your "ideals". And please remind me of what we/you got done in your time as Admin.
Today at 09:52:33 PM
Dark Boo: [Popcorn]
Today at 09:52:53 PM
Dark Boo: [Watches]
Today at 09:52:57 PM
Amaterasu: H-J you are my hero
Today at 09:53:25 PM
H-J カービイ: Asides from what you have just listed.
Today at 09:53:41 PM
AegisReflector: But along came Wolf with his s***ty attitude and for some reason, I VOUCHED FOR HIM. I trusted him. And now? He's the worst ever. The worst. He simply is an incompetent little brat. And then everything started to fall about. My Club idea? Gone (but later was revived by Berry, but nobody even credits me for the original thought, so whatever). FC started to fall apart because nobody contributed.
Today at 09:53:45 PM
AegisReflector: And then, when I tried to do anything new to the forum, everyone resisted change. EVERY...SINGLE...F***ER on this forum resisted it. Then, I had enough of Wolf's s***, so after a few thoughts, I demodded him, which caused a massive s***storm. Which led me to quit.
Today at 09:54:56 PM
H-J カービイ: If something falls apart then the members have no interest. Admins or staff don't have an OBLIGATION to contribute. They have a RIGHT to choose wheter to support or not. Perhaps the procrastination card suffices, but as I see it the interest was transient.
Today at 09:55:16 PM
MattC13: I think it's more of no one decided to contain Wolf, and no one tried to change his cocky behavior
Today at 09:55:40 PM
MattC13: He was modded way too fast and too young
Today at 09:56:07 PM
AegisReflector: I couldn't F***ing take having people hate me for stuff that was rightfully logical. You guys want to have a dysfunctional reign? Fine. But please at least TRY to act like a good staff. But nah, that will never happen.
Today at 09:56:49 PM
Amatatomba: has anyone seen my baby??!
Today at 09:56:53 PM
AegisReflector: You guys do not think of the members.
Today at 09:56:56 PM
AegisReflector: You only think of yourselves and your reputations.
Today at 09:57:09 PM
N.B. in trial.
AegisReflector: Perhaps it is because you guys want to cover up your true feelings about certain members? So that you look "prim and proper" for all the newcomers? I say bulls***. None of you F***ers know anything about running a forum (besides Cook and MLYW). You guys don't know how to take care of problems. You PROLONG it. You do everything exactly opposite. You are supposed to be compromising with members and yet you hand out unfair bannings. Wolf does some annoying s***, it gets leeway. But when I try to bash Wolf, it's all "GOODBYE AEGIS". The staff are not Gods. Not every F***ing staff member has to be liked.
Today at 09:48:20 PM
H-J カービイ: Thank you, Aegis. Perhaps I am a failure. Perhaps we all are incompetent, brash, know-it-alls. And yes, we aren't Gods. Compromise - I like your use of that, given that's exactly how we used to play this game.
Today at 09:49:43 PM
H-J カービイ: Do you think it gets tired after a while when compromise fails?
Today at 09:49:53 PM
H-J カービイ: I sure do.
Today at 09:49:55 PM
AegisReflector: You guys need to get off your F***ing high horse and do your damn jobs, but no. You insist on just sitting on your asses playing F***ing Mario Party Interactive all day, not willing to change anything for the forum or not do anything else special. You guys hardly take member suggestions unless it is HAMMERED down hard into your thick skulls (Like with Matt's Multi-Section deal). Not one of you has contributed anything to my projects like SmashBash and FC which is why I always give up. You guys just like to F***ing Brawl and Mario Party all day without giving other material a chance which is simply unfortunate.
Today at 09:50:36 PM
AegisReflector: When I was Admin, everything was F***ing smooth sailing. Not trying to brag, but it was the best staff lineup ever. With VIP gone as F***ing Admin and with MLYW, Cook, and Ryoux as the only 3 GMODs, everything was great. Nobody had a fight in ages.
Today at 09:51:54 PM
H-J カービイ: I'm sorry if the forum is not in your "ideals". And please remind me of what we/you got done in your time as Admin.
Today at 09:52:33 PM
Dark Boo: [Popcorn]
Today at 09:52:53 PM
Dark Boo: [Watches]
Today at 09:52:57 PM
Amaterasu: H-J you are my hero
Today at 09:53:25 PM
H-J カービイ: Asides from what you have just listed.
Today at 09:53:41 PM
AegisReflector: But along came Wolf with his s***ty attitude and for some reason, I VOUCHED FOR HIM. I trusted him. And now? He's the worst ever. The worst. He simply is an incompetent little brat. And then everything started to fall about. My Club idea? Gone (but later was revived by Berry, but nobody even credits me for the original thought, so whatever). FC started to fall apart because nobody contributed.
Today at 09:53:45 PM
AegisReflector: And then, when I tried to do anything new to the forum, everyone resisted change. EVERY...SINGLE...F***ER on this forum resisted it. Then, I had enough of Wolf's s***, so after a few thoughts, I demodded him, which caused a massive s***storm. Which led me to quit.
