This Community Night, we’re going to let you guys pick the game again!
Many of you have been wanting to play certain games within the Community Nights, and now for the next one on Saturday, October 17th, 2015, we’re going to let you all decide! It’ll go simply like this – try to show up at least an hour before the Community Night starts, and we’ll decide what game(s) we shall play throughout!
What else do I need to do to play?
Well, show up! Whatever game we play, we’ll play. And we can play multiple games if you want to play something else. This is simply to get everyone here and playing games together!
Important Notes:
– No cheating, this is just an event for fun, not some kind of competition.
– Respect the other players. Don’t come on just to ruin everyone else’s fun.
– Finally – have fun!
We’ll be using the shoutbox below for the duration of the community night – feel free to chat with your fellow readers before we begin and perhaps even set up some practice matches while you are waiting. See you all then!