today is it the 19 aprill my good friend and roommate hackhacker0 joined today and people think that hes an alternater account made by me let me tell you this whole this thing
hes my roommate when he saw me post here he wanted to join the forum so i created an account we only have 1 computer so we cant log in both of us we know eachtothers password we have simmilar usernames to remember them usaly i let him log out on my account but this is true WE ARE 2 DIFFERENT PERSONS!
hes my roommate when he saw me post here he wanted to join the forum so i created an account we only have 1 computer so we cant log in both of us we know eachtothers password we have simmilar usernames to remember them usaly i let him log out on my account but this is true WE ARE 2 DIFFERENT PERSONS!