Billy12510's Brawl Recommendations

NOTE BEFORE I CONTINUE: This is just my opinion. You are allowed to agree, disagree, or use whoever you want. I'm just telling you who I prefer and for what.

Anyway... These are what I think of the characters in Brawl. I know there are 40-41 characters, but I'm just going to start with the original 8.

Special Skills-A-
Final Smash-A
Star Rating:  :star: :star: :star: :star:
Recommended: Yes, for single player and multi-player
Mario is a great character to use in my opinion. His strength is decent, his speed is all right, he's the typical all around character. If you get hit by his Final Smash, you better hope you get hit into a wall; because that's all that can save you. My only problem is with the fact they replaced Mario Tornado with F.L.U.D.D. The F.L.U.D.D is a really bad replacement for his original Down-B move.

Special Skills-B
Final Smash-A+ If you can control it; C+ If you can't
Recommended for: Single Player and Multiplayer; but you might be hated a bit if you play Multi-player as DK
DK is an offensive powerhouse. His grab where most people jump off an edge while carrying someone gets a lot of glares and bad remarks, but DK's an actually good character. My concern is you might be dissapointed with DK's Final Smash if it can't be controlled, but If you can, it can be devastating!
Star Rating:  :star: :star: :star: :star:

Special Skills-D+
Final Smash-A+
Recommened for: Single Player
Star Rating: :star: :star: :star:
Mario and DK I can recommend for Multi-player, Link not so much. If you want to you're going to be plagued with awful Special Skills, painfully average strength, and decent speed. But if there's anything you can say about Link that's good, It's definetly his Final Smash. Pray you aren't on the recieving end of it. But that's really the most you can say about Link. But if you still want to use Link, not like I can stop you.

Special Skills-D
Final Smash-B-
Recommended for: Nothing really
Star Rating :star: :star:
I could at least recommend Link for Single Player. I'm not sure whether or not at all I recommend Yoshi for anything. Painfully average strength, terrible Special Skills, he somehow rates lower then Link in that department, mainly since at least Link has a recovery move. His Final Smash makes up for a bit of it, but not enough to get more then a 2 star ranking. But If you want to use Yoshi, be my guest.

Special Skills-C
Final Smash-A
Recommended for: Single Player and Multi-Player
Star Rating- :star: :star: :star:
Fox isn't a really strong character, but I can recommend him somewhat. His skills aren't really amazing, but he has 2 recovery moves; if you can master using Side-B as a recovery move. His Final Smash; Landmaster; opens up a variety of KO opportunites. If the final smash doesn't take down your foes, it should damage them to the point a regular smash move can finish the job.

Special Skills-B
Final Smash-B
Recommended for: Single Player and Multi-Player
Star Rating-  :star: :star: :star:
Kirby! Everyone's favorite puffball! I can totally recommend Kirby for just about any role in a team. His Final Smash can create a lot of useful items. His ability to jump 5 times slightly removes the need for a recovery move, but he has one anyway, and it's really useful. He can copy opponents powers, so hope you aren't a character like Capt. Falcon or Ganondorf. He's not real strong though, but I'm not concerned about that. Totally recommendable.

Special Skills-C
Final Smash-B-
Recommended for: Single Player
Star Rating- :star: :star: :star:
Pikachu has one thing going for him. That's his speed, but I really don't care about that too much. Pikachu isn't strong, but his special attacks are alright. They are pretty easy to dodge I'll admit. His Final Smash can deal a lot of damage, but It is very hard to control. I say pass on Pikachu for multiplayer but if you can control his Final Smash it can be quite devastating.

Special Skills-D
Final Smash-B-
Recommended for: Single Player
Star Rating- :star: :star: :star:
Samus is average strength, but her special skills are really lack-luster. Her Final Smash turns her into Zero Suit Samus, who I think is a worse character. Pass on Multiplayer for sure, but again that's just me.

The next set of characters will be the 8 challengers from Melee.
VIP is going to be dissapointed at what I think of Diddy Kong.
Now for the 8 Melee Challengers!

