Week of: 5/9/16 – 5/15/16
Nintendo Spot is basically the major Nintendo news that blasts onto the internet and such, be it leaks or actual news, you’ll hear it from me. I, Sol, will be tackling it as soon as I can, so come here each day to see what has come out into the open!
Sunday, May 15th
It appears Nintendo truly is inspecting getting into the movie business! The current president of Nintendo, Tatsumi Kimishima, discussed in an interview with Asahi that Nintendo certainly is going to go into the movie business but expresses that he wishes Nintendo will have as much control over films as they can. This is probably to avoid licensing disasters like years past. However, whatever these movies may be, he said that these projects won’t be really out and about till the next couple years. What do you want Nintendo to make a movie? I really hope they make a cool Metroid movie, even though the series is actually based on the Alien movie series.
It seems that this worldwide Splatfest was an extremely close one. Team Fancy Party won by just a sliver over Costume Party! Which were you a part of? Did you side with the formal grace of Callie or the quirky fun side of Callie? Personally, I was with Callie all the way. Fancy parties are just so fun, you know?
Usually, I don’t cover speculation, but I have seen no one cover this and I think this is a huge discovery. A person on YouTube who goes by “Pdwinnall” appears to have found the final evolution types for Rowlet, Litten, and Popplio through going into the coding of the Japanese site for Pokémon Sun and Moon. I won’t spoil it since it is yet to be concrete, but I don’t doubt that this isn’t true. They are intriguing, to say the least…
Sunday, May 15th
Lights, Camera, Mario!
It appears Nintendo truly is inspecting getting into the movie business! The current president of Nintendo, Tatsumi Kimishima, discussed in an interview with Asahi that Nintendo certainly is going to go into the movie business but expresses that he wishes Nintendo will have as much control over films as they can. This is probably to avoid licensing disasters like years past. However, whatever these movies may be, he said that these projects won’t be really out and about till the next couple years. What do you want Nintendo to make a movie? I really hope they make a cool Metroid movie, even though the series is actually based on the Alien movie series.
The Next Splatfest is Almost Here
It seems that this worldwide Splatfest was an extremely close one. Team Fancy Party won by just a sliver over Costume Party! Which were you a part of? Did you side with the formal grace of Callie or the quirky fun side of Callie? Personally, I was with Callie all the way. Fancy parties are just so fun, you know?
Final Evolution of Generation 7 Starters?
Usually, I don’t cover speculation, but I have seen no one cover this and I think this is a huge discovery. A person on YouTube who goes by “Pdwinnall” appears to have found the final evolution types for Rowlet, Litten, and Popplio through going into the coding of the Japanese site for Pokémon Sun and Moon. I won’t spoil it since it is yet to be concrete, but I don’t doubt that this isn’t true. They are intriguing, to say the least…
Sunday, May 15th
Lights, Camera, Mario!
It appears Nintendo truly is inspecting getting into the movie business! The current president of Nintendo, Tatsumi Kimishima, discussed in an interview with Asahi that Nintendo certainly is going to go into the movie business but expresses that he wishes Nintendo will have as much control over films as they can. This is probably to avoid licensing disasters like years past. However, whatever these movies may be, he said that these projects won’t be really out and about till the next couple years. What do you want Nintendo to make a movie? I really hope they make a cool Metroid movie, even though the series is actually based on the Alien movie series.
The Next Splatfest is Almost Here
It seems that this worldwide Splatfest was an extremely close one. Team Fancy Party won by just a sliver over Costume Party! Which were you a part of? Did you side with the formal grace of Callie or the quirky fun side of Callie? Personally, I was with Callie all the way. Fancy parties are just so fun, you know?
Final Evolution of Generation 7 Starters?
Usually, I don’t cover speculation, but I have seen no one cover this and I think this is a huge discovery. A person on YouTube who goes by “Pdwinnall” appears to have found the final evolution types for Rowlet, Litten, and Popplio through going into the coding of the Japanese site for Pokémon Sun and Moon. I won’t spoil it since it is yet to be concrete, but I don’t doubt that this isn’t true. They are intriguing, to say the least…
Saturday, May 14th
The Sonic comic series is one of the longest comic series running out there–literally. A new spin-off comic series has been announced and given details and is based on Sonic Boom (the television series), and it seems to be planned for a release on September 7th. It also is said to be a comedy comic series to coincide with the Sonic Boom TV series! We’ll just have to see how this plays out, won’t we?
In Japan, Splatoon playing cards have been announced. Looks like they promise all the freshness and coolness that comes with the actual game. There are three different designs but all capture the aesthetic of Splatoon; you can see them above! You can check them out here on Nintendo of Japan’s official website. However, if you want to pre-order them and don’t live in Japan (most likely, you don’t), you can go to PlayAsia for that!
Friday, May 13th
Perhaps you aren’t aware of the new My Nintendo update that’s come around, so allow me to inform you. You can now get Platinum Points from registering for promotional emails from My Nintendo. Signing up will give you 30 Platinum Points; what a steal! If you still aren’t satisfied, then you might be eager to hear that every month you continue allowing promotional emails to come through, you get another 10 Platinum points. Just imagine how many you’ll have in time for the holiday season!

