Mario Party Legacy turned 14 years old today. What an absolutely wild sentence to type. To think that a little project I started in middle school continued to live on through several generations of gaming consoles and multiple reinventions of the series’ classic formula is a thought I have trouble wrapping my head around.
Who would make a website based off the Mario Party series of all things? Not everyone will get it, but so many of us have grown to love and appreciate the frantic multiplayer game immensely. Mario Party Legacy has gone through many iterations too. There were the early beginnings as The Super Mario Party Site and the focus on all Mario games throughout the 3DS and Wii U era. We had the Forum and the comments section that brought forth a wonderful community. There were the Community Nights where we’d gather to play a round of Mario Kart or Smash Bros and we’ve done contests to celebrate the incredible custom boards and events created by many incredible creators. A lot has happened!
If you’re curious about our history and some of the bigger moments from the last decade (!), take a look at this video we created to celebrate the site’s 10th anniversary:
Although, we don’t regularly post news and features anymore, Mario Party Legacy is as active as ever. Our guides continue to be an incredible resource for those that need an extra helping hand. Our walkthroughs, particularly those for Paper Mario: The Origami King and Super Mario 64, have brought in some of our largest numbers in terms of views. Our Discord continues to bring the community together and our YouTube channel even throws out a video here and there. Oh, and the Twitter is alive and better than ever too!
What does the future hold? Guides for older Mario games will continue to slowly roll in. I just completed a Paper Mario 64 guide last month and now I’m wrapping up our Super Mario Sunshine walkthrough that I started last year. If you’ve got a game you think I should write up a guide for, let me know! I’m also planning a big minigame ranking project that you’ll hear more about soon. In the meantime, here’s a little teaser!
I’m honored that I’ve been able to provide a space for so many people who love the Mario Party series or just wanted to make some friends. A lot of friendships that started here and continue to live on, including several of my own, and I’m honored to have been a part for that. Thank you all for helping make Mario Party Legacy the website that it is.
Happy Birthday, Mario Party Legacy!