Today at 09:54:56 PM
H-J カービイ: If something falls apart then the members have no interest. Admins or staff don't have an OBLIGATION to contribute. They have a RIGHT to choose wheter to support or not. Perhaps the procrastination card suffices, but as I see it the interest was transient.
Today at 09:55:16 PM
MattC13: I think it's more of no one decided to contain Wolf, and no one tried to change his cocky behavior
Today at 09:55:40 PM
MattC13: He was modded way too fast and too young
Today at 09:56:07 PM
AegisReflector: I couldn't F***ing take having people hate me for stuff that was rightfully logical. You guys want to have a dysfunctional reign? Fine. But please at least TRY to act like a good staff. But nah, that will never happen.
Today at 09:56:49 PM
Amatatomba: has anyone seen my baby??!
Today at 09:56:53 PM
AegisReflector: You guys do not think of the members.
Today at 09:56:56 PM
AegisReflector: You only think of yourselves and your reputations.
Today at 09:57:09 PM
AegisReflector: And that's why this place is so messed up. Cocky modding, bulls*** warnings, and unneccssary cliques.
Today at 09:57:44 PM
MattC13: lol @ ama
Today at 09:58:08 PM
AegisReflector: Oh, and HJ, I loved how you said "Thank you, Aegis...omg yes maybe we should compromise" when you clearly F***ing bashed me on those 3 paragraphs.
Today at 09:58:24 PM
AegisReflector: Trust me, I had a F***ing bad day today, so i'm super pissed. You do not want to push anymore buttons.
Today at 09:58:50 PM
AegisReflector: Because you have not seen "True Aegis" yet.
Today at 09:58:59 PM
H-J カービイ: Your implication, I take it, is that you can somehow turn this place around and steer it. Is that correct?
Today at 10:01:14 PM
AegisReflector: I actually think I can.
Today at 10:03:27 PM
DKH: No offense, and sorry to day this, but the reason most fights happen these days are because you b*tch and moan and groan, Aegis. If you would keep your mouth shut, over half the fighting would stop, I can damn-near guarantee it. You don't like it? Leave. Simple as that. Don't whine, and B*tch about it every time you get on, because someone did something wrong. It's a forum. ON THE INTERNET. Not like it's the United States government.. I understand you had a bad day, but please don't come on here and vent. It's not right to just get on a forum and continously bash people over, and over, and over. (An Ex. is Wolf) .
Today at 10:03:28 PM
Amatatomba: I have a terrible migraine
Today at 10:05:00 PM
DKH: say*
Today at 10:05:10 PM
AegisReflector: I don't care if it's "On the internet".
Today at 10:05:22 PM
AegisReflector: Wolf is a terrible mod and I have to deal with it every single day.
Today at 10:05:41 PM
Dark Boo: @Amatatomba I have a light one
Today at 10:06:19 PM
MattC13: We need a staff shuffle or something soon
Today at 10:07:41 PM
N.B. in trial.
MattC13: Add a to that
Today at 10:11:35 PM
Dark Boo: mhm
Today at 10:11:42 PM
MattC13: Also this downtime is killing me so I'm out
Today at 10:12:10 PM
Amaterasu: Blame the forum changes in the past
Today at 10:12:10 PM
Amaterasu: Blame the past forum chages
Today at 10:12:32 PM
H-J カービイ: It won't do anyone good if we continue like this, Aegis. Let's call a time out. I can offer this compromise... for now.
Today at 10:12:43 PM
H-J カービイ: I need to think over this, preferably off the forum.
Today at 10:12:51 PM
Amaterasu: H-J says: "It won't do anyone good if we continue like this. Let's call a time out. I can offer this compromise... for now.".
Today at 10:14:15 PM
H-J カービイ: "If you want to see the topic, I will copy as much as is relevant. Which for you might be most or all of the topic.
Today at 10:14:27 PM
Daisy_Kisaragi: Beep Boop Hoes
Today at 10:14:30 PM
DKH: Well, if you still have a problem with it, why are you still here? Not saying you need to leave, I'm just curious as to why you come onto the forum to 'deal with Wolf's crap' every day.
Today at 10:14:30 PM
Amaterasu: Damn lag
Today at 10:14:56 PM
H-J カービイ: Seems we're online.
Today at 10:17:49 PM
H-J カービイ: Seems we're online.
Today at 10:18:00 PM
H-J カービイ: DOuble shout. Wonderful.
Today at 10:18:21 PM
H-J カービイ: And it just had to happen now. >.<
Today at 10:18:55 PM
AegisReflector: H-J, you may do that.
Today at 10:19:32 PM
AegisReflector: (Copy the topic in quotes). Thank you.
Today at 10:19:51 PM
AegisReflector: I will express my gratitude.
Today at 10:20:03 PM
Daisy_Kisaragi: Wuz That hoe Hunt on earlier?
