Daily Poll 2.0

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WiiUFan-04 said:
Vipsoccermaster said:
WiiUFan-04 said:
Never been to either. However, Me and my family were planning to go to Disneyland a couple of years ago, but we cancelled plans due to the fact I had a fear of airplanes at the time.
Why do you have a fear of airplanes?

And it was because I wasn't really comfortable being high up in the sky at the time.
You'd probably hate being in a smelly van with a giant family for two days and very little bathroom breaks. It's really a matter of which would cost less.
Have you been to Disney World or Disneyland?

Yes, Disney World - 3 (23.1%)
Yes, Disneyland - 2 (15.4%)
Yes, both - 3 (23.1%)
No, but I wish I did - 3 (23.1%)
No, and I would never want to - 1 (7.7%)
O T H E R - 1 (7.7%)

I guess this was pretty expected, but we have a three-way tie between . . . yes, DIsney World, yes, both, and no, but I wish I did !! (#disneyparks4lyfe #disney4lyfe #latedailypollz)


TODAY'S QUESTION: Do you own an XBOX One or PlayStation 4?
I'd possibly want a PS4 but I've heard you need to pay monthly for it.

Plus I don't have internet at home so I wouldn't be able to play anything online like I can with my laptop. Plus IMO PC gaming is far superior to console gaming.

Only console I'm actually interested in is the Wii U TBH. If I save up enough money I might get a TV for my room eventually. I dunno.
Do you own an XBOX One or PlayStation 4?

Yes, XBOX One - 0 (0%)
Yes, PlayStation 4 - 1 (6.7%)
Yes, both - 0 (0%)
No - 13 (86.7%)
Other - 1 (6.7%)

The biggest irony of the century here, ladies and gentlemen: on a Mario Party forum, in regards to this poll, most people voted . . . no !! (#ohwell #microsony4lyfe)


TODAY'S QUESTION: How big would you say your bedroom is?
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