Fans who played the original Gold, Silver, or Crystal games in the Pokémon series will certainly remember the gym leader Whitney’s scary Miltank. You might be delighted to hear you have the power to have her Miltank in your hands, soon enough! Any one who registers for the Pokémon Johto Classic challenge will get this iconic Miltank, but they must also complete three battles, too. Remember, registration won’t end until the last minute of May 23rd, friends. Just like Whitney’s, Miltank has the moves Stomp, Milk Drink, Attract, and Rollout. It is also level 20, but if you think Ghost types will be an issue against this Normal-type Pokémon, do not be discouraged! Miltank has Scrappy, which allows it to hit Ghost-types with Normal moves. To put a cherry on this sundae, the actual “OT” or “Original Trainer” is marked as Whitney.
Alright, I hate to keep posting Pokémon news, but there is yet another Pokémon from Sun and Moon shown off! This one was found in CoroCoro’s official teaser for the game that showcases the starters we’ve met earlier this week. However, at around the :12 mark, you’ll see a new Pokémon sniffing about next to an NPC as the trainer leaves their home. I won’t describe it and such, as it hasn’t been officially fleshed out, however, from what fans surmise it to be, you will be pleasantly excited to see it! What do you think it looks like?
Thursday, May 12th
There isn’t really MORE news for Pokémon Sun and Moon, but soon there will be! That’s right, Japanese magazine CoroCoro, well-known for their Pokémon leaks, promises that in their issue for next month, an exclusive piece of news will lie inside. What will it be? Perhaps a confirmation on Solgaleo’s and Lunaala’s name? Maybe new Pokémon already?
Also, this may be a small piece of news but is important to me. The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass is making its proud return to gamer’s hands now, as it just released on the Virtual Console on the Wii U! We haven’t gotten a wide array of Nintendo DS games available on the Wii U; however, it is great to have some of the best come first. This version can only be used with the Wii U GamePad. I remember this game fondly, while I never played it myself, my siblings did. It was what introduced me to the world of Zelda’s video games!
Wednesday, May 11th

The Nintendo 2DS has announced a price drop for the states! It is now $79.99, so celebrate if you aren’t into buying a normal 3DS. However, I think the more important news is that with this small announcement, Nintendo showed off their new slogan: “There’s No Play Like It.” How cool!
Hey Phoenix Wright fans! You should keep in mind that Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney – Dual Destinies and the special trilogy are only going to be on sale on the 3DS eShop until May 18th! Dual Destinies is currently $14.99 and the trilogy is $17.99. I think the time is now for you all to try out one of the best game series out there. Especially the trilogy; to get personal, I think that the trilogy is much more suitable as a start to the series.
Well, GameXplain didn’t waste their time getting their analysis Pokémon Sun and Moon up. They’ve analyzed the region, the characters, and of course, the starters! This whole Hawaii theme is heavily explored through this video as well; do you guys like that the Alola region is based on Hawaii? Personally, I’m not much for tropical weather, but the game’s beauty surely has made up for that!
Tuesday, May 10th
A quick update from SuperZambezi to quickly bring you the first gameplay footage of Pokemon Sun and Moon, including the three starters and both legendaries! Check back later today for the full update with Sol!
Thanks SZ. Sorry I was a bit busy with the comatose I was put through because of all these Pokémon! Now, get exposed to the brand-new Alola region! Above, the starter Pokémon were shown for Pokémon Sun and Moon and they are fantastic.