Special Skills-D-
Final Smash-B-
Recommended for: Multi-Player
Star Rating: :star: :star:
Now You're probably thinking: "What are you saying General? You just said she has terrible strength and skills and a 2 star rating? Yet you recommened her for multi-player? That's nuts!" Well maybe it is, look past her terrible strength and skills and she's a great KO oppourtunist. With her final smash she puts enemeis to sleep, making them sitting ducks to regular smash blows, but the final smash is a bit of a glass cannon. If they don't stay asleep long enough or survive the attack they can heal themselves with the peaches that spawn from the attack. Single-player I can't recommened all too much, but in Team Play on multiplayer it could be a very interesting fight.

Special Skills-F
Final Smash-C
Recommended for: Nothing
Star Rating: :star:
I can recommened Peach for multiplayer, Zelda I can't. And not because I'm not a big fan of the Zelda series! She just has bad SPecial SKills, her Final Smash is easy to dodge, and her Strength is average. Not recommended, but with all the others I can't force you not to play as Zelda.

Ice Climbers
Special Skills-F
Final Smash-C+
Recommended for: nothing
Star Rating: :star:
Wow these Melee fighters continue to disappoint me. Just like these two. If Popo dies you lose a life, if Nana dies you're better off jumping off the edge because you can't do your recovery move without her. (Or he?) Their final smash is alright though, I don't see it as anything you an avoid, but I still say pass on these two.

Special SKills-B+
Final Smash-A+
Recommended for: Single Player or Multiplayer
Star Rating: :star: :star: :star: :star: :star:
Finally a Brawler worth mentioning! Bowser's only weak point is his speed, but again, I don't judge them on their speed. He's strong, his specail skills are all very good, but what's really good about this heavy-weight is definetly his Final Smash. Giga Bowser just utterly owns everything insight with great attacks that are merely basic attacks beefed up considerably. Defenetly recommended.

Special Skills-C
Final Smash-B-
Recommended for: Single Player
Star Rating: :star: :star: :star:
Back to painfully average characters it seems. He's got decentness written all over him, except when it comes to his Special Skills, which aren't good if you don't know how to use him. His Final Smash is a bit hard to dodge, but it is dodgeable. If you're hit by it it's an instant KO. I can recommend him for Single Player, but it's up to you if you want to use him for Multi-Player.

Mr. Game & Watch
Special Skills-D
Final Smash-C+
Recommended for: Nothing
Star Rating: :star:
Back to the bottom of the Melee barrel. Emphasis on bottom. G&W is a TERRIBLE character just pass on him. He's not worth wasting my time with a reason for these stats.

Special Skills-C+
Final Smash-A-
Recommended for: Single Player or Multi-player
Star Rating: :star: :star: :star:
Everything I said about Fox goes here I guess. His B special is more powerful then Fox's, but his Final Smash has a shorter time limit then Fox's. But I still recommend him for Single Player or Multi-player.

Special Skills-C-
Final Smash-B
Recommended for: I'm not entirely sure...
Star Rating: :star: :star: :star:
Ganondorf can't do combo attacks, his specials are easily stalled, but looking past that he's a somewhat decent character. His Final Smash is alright, but I'm not sure If I can or can't recommend him. Up to you I guess.

Next set of characters will be the four unlockables that have been in every Smash game along with the original 8.
The next four characters I'm about the describe are only at your disposal if you unlock them. But they've been in every Smash game.

Call them: The Unlockables

Special Skills-B-
Final Smash-C+
Recommended for: Single Player or Multiplayer
Star Rating: :star: :star: :star:
Luigi is a unique character, to say the least. He's the only character who's taunt can deal damage, (who cares if its only 1%, its still an epic taunt!) His Side-B Special can sometimes fire by itself, and if that happens, it deals more damage then normal, but what's really bizzare is his Final Smash. It's called the Negative Zone. All enemies that are trapped inside have a variety of strange effects done to them. Recommended? You bet!

