SM3DW – Nintendo’s Trump Card, or a Missed Opportunity?
Super Mario 3D World is Mario’s first 3D adventure in high definition, but would you consider it to be innovative, or brand new?
Super Mario 3D World is Mario’s first 3D adventure in high definition, but would you consider it to be innovative, or brand new?
First major DLC for a Wii U Mario title has been announced, but can we expect the same support for the next 3D Mario?
Mario Kart for Wii U is on its way, but what new aspects could we expect from this future title?
Sometimes, we need to get out with the “New”, and head for the “Newer”…don’t you think?
How are the ongoing RPG Mario titles holding off, and what could be their future? Read on for a short investigation.
“Now where do you think you’re going? I didn’t say Ciao. It’ll be best if you read on ahead, for some deadly serious thoughts about me returning to the spotlight.”
“Heehee, that Bowser is such a fool. I would be a tastier salad of evil than he ever was. Read on to hear more of my Fury!!!”
Saving Princess Peach from Bowser is getting old for 3D Super Mario titles. EAD should at least consider enemies from the spin-off Mario games as the main villains for the next 3D Mario title. Read on for an opinion regarding one of the probable candidates : the Shroobs.