Today at 10:20:05 PM
H-J カービイ: Technically, that's my second compromise. Who gives a f*** on technicalities. Also, Aegis, be prepared to see what imbeciles we are.
Today at 10:20:40 PM
H-J カービイ: In the topic.
Today at 10:20:48 PM
AegisReflector: @DKH: Because basically, old MPF is here too.
Today at 10:20:56 PM
H-J カービイ: It'd best give it to you in PM.
Today at 10:20:57 PM
H-J カービイ: *I'd
Today at 10:21:24 PM
AegisReflector: HuntMac, Cody, Snowy, Cook, MLYW, Prongs, and a few others are here. I enjoy talking to them.
Today at 10:21:29 PM
AegisReflector: Yeah, do that.
Today at 10:21:36 PM
H-J カービイ: Delayed shout. I meant to say "And Aegis, you remind me of my father. Somewhat"
Daisy_Kisaragi: Well I'm off for the night
Today at 10:22:34 PM
DKH: Ah, ok. Thanks for clarifying, Aegis.
Today at 10:23:11 PM
Daisy_Kisaragi: If Hunty comes on later, someone tell him I can MSN tomorow
Today at 10:23:20 PM
AegisReflector: I'm...HJ's father apparently.
Today at 10:23:34 PM
Columbo: Berry, did you get my PM?
Today at 10:23:52 PM
AegisReflector: HuntMac's doing Daisy, eh?
Today at 10:24:03 PM
H-J カービイ: 19 pages of inflated talk. Hope you are keen on reading it... (still copying via Print Topic)
Today at 10:24:05 PM
Vipsoccermaster: Aegis: I was part of old MPF, too.
Today at 10:25:22 PM
Daisy_Kisaragi: He sure is

Today at 10:26:31 PM
Daisy_Kisaragi: Niight Everyone!
Today at 10:26:49 PM
H-J カービイ: And Aegis, be warned that I do describe you rather unpleasantly towards the end.
Today at 10:27:20 PM
H-J カービイ: The spaces are a little devoid, I'll do what I can to "fix them up"
Today at 10:28:05 PM
DKH: Oh yeah, Aegis, I made it to episode 4 of Lucky Star before stopping for the night. I need to watch 5.. I'm addicted. Lol.
AegisReflector: No.
Today at 10:29:49 PM
AegisReflector: Leave it unedited.
Today at 10:29:55 PM
AegisReflector: @DKH: Isn't it a great anime?
Today at 10:30:07 PM
AegisReflector: One of the classics.
Today at 10:30:12 PM
H-J カービイ: Alright then.
Today at 10:30:13 PM
AegisReflector: @VIP: Implying I like you.
DKH: Yeah, it's pretty great. I love how each episode Kona-chan and I get more and more alike xD
Today at 10:32:20 PM
AegisReflector: Everybody says that lol.
Today at 10:35:37 PM
AegisReflector: I have yet to meet one person who watches the show who's similar to Konata lol.
Today at 10:35:53 PM
H-J カービイ: Sent, but it's rather large. >.>
Today at 10:36:41 PM
H-J カービイ: Try your best with deciphering it.
Today at 10:36:53 PM
H-J カービイ: For any of you watching, HJ says "It's not giving in, it's called 'Can this work better for the forum?'"
Today at 10:38:53 PM
DKH: Lol.
Today at 10:39:08 PM
H-J カービイ: Onto other things.
Today at 10:47:53 PM
H-J カービイ: A forum populated by kids won't have much chance making a video game site for latest VG news, will it. >.>
Today at 10:48:17 PM
Dark Boo: Link edit your turn
Today at 10:48:50 PM
H-J カービイ: SmashBash would work if there was a greater emphasis on it and not just a private group getting no life.
Today at 10:49:33 PM
H-J カービイ: If we're doing competitive clubs, we need them up soon
Today at 10:53:39 PM
Treasure Trawlers: vip, did you watch my vid?
Today at 10:55:40 PM
Vipsoccermaster: No, I have not
Today at 10:56:14 PM
AegisReflector: Hey H-J.
Today at 10:56:49 PM
AegisReflector: Your message cut off at January 7th.
Today at 10:56:58 PM
AegisReflector: Didn't know if you noticed that.
Today at 10:57:08 PM
AegisReflector: But i've read the messages so far, and I'm still not that convinced.
Today at 10:57:22 PM
Vipsoccermaster: Competitive Clubs... maybe they can start in March, perhaps? Or Vernal Equinox (Northern Hemisphere)
Today at 10:57:33 PM
12socc3r45: I have. It was kewl. (re Cody)
Today at 10:57:38 PM
H-J カービイ: Jan 7th. Damn it.
Today at 10:59:34 PM
H-J カービイ: I'd might as well Email you the whole thing.
Today at 10:59:43 PM
H-J カービイ: That would be infinitely better.
Today at 10:59:49 PM