With the forum migration complete and our vast library of 400+ custom boards and events happily living on the new forum, it’s time to give these unique downloads the spotlight they deserve.
The Mario Party Custom Board Fest is a weekend dedicated to playing custom boards for the original trio of Mario Party games on the Nintendo 64. Grab a few friends, pick a board you haven’t played yet, get it imported into your game using PartyPlanner64, and get the dice rolling! After playing, we encourage you to leave a board review to let future players know what they’re getting into.
When and Where
Custom boards can be played at any time, of course, but we’re hoping this shorter time frame makes it easier to find others interested to play. And to watch! Plus, there’s a giveaway involved with these times. So, when does the event begin and end?
- Start: Friday, October 13 at 2:00 p.m. PT
- End: Sunday, October 15 at 11:59 p.m. PT
Both our forum and our Discord server will host spaces for anyone looking to join up for online play. And don’t forget, you can also play against computers! We’ll also have a space for anyone to ask questions, ask about board recommendations, and even chat with board creators. If you’re planning to play, let us know in advance in our discussion topic or dedicated Discord channel:
Review and Giveaways
As long as you submit one review on the board’s download page during the weekend event, you’ll be entered into a simple giveaway. A few sentences describing the board’s pros and cons should suffice! Once the Custom Board Fest concludes, we’ll randomly select five participants, each of which will get a $10 eShop card.
Livestreams and Recordings
We’ll also help promote any livestreams and recordings of anyone playing a custom board on Twitch or YouTube. Use the tag or hashtag CustomBoardFest in your stream and anyone following the event can quickly find your playthrough. This is in addition to posting your stream link to our forum and Discord server!
If you know you’re going to stream, let us know which day and the general time and we’ll add you to our schedule below.
Username | Where | When |
TheOneByron | Twitch | Friday at 4 p.m. PT |
GK_GotKilled | Twitch | Friday at 4 p.m. PT |
Yoshiman222 | Twitch | Friday at 6 p.m. PT |
ElSillonMagico | Twitch | Friday at 6:30 p.m. PT |
TheLewdaChris | Twitch | Friday at 7 p.m. PT |
bigdealbro | YouTube (Premiere) | Saturday at 1 p.m. PT |
SuperZambezi | Twitch | Saturday at 4 p.m. PT |
GreatSofaKing | Twitch | Saturday at 7 p.m. PT |
After the Event
Depending on how many participants we get, we’re hoping to have some kind of wrap-up article or round-up feature where we look at which boards were played and who played them. A nice little recognition to the creators of the boards and those who decided to play them. Who knows, we might even have enough to do some kind of video recapping the event!
Quick Links
That should be everything you need to know. Here are some extra links you’ll want to make use of!
Get familiar with our new forum, play a creative new custom Mario Party board, and help others discover the work of our many creators through thoughtful reviews!