Every week, join the discussion as we present a question to the community and provide a quick analysis and our very own answer! Respond with your own answer and share all your thoughts in the comments! Who knows, we might just feature your comment in our next post!
Hey guys, Tyler here! Looks like i’ll be doing the Question of the Week more often since Mr. Koczwara is a busy man. So now that i’m in charge we’re gonna talk about what I like to talk about: Waluigi! Waluigi is easily my favorite Mario character (sorry Jimmy T) and I feel like he doesn’t get enough respect in the gaming community.
But before we get into the question from this week, let’s take a look at the opinions from last QotW. Last time we asked how you were enjoying the Super Smash Bros. For 3DS demo and what you thought of their choice to give the demo out a week early to Club Nintendo Platinum members. User gmanextreme9 said he loved it and that “the new characters were all great.” Most users enjoyed the demo (in fact I couldn’t find any negative comments to run here) with MKKINGZ2 adding that the demo “stops you [from] being so impatient for the release of the game.” With that out of the way let us get to this weeks question…
Does Waluigi Deserve A Bigger Role In Mario Games?
I strongly believe that Waluigi, indisputably the greatest Mario character of all time, should get more love in the Mario series. While Super Mario 3D World was a fantastic game it still featured the same old bad guy up to his same old tricks. Nobody cares about Bowser after whooping him in dozens of games already, the people are ready for a new challenge. That challenge is Waluigi.
If you don’t think Waluigi deserves a role as the main antagonist maybe he should be the main protagonist of a game. Mario games, known for their deep lore and storytelling, somehow have not yet told Waluigi’s origin story. Who is this mustachioed gentleman and what is he about? His own game would be a great way to find out.
If you want to be able to get your smash on for free then don’t forget to enter our Super Smash Bros. for 3DS Giveaway!