That's right, any questions you got. I will answer them, I promise!
DeadlyxImpulse said:1. What is your favorite Podcast thus far?
2. Favorite TV Show and why?
3. Favorite Movie and why?
4. In order from least to greatest, what games are you most excited for in 2013/2014
5. Favorite writing utensil and why?
6. Top 5 favorite pokemon of all time and of course why?
Okay, story time! AbsolPowers came from a number of things. You guys don't know this, but I'm a geography/history NUT. The name itself comes from Allied Powers/Axis Powers. See, back in February-April, I was into WWII times. So, when creating a site, I was trying to think of a name. This name LITERALLY came from nowhere, out of the blue, BEFORE I love Absol... and the rest is history.Vipsoccermaster said:How and why did you come up with AbsolPowers?
AbsolPowers said:DeadlyxImpulse said:1. What is your favorite Podcast thus far?
2. Favorite TV Show and why?
3. Favorite Movie and why?
4. In order from least to greatest, what games are you most excited for in 2013/2014
5. Favorite writing utensil and why?
6. Top 5 favorite pokemon of all time and of course why?
1. My favorite podcast episode was the episode where they (before my time in) all talked about their lives and such, I believe this was episode 76 or so.
2. I don't watch TV much anymore, because most shows aren't all that entertaining. However, I see myself crawling back to Sym-Bionic Titan, Gravity Falls, and Adventure Time every other month or so
3. Favorite movie... I'm that person who honestly can't decide my favorite of all time often, but as of now, it's Captain America because I love Captain America.
4. Mechanical pencils, pens are awkward to hold and can bleed out a bit sometimes.
5. Oooooooh alright, here we go. This list is always subject to change because I fall in love with different pokemon ALL the time.
- 5. Togekiss
It's a cool pokemon, to say the least. It's amazing ability along with it's adorable appearance captured my heart on day 1 of discovering my little angel.- 4. Furret
It's a sexy weasel, more adorable than anyone could ever be, and has the best/strangest movesets out there- 3. Eevee
Putting three normal-types in a row makes me cringe, but I can't help but say Eevee is amazing. In fact, he was my FIRST favorite pokemon. I remember I imagined I WAS one at points in my life... to escape reality.- 2. Gallade
He's been my most recent "favorite pokemon" next to number one, and probably held his title the longest. Gallade has always been a cool pokemon. He was courteous, ruthless, and seemed like a good friend. Like Eevee, I used to imagine I could be a Gallade to escape my life and be a hero.- 1. Absol
Absol is one of those pokemon everyone can love, yet no one is a bigger fan than me. I LOVE Absol. It's a great pokemon, has one of the coolest backstories, and is often associated with LEGENDARY pokemon. His Mega Evolution is my preferred look, because it now looks gorgeous. Absol has been in my life through thick and thin... despite me not realizing it until recently. Absol was my first pokemon card. Absol was the LAST pokemon plushie I got from my best friend before we moved. I always make room for the pun of "Absol-utely" in anything, almost. Like school notes, writing, and of course PUNS.
Okay, story time! AbsolPowers came from a number of things. You guys don't know this, but I'm a geography/history NUT. The name itself comes from Allied Powers/Axis Powers. See, back in February-April, I was into WWII times. So, when creating a site, I was trying to think of a name. This name LITERALLY came from nowhere, out of the blue, BEFORE I love Absol... and the rest is history.Vipsoccermaster said:How and why did you come up with AbsolPowers?
Nothing, honestly. Perhaps watch some random TV marathon... and maybe drink some sparkling cider. I love sparkling cider.DeadlyxImpulse said:What do you plan to do for New Year's?
1nsan1 said:Will you marry me?
NitoriAria said:I'm surprised Dynamo Man, Pump Man, Top Man, Aqua Man, Oil Man, or Plant Man did not show up in your Top 5 Least Favorite Robot Masters. What saved them from showing up?