Special Skills-D
Final Smash-C+
Recommended for: Nothing
Star Rating: :star:
Grasshopper and I definetly have different opinions on this puffball. I'm sorry balloon. He likes it, but I really don't, just bad strength, terrible Specials and an even worse Final Smash. It only really works on tiny stages like Final Destination, but even then it doesn't work well. I say pass, but Grasshopper might say different, I don't know.

Capt. Falcon
Final Smah-C
Recommended for: Single Player
Star Rating: :star: :star:
Capt. Falcon is painfully average in my opinion. His strongest attack can easily be prevented from useage. If his Final Smash doesn't connect with anyone the entire move is canceled, but if it does connect it's an instant KO, which makes it cheap. I recommened for Single Player and that's it.

Final Smash-A
Recommended for: Single Player and Multiplayer
Star Rating: :star: :star: :star: :star:
Now here's a character I can truly recommend. I've saved the best of this group for last. Ness isn't strong with basic attacks, but you can get a combo going with his Down-A attack (and Lucas too for that matter.) And his special attacks are powerful too. PK Flash gets canceled if Ness is hit and it can't pass through solid objects, but if it hits it can deal massive damage. And speaking of massive damage, PK StarStorm is difficult to avoid, but if you can you'll save yourself from quite a catastrophe.

Now that that's finished, we'll finally get into Brawl Characters.
Finally Starting with the first 8 Brawl characters.

Special SKills-B
Final Smash-A
Recommended for: Single Player and Multi-Player
Star Rating: :star: :star: :star: :star:
I won't waste time here. Everything good I said about Ness goes here.

Pokemon Trainer
Since this is a Brawler who uses three fighters, I'll average the grades and star rating together.
Special Skills-D-
Star Rating- :star:
Special Skills-C
Star Rating: :star: :star:
Special SKills-C
Star RAting: :star: :star: :star:
Final Smash-A
Total Strength-C+
Total Special Skills-C
Final Smash-A
Total Star Rating: :star: :star: :star:
Recommended for: Single Player
If you choose anyone, pick Charizard. It's got decent Special Skills, but great Strength. I suppose Ivysaur's Bullet Seed is a great Air Juggling move. Squirtle I say pass on and I sound like Chuggaaconroy's Pokemon Fireed LP a bit don't I. At least they have a good Final Smash make up for their lack of good special moves.

Special Skills-C
Final SMash-B
Star Rating- :star: :star: :star:
Recommended for: Single Player
Pit is a decent character with a good Final Smash. The ability to jump five times a a plus, and he's one of 3 characters that can fly. but flying is a hard to control skill.

Zero Suit Samus
Special Skills-F
Final Smash-D-
Star Rating: Somehow she gets 1 :star:
I said before when I gave you my opinion of Samus that this character was terrible. And I stand by it. At least her Final Smash turns her back to regular Samus. I guess it goes without saying, but I don't recommende her for anything.

Special Skills-B+
Final Smash-A+
Recommended for: Single Player and Multi Player
Star Rating- :star: :star: :star: :star: :star:
Totally recommended, Great strength great special skills, with two Recovery moves and a powerful Down-B move. His Final SMash is epic, it boosts his speed, his srength and makes him invincible. The only downside is if you use the Wario Bike you'll take off like a bat out of you-know-what. Hopefully you'r smart enough not to do that.

Special Skills-F
Final Smash-A
Recommended fr: Nothing
Star Rating: :star:
Olimar has terrible strenght, can't do a Smash attack unless he has 1 Pikmin with him, and his Special SKills are terrible. His Final Smash is great though, he deals a ton of damage and can let teammates clean up house afterwards. Kirby and Jigglypuff can escape it if they're on high enough ground and they jump 5 times, preferabbly with a Bunny Hood. I gotta say this though. Kirby looks awesome with Olimar's face.
Just look at it
It looks awesome!

