Billy12510 roasts, I mean gves his opinion of you.

@Matt: You're giving up on your reviewing on the Music you were reviewing doesn't make you any better then anyone else who gave up. I really don't know you that well but congrats on getting promoted to G-Mod, try to hold onto it longer then Chubbo.

@Yoshi8984: Good to see another Yoshi fan. There's not a lot I can make fun of comment on when it comes to you, so keep that up.

@8socc3r: Don't know what to say. But just because you say we can't make fun of you means we aren't going to.
@Sushi: If you're idea of a good April Fool's Joke is having Westfield come back, then well done. Well done indeed. Sign on to that alt and have him post on this. I wanna tear him apart, cause let's be honest the real Westfield'll never come back.

Back to you, you apparently hve a gay following, do I believe it? No. Do I care? No. But I've gone over my latest story, Paper Mario World, and I've gotta say: I haven't seen so much fail since I heard your attempt to have Bust-A-Groove by nominated for VGL. Again. You're probably the biggest problem I had in my earlier months and we were past it, but now I'm not sure anymore. Don't give up on your job. And who knows, BAG might make it someday. When we're dead.
Snowy620 said:
come at me bro

@Snowy: Oh s*** I've been dying to do this. This forum has a couple of trolls, such as yourself, a fairy, an elf, a village idiot, and a sunken-eyed she-witch named Westfield. It seems more like a LOTR Forum then anything else. Your heart is so black if I put a stehoscope to it I could hear your heartbeat going: "What you talking about' Willis?" I don't think there's anyone better and being awful then you. And a 16-year-old working at a Gamestop? They don't complain about any "missing games" I hope. Even though I don't believe that's real. I doubt you'll ever change so, don't.