Week 2: Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Update

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate for the Nintendo Switch has been revealed and the (sort of) daily pictures are back! We’re not sure how often these updates will come, but we’ll use this space to include an update that’s released. Coming from the blog of the official website, enjoy our daily pic of the day segment once again!

Thursday, June 21

Today’s Fighter
#15: Ice Climbers

Back in the battle after a ten-year absence! There are two of them, so does that make them twice as strong as other fighters?

Wednesday, June 20

Today’s Fighter
#03: Link

Link has been redesigned to match his appearance in The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. He can now pick up arrows he’s fired, and his bombs have been upgraded to remote bombs, so you can set them off when the timing is just right!

Tuesday, June 19

Today’s Item
Assist Trophy: Bomberman

Bomberman is a brand-new Assist Trophy, which means he’s here to help you during battle. The bombs he leaves on the stage detonate in his iconic, cross-shaped pattern!

Today’s Music
Bomb Rush Blush

You can now listen to “Bomb Rush Blush.”


Monday, June 18

Today’s Fighter
#01: Mario

Mario is an all-around fighter who uses his wide variety of techniques to respond to any situation. In Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, he shows up in his Wedding tux and his Builder outfit, and Cappy even makes an appearance!

Today’s Stage

This stage is sporting a redesigned look. With vast natural vistas forming a stunning backdrop behind floating platforms, this stage truly deserves its name!

Today’s Item
Black Hole

Pulls fighters and items into its powerful gravity field. If someone throws a Black Hole in your direction, you’d better keep your distance!

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