Diddy Kong
SPecial SKills-D
Final SMash-B
Recommended for: Single Player
Star RAting: :star: :star:
It's the one VIP's been waiting for! Unfortuenetly I don't like it all that much. Painfully average strength, bad specials, and a glass cannon for a Final SMash. It's powerful, but if the peanuts miss their mark, the peanut meat inside can be eaten and restor HP/damage. Plus it leaves you prone after the move is over. Not totally recommended.

I think I'm in the mood to do one more and that is this one...
Final Smash-B
Recommended for: Single Player and Multi Player
Star Rating: :star: :star: :star: :star: :star:
Ike is amazing. His strength is good, his spcials are great, and his Final Smash is amazing, if you live through it, you should make a
T-Shirt that reads: "I Survived Ike's Final Smash". The problem is if the sword misses, the entire move is canceled.

I'm almost done with these, but I want to know what you think about these characters I'm rating, if you have a blog, feel free to post your own opininos there, if not, post them here I guess. I'd love to read what you think of these guys. And how our opinion's may or may not differ.
Now for the final Brawlers!

Meta Knight
Special Skills-C-
Final Smash-A+
Star Rating: :star: :star: :star:
Recommended for: Single or Multi-player.
Meta Knight's attacks aren't strong, but quick so you can deal normal damage if a lot of them hit. His Final Smash deals 42 damage to all enemies that get hit by his cape, and they get launched extensively large distances if they have high damage already. Recommended.

King Dedede
Final Smash-B
Recommended For: All game types. (Single and Multi Player).
tar Rating: :star: :star: :star:
I'll cut to the chase. This guy is good. His Final Smash is devastativng on small stages especially, but even on large stages like Temple, you need to be lucky to escape it. That's what gives him such a good score. The problem? It's easily jumped over. If your hit by one it makes avioding the rest of the onslaught hard to evade.

Final Smash-B
Recommended for: Single Player
Star Rating: :star: :star:
R.O.B. Is weak, with bad special moves, but his Final Smash is one few Final Smash taht allows him to combine those basic attacks and specials and deal more damage with a beam coming out of his eyes. But I still only think he's good for Single-Player. But hey, if you want to use him, knock yourself out.

Toon Link
Final Smash-A+
Recommended for: Single Player and Multi-player
Star Rating: :star: :star: :Star:
Toon Link's Final Smash has a longer reach then Link's. His Up-B Special also is a combo move, when Link's isn't so I would note that next time you see him enter a Multi-player ring.

Final Smash-C
Recommend: Single Player only
Star Rating: :star: :star: :star:
I could recommend the other two characters from Star Fox for Multiplayer, but Wolf I can't. His Final Smash lasts the least amount of time of the three, but its the most powerful. His Side Special is useluess. Not recommended for Multiplayer.

Final Smash-A
Star Rating: :star: :star: :star: :star:
Recommended for: Both modes.
Strength is marked as a question mark because the more damage Lucario takes, the stronger he gets. His Final Smash is good, I recommended him for both modes.

Final Smash-B
Star Rating: :star: :star: :star:
Sonic's fast, but again, not rating speed! His Final Smash is hard to control. His Specials aren't good either. But if you can find a way to work with him, use him for Multiplayer then. I recommended him for Single Player.

Final Smash-C
Star Rating: :star: :star:
If you do anytihg as Snake, may it be spamming his Down-B Special. That's all its good for honestly. Recommended for Single Player.
General Guy said:
Special Skills-D
Final Smash-C+
Recommended for: Nothing
Star Rating: :star:
Grasshopper and I definetly have different opinions on this puffball. I'm sorry balloon. He likes it, but I really don't, just bad strength, terrible Specials and an even worse Final Smash. It only really works on tiny stages like Final Destination, but even then it doesn't work well. I say pass, but Grasshopper might say different, I don't know.
What? =P You're right; Jigglypuff is a horrible character. She doesn't have much attacks to knock characters off stage, final smash is difficult (if you're not an expert), and he is slow, so easy hits on him. But that doesn't mean he isn't usable, and be able to win. Jigglypuff has great air capabilities, he is the fastest on air, so that's why when using him, I would suggest try not to stay on the ground a lot.