Have you ever wanted to create your own custom Mario Party boards? Well, now you can! The beta release of PartyPlanner64 is now out and available to the public! After over a year in the making, PartyPlanner64 is a custom board editor for Mario Party 1, 2, and 3 that allows you to import your own board designs into the game.
PartyPlanner64 is a browser based editor that you can use by clicking this link!
The program was revealed back in April of this year when the editor’s author, also named PartyPlanner64, uploaded several videos showcasing the program. Since then, support for Mario Party 2 and Mario Party 3 has been added, even though features are still being worked on and are currently limited.
It’s important to stress that while the release features a working editor, the program is still in its beta phase. Bugs and glitches are to be expected, and this is a great opportunity for users to report these problems here. The open-source nature of PartyPlanner64 allows users to contribute code and documentation, so anything you can provide to the GitHub page would be very much appreciated!
There is also a guide on creating your own board with specific rules and regulations for what you can and can’t do on a given board, as well as current limitations.
So! Now that you’ve had a chance to tinker around with PartyPlanner64, why not try some boards from other users? A new goal at Mario Party Legacy will be to provide a space for users to upload and share their custom boards with the world. We have a database of boards set up where users can comment, rate, and of course, download the latest creations. Our first downloadable board for Mario Party 1, Snowflake Lake, is already up and ready for use!
We also have new discussion boards on our Forum that gives you a place to discuss the editor and to show off the boards you’re currently working on! You can see the general PartyPlanner64 board here, and the Custom Boards board here. And if you’re interested to see some designs from our Custom Boards Contest #1, check this link to see seven custom boards!
What are you waiting for? Check out the beta release of PartyPlanner64 now!