The first is Rowlet, a Grass/Flying type owl-like Pokémon. Rowlet can attack without making a sound! It flies silently through the skies, drawing near to its opponent without being noticed, and then lashing out with powerful kicks. It can also attack from a distance using the razor-sharp leaves that form part of its feathers. Its visual abilities are impressive. The darkness of night is no obstacle to Rowlet! It can twist its neck nearly 180° from front to back so it can see directly behind itself. It has a habit of turning its head in battle to face its Trainer and receive instructions.The move Leafage attacks an opponent by striking it with leaves. Rowlet knows this move from the moment it becomes your partner!

The next is Litten, a simple Fire Pokémon that looks like a cat! Logical but also passionate, Litten always remains coolheaded and doesn’t show its emotions on the surface. Litten can attack with flaming hairballs! Its fur is rich in oils and immensely flammable. Litten grooms itself by licking its fur, and then uses the collected fur as fuel for fireball attacks! When the time comes for Litten to shed its old fur, it all burns up in a glorious blaze. The move Ember attacks an opponent by firing a small flame at it. Litten knows this move from the moment it becomes your partner!

The last, but certainly not least, is a little Water-type sea-lion Pokémon named Popplio. He’s my choice for sure! Popplio’s swimming speed is known to exceed 25 mph. It’s better at moving in the water than on land. Still, when it’s on land, it takes advantage of the elasticity of its balloons to perform acrobatic stunts and jumps. Popplio can snort out balloons made of water! Watch it spin water balloons into a playful battle strategy! Both frivolous and hard-working, Popplio can easily get carried away—unleashing enough power in battle to make quite a spectacle! But Popplio’s determined spirit means it can usually be found practicing hard on its balloon skills. The Water Gun move attacks an opponent by firing a jet of water. Popplio knows this move from the moment it becomes your partner!
Also, please watch the Japanese Trailer (found above) as it shows off a bit more. You’ll even see an array of races to choose from for your avatars, similar to how its found in XY. Finally, below this post, you can see the box art of the Pokémon Sun and Moon games; presumably, these are Solgaleo and Lunaala.

Oh, okay, there’s also that Miitomo update. You guys remember the one where it expanded the way of inviting friends through Miitomo? Well, it has arrived. However, well, it crashes a lot! In fact, inviting a friend crashes the game entirely. So, please be careful, friends!
Monday, May 9th
So, a texture pack for Minecraft on the Wii U is coming with the game’s release. It is free, of course, but since the site has better articles, I’ll link to them. If you are a big fan of both Super Mario and Minecraft (which you being here probably means you are a fan of one of them), you should check it all out. Here is the main article and the other which details special costumes found in the game can be found here.
If you remember to a few weeks back, there was a poll that ranked the most handsome Pokémon. Now, a new one has breached through onto the internet, this time ranking Pokémon by their… er, ugliness. Oh, don’t worry if you like these guys! It isn’t their fault they are just a bit on the gross side. Here they are:
- Grimer
- Muk
- Weezing
- Jynx
- Hypno
- Skrelp
- Exeggutor
- Gloom
- Magmortar
- Victreebel
I don’t really talk about products and the like, but many people know that I think official figurines such as those made by First4Figures are quite important to the news that you may hear in a day. So, if you are big on collecting figures or Metroid, perhaps you’d like to know that Samus in her Varia Suit’s figure by First4Figures has its pre-orders live tomorrow at First4Figures.com. I instantly see their Samus figure and am blown away; seriously, look at her!