Part 1 – The Reception of Mario Party

Like any other video game series, having multiple games in creating a series are probable victims of negative criticism if things aren’t how people would like them to be presented towards them. One big criticism of the games, is the lack of major change. I mean, what type of change are they looking forward to? … Read more

The (Short) Timeline of Party Boards

It’s the main attraction in every of Mario’s Parties, the boards themselves. Just how have they changed throughout the decade? A lot? Kind of a lot? Very little of a lot? Not much of a lot? The idea has remained the same. 4 players (human or computer controlled) play around a particular board, collect stuff … Read more

Bowser in Mario Party

We all know Bowser. That large turtle dude who’s jealous at Mario and Co. for having fun and partying around. So, he gets angry and decides to attack with bad news. When Bowser appears in any Mario Party, we know that it’s nothing but bad news. Sometimes, you just want to (insert action) him because … Read more

The Evolution of the Item

Evolution of the Item by madstarr We all know those crazy items we have grown accustomed to in Mario Party games (with the exception of the first one), and throughout their life-span, they have gone through an Evolution. But sometimes it’s not necessarily for the better. What exactly do I mean you ask? Well whether … Read more

New Poll and Mario Party Arcade Pages Back Up

The new poll is up! It is about Wario and Waluigi. The Mario Party Arcade Games page is back up as well as the Super Mario Fushigi no Korokoro Party page. We now have completed 1 of the 4 weeks of Advent. We are now on Week 2. Don’t worry, we’re getting there.

Third Mario Party Arcade Announced

A third installment to the Mario Party Arcade games has been announced, Mario Party Fushigi no Korokoro Catcher. We have a screen of the title along with a trailer. We will update as soon as more info starts coming in. httpvh://    

Mario Party Merchandise Page added and Forum back up

The forum has been fixed and is working like normal now. There was an error shown while trying to access the forum, sorry to those who tried to get on. :tongue: A new page focused on Mario Party Merchandise has been added and you can view it on the right menu bar. Enjoy.

Main Pages of Mario Party Pages Up

Every Mario Party Page’s main page is now up and running. Things like Boards and Minigames still have to be added, but now the “coming soon” is gone.  😉 You will know if a link works or not if it underlined. The Mario Party 7 Videos page has also been Updated with videos of the … Read more