Re H-J: Blithe Black Yoshi, because I like Yoshis more than Shy Guys, and Black Yoshi is the coolest Yoshi IMO
Re Y1: So far so good, I'll do as best as I can for this forum. Good luck on your mod job too, Yoshi1.
Re VSM: Well, I had better friendship with Relx more than garis, so I hope Relx can be a great partner.
Re H-J: It was tough, and I hope I'll get good scores for the tests
Re VSM: Well, here's a list:
1. Get good scores at school
2. Improve social life
3. Make 2010 a better year than 2009
Re VSM: It's really complicated, but mainly I need to socialize more and be more confident
Re H-J: Maybe kingboo, he's reliable and he knows what's right and wrong IMO
Re H-J: You're one of the best mods in SMPSF I, so maybe moderation won't work out well if you're not here.
But don't worry, there's still VSM (and SZ but he's inactive) who can still do your work if you're away
Re H-J: Confused Check for old topics, bad posts, and look for bad members (spambots, adbots, etc.)
Re VSM: It's fine, but I remembered that 750 posts = Hammer Bro in SMPSF I, not Boo. *sigh*
If you mean the user who will find the next forum ranks, well...
I'm sure it's going to be VSM, and if he finally found the Hammer Bro rank, I will be very